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Yarn | A story podcastinactive
Publisher |
John Roche
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Short Stories
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Society & Culture
Documentaries and dramas. Whether we're spinning yarns or unraveling them, Yarn is about telling interesting stories.

We have about 27 different stories now, each in a different style. Most episodes are standalone but some bigger stories are part of a series. We've done a 3-part doc series on the history of disability, a 2-part docu-drama about a German spy in Ireland during WW2. We've taken listeners on a trip around the Chernobyl exclusion zone, on a ride-along with a New York police officer and into the bizarre palace of a corrupt dictator.

Irish Podcast Awards: Winner, Best Factual '22
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Produced In |
Dublin, Leinster
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40 Available Episodes (40 Total)Average duration: 00:28:05
Dec 12 | 00:42:54
Escape from Madrid
May 01 | 00:50:05
The Highest Cyclist in the World
Apr 29 | 00:11:30
Yarn Extra | The music from the highest cyclist in the world
Apr 22 | 00:50:25
Yarn Drama Hour
Mar 30 | 00:22:21
The Stalker
Mar 02 | 00:27:31
Kyiv Calling
Oct 12 | 01:28:59
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury
May 14 | 00:59:18
Lone Actor Terrorism
May 02 | 00:23:04
The Secret Palace
Nov 22 | 00:48:43
Ep3: Disability. A Parallel History | Darkest before the dawn
Great stories, well told
Sep 11, 2018 by Mrjohnroche

Yarn story podcast nails what makes podcasts great. It features true(ish) short stories and essays that inform and entertain. The narration style is intimate and personal. Original music and voice actors pop in and out, which adds a nice texture. A lot of the stories focus on interesting characters the narrator has met. A bare-knuckle boxing hipster and a reggae music obsessed football hooligan to name a couple. An episode called The Siren explores the tumultuous history of the narrator’s home town. It includes witch trials, Oliver Cromwell, nuclear bombs and the IRA. My favorite episode so far is Lefty. It’s a deeply personal biographical account with a bit of a twist. It tells the story of what it was like for the narrator growing up with Cerebral Palsy. This mostly affected the narrators left leg. Lefty the leg becomes a voiced character himself in the story. It’s an interesting way to explain what Cerebral Palsy is to a wider audience and the music score adds a lot of tension and emotion to the piece. With only a handful of episodes released thus far, Yarn story podcast is only getting started. I look forward to hearing how it progresses.

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