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131. Treadmill: is it the same as outdoor running?
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Publication Date |
Dec 05, 2021
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TREADMILL VS. OUTDOOR RUNNING: ARE THEY THE SAME? 🤔 Podcast Episode #131 🎙FREE 7 day coaching trial . A frequent question we get asked is: What are the PROS and CONS of running on the treadmill and running outside?! Are they the same? . CONS OF THE TREADMILL👎 ⭐️ Treadmills do not allow your body to use as many muscles (when outside you do not need to pivot to change directions; you are running in one direction the entire time) ⭐️ Treadmill belts assist leg turnover which makes running faster easier and doesn’t translate as well to racing outside You are not able to mimic outdoor race day conditions inside . PROS OF THE TREADMILL👍 ⭐️ The treadmill is a softer surface, which can give your joints a break! ⭐️ You can set the speed for workouts without having to check your watch for your pace . CONS OF OUTSIDE RUNNING👎 ⭐️ You are at the mercy of the elements outside which can be dangerous ⭐️ You have to monitor your pace more frequently during workouts . PROS OF OUTSIDE RUNNING👍 ⭐️ You activate more muscles when running outside by changing directions and needing to maneuver more! ⭐️ Running outside callouses your body and allows your body to become stronger due to the harder surfaces ⭐️ You can mimic race day conditions and surfaces . THE BOTTOM LINE👇 If you're training for a race, running outside is the best possible way to mimic race day. Sometimes the treadmill is the only option due to unfavorable weather, not having childcare to get outside of a run, etc.. Run outside when it's safe, and use the treadmill as a tool when needed! . Follow us for more training tips @run4prs .

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