Rudyard’s in charge of an historically themed parade, with a yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.
Watch Wooden Overcoats Season 4 performed live onstage and online at Wooden Overcoats Live. The next show is on 13 February at King’s Place and on KPlayer.
Episode-5-Dead-Mans-Chest.pdf">Read the recording script.
CastRudyard Funn: Felix TrenchAntigone Funn: Beth EyreGeorgie Crusoe: Ciara BaxendaleEric Chapman: Tom CrowleyMadeleine: Belinda LangMayor Desmond Desmond: Sean BakerReverend Nigel Wavering: Andy SecombeLady Vivienne Templar: Catriona KnoxSid Marlowe: Paul PutnerAgatha Doyle: Alison SkilbeckMouse: Holly CampbellAnnouncer: Eleanor RushtonCrewWriter: Sarah ShachatScript Editor: David K. BarnesProducers: Andy Goddard & John WakefieldProduction Manager: Elizabeth CampbellComposer: James WhittleMusic: James Whittle and the Piffling PhilharmonicScript Supervisor: Meghan FitzmartinRecorded at the Octagon Studio, Brixton