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109. Undoing Diet Culture Thinking with Jennifer Steinman Sternin
Publisher |
Dear Media
Media Type |
Publication Date |
Mar 29, 2023
Episode Duration |

In this episode of What You’re Craving, Molly interviews Jennifer Steinman Sternin, an award-winning filmmaker with over 20 years of experience in television and filmmaking. Jennifer is passionate about creating films that speak to the heart and has gained incredible insights into the human spirit through the process of creating her documentaries, which involve deep dives into people's lives.

During the conversation, Jennifer discusses the ways she has healed through being of service to others and finding bigger problems than her own, which she feels can help shift one's perspective. She shares her personal journey of breaking up with diet culture and finding freedom from societal expectations as a woman. Jennifer talks about her struggles with food, eating, and weight and how she continues to work on loving her body, regardless of its size.

Jennifer highlights the need for women to be furious about diet culture, not themselves, and discusses the importance of accepting and loving one's body for what it is, rather than striving for unattainable beauty standards. Her insights and experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone struggling with similar issues. Join us as we dive into the impact of societal expectations on women's self-esteem and learn more about Jennifer’s filmmaking process.

Episode Quotes:

  • “We think it's an issue about us and our self control, and if were doing it right or wrong or good or bad. We’ve internalized it as our issue, but this is patriarchy working on women… I want women to get furious about diet culture.”

Connect with Jennifer Steinman:



Instagram: @jennifersteinman


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