139 - You Got Sleep Apnea Bro
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
May 21, 2018
Episode Duration |

We decided to follow up a hard week of loss with some light hearted and silly fun! This week we’ve got a very special host episode AND sit down with our long time friend of the podcast/sound guy, DONOVAN THE MIRCAT MORGAN. Although from this day forth he will now be known as Donovan "C-PAP" Morgan on account of his Sleep Apnea machine. That’s right! We take a deep dive into the world of the tricky sleep disorder, sleep apnea. As it turns out we can say with almost 99.9% certainty Jeremie also suffers from this pain in the butt condition. How does sleep (or lack there of) effect a human? Can one still enjoy hanky panky with a night time breathing machine? All of this and much much more! 

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