125 - DIRE Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Feb 05, 2018
Episode Duration |

This week on Sickboy we sit down with Will MacGregor; a man whos braved the medical system, run the gauntlet of tests and treatments, and has advocated for himself to receive the care he needs. His mysterious and fascinating story involves a diagnosis of Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome that has lead to a series of unfortunate complications that we explore in this in-depth chat.

With Taylor away in sunny Nicaragua, the guys invited special guest host, Andrew The Camera Guy, to help reign things in. Evidently, by the length of this conversation, he did a shit job at keeping things on track… or perhaps this was just a case of a long rollercoaster-of-a-story detailing Will’s battle with WPW and it’s associated complications! After listening to this episode you’ll pretty much be a doctor, so hold on tight, take some notes, and get ready to learn a shit load! 

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