Talk Tripe has not favorited a podcast yet.

    Talk Tripe has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • Husband and wife give a very wholesome and thoughtful review of popular films like two best friends!
    Jun 28, 2017
    This podcast is a delight to listen to as these two thoughtfully discuss movies and life in general. The recording quality is top notch and the opinions are fresh and real. It feels like you're listening to your favorite young married couple talk tripe about their recent trip to the cinema. Very open, honest, and fun! Ruth's thoughts on Wonder Woman brought to light a lot of ideas I hadn't thought of before. Age, beauty, and what love truly means when you're immortal? Good questions. I like Ruth's wit regarding Aries recognizing Diana, Princess of Themyscira, "Weren't you listening...[Kevin]?" #LOL. I hope your baby safely arrives soon!

    Talk Tripe has not reviewed an episode yet.

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