Jen hit her head on the microphone so it's a day late. Shena cries when she sees a freeway. Jen doesn't understand the country's inability to see yellow...Podcast shout outs: Hey down in Front, Braless Podcast, Dan and Kody, More Gooder Than, The Two Bob's, Besotted Geek, My So Called Whatever, Those Movie Guys, I Shake My Head, Rough
Giraffe.Beverages brought to you by: Great Lakes, New Belgium, Miller back up...Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!! Yea I kept it in... IT'S FOOTBALL!!!Twitter: @_youdontknowishInstagram: @youdontknowish_podcastEmail:
youdontknowishpodcast@gmail.comFacebook: … who the hell knows… something with “You Don’t Know Ish” in it… ishAll research done by the ish girls done via the wonderful interwebs. The girls often use Wikipedia and multiple media articles. All fact or non fact information read from media articles are meant for fun. If we misquoted any piece of research, that is par for the course... Thank you interwebs...Thank you.