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Podcast |
The Archers
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Performing Arts
Publication Date |
Sep 15, 2020
Episode Duration |
Gavin’s taking Blake to a medical appointment, under cover; Blake’s not meant to be working. He assures Philip he’ll manage it. Philip ticks off Gavin for getting too matey with the slaves. Later Gavin reports Blake’s clearly still in pain with his back. Philip reckons they can’t go a man down and asks if they should get rid of Blake but Gavin’s not sure. Chris apologises to Philip for his cousin Brad sending a fake solicitor’s letter. It’s a touchy subject for Philip. He asks Chris about the birdfeeder he’s making for Lynda and Robert. He’s having a film night with Alice tonight. Philip’s heard they’ve been married over ten years. Chris still can’t believe his luck that Alice fell for him. Alice is drinking by the Am, waiting for Fallon who’s a no show. Alice has had a rough day with Adam and Brian bickering. She just wants some time on her own. As Chris wonders where she’s got to, increasingly drunk Alice leaves an abusive message for Emma. As frantic Chris calls Harrison and people are out looking for Alice, Gavin finds her out cold in a lane. He phones his dad. He wants to call an ambulance but Philip orders him to drive away. He can’t risk Blake being seen if the police come. Gavin can call for help on a burner phone later, but he has to leave Alice where she is now.

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