InfiniteTachyon has not favorited a podcast yet.

    InfiniteTachyon has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • Really enjoying the podcast, and I'm excited when I see it pop on my downloader every week.
    Sep 07, 2019
    DM Robulon has a great gift for storytelling. He gives his players rooms to play and counters them when appropriate. But always, the always the story and the characters come first. It's quite well sound boarded effects-wise. He also has some custom theme music that I have caught myself whistling or humming while I work. Cast is great, they have a lot of fun with it all and you can tell they want to play and they want to affect the world around them. Give them a listen, friends and adventurers!

    InfiniteTachyon has not reviewed an episode yet.

InfiniteTachyon has not listened to an episode yet.