146 - Mother Of All Surgeries - Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP)
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Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Jul 09, 2018
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Sarah Simpson is one of those people you meet and immediately ask yourself “DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS?” She also happened to have a mega wacky cancer called “pseudomyxoma peritonei”. Luckily Dr. Sugarbaker is a real human/god in the world of surgery and creater of the MOAS (Mother Of All Surgeries) where they remove as many oragns you can live without! Can YOU guess them all? Also “jelly belly” sounds fun, but heck no it ain’t and Tinder for sperm donors is kind of a thing. Enjoy one of our favourite LIVE shows of all time from Squamish, BC. OH CANADA!

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