117 - Biohack The System: Legally Blind
Podcast |
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Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Dec 04, 2017
Episode Duration |

What does it mean to be "legally blind"? Well, hardcore tunnel vision would do the trick. Victor knows all about it. From the challenges of kicking over children because you can’t see them, to losing your license, to no longer being able to play “Cops & Robbers” Victor knows how crappy it is to be blind. Victor AKA "The Blind Biohacker" drops some knowledge on the fellas re: blindness, night vision, electromagnetism, harmful light, orange sunglasses, sequix machines… You know, SCI-FI! Why do florescent lights suck? Ever hear of Nano Leaf, cause they are changing the game! We also take a deep dive into the world of psychedelics. Buckle up for a decent little trip! 

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