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Submit ReviewWe have all heard the phrase : follow your passion and everything will fall into place. But I also can't help but to think of another very popular phrase which is : some things are much easier said than done.
I find it funny that when I was younger and I was asked 'what do you want to be when you grow up', my response was one that was very confident and it came with no hesitation…mind you I was also five years old at the time.
But if you were to ask me this same question today, I would be confident in saying that I actually don’t know.
Now this isn't to say it’s a bad thing to not be able to pinpoint what it is that you want to do for the rest of your life…and that’s because we’re finally realizing we are multifaceted human beings who are constantly growing, learning and embracing different versions of ourselves.
Of course, change can be frightening, especially in today’s world which is laced with so much uncertainty, but what do you do if you no longer enjoy the career path you had chosen for yourself?
In today’s episode, I have an insightful conversation with none other than Maariyah Choudrey, who is a Chief of Staff at Uber, content creator and your big sis in tech!
Chances are you have come across a post or video of Maariyah’s account, which is @lifewithmaars, where she shares business tips and advice for working women, her love of modest fashion and beauty, and where she documents her adventures as a foodie in NYC.
So, what is the secret of those who do make it to the other side? The ones who take the leap and pivot careers?
In this conversation, Maariyah shares her career transition journey from pre-med to finance and her most recent role in tech. We also navigate the ways in which one can leverage their skills and their network to successfully pivot careers.
Fear of failure may be at the forefront of our minds, but Maariyah discusses her own personal experiences with self doubt and finding the confidence within her that is needed to move forward.
As Muslim women, in today’s society, how can we show up as our full selves in the workplace without comprising our beliefs and faith?
Tune in to find out!Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Maariyah on Instagram:@lifewithmaars
What do you do when the things you want most are happening for everyone but you?
Who do you become when your plans don't fall through? When you are in the waiting period of your life?
When I look back on my own life journey thus far, I realize that if everything had gone according to my plans and not God’s Plan, I don't think I would have been as intentional or filled with all of the gratitude I have for all that I was blessed with today.
Maybe my relationship with Allah wouldn’t be as strong as it is today, either. Today I am a bit more grateful that my life path came with a couple of bumps in the road and just the right amount of rerouting. I am where God has intended for me to be.A delay in our plans is essentially Allah gifting us with more time. Time to work on ourselves. To prioritize the blessings we have right in front of us and maybe this delay is a much needed breather.
Subhanallah, how even in the delay there is khair and you can almost see how Allah is working on you, bettering you for the next chapter of your life. A chapter that includes an answered dua of yours. And so while your dua is coming to life, Allah is also preparing you for it.
In today’s episode, I sit down with a dear friend of mine, Halima Jama. Not only is she a talented photographer but she is the type of sister that is always right on time with her words of encouragement. She is the friend who will send you a reminder at 2am letting you know how much you are loved. And for me she is a reminder of Allah’s mercy.
And in our discussion Halima reminds us that two things can be true - we can grieve what we had hoped to be and we can be grateful for what is right in this moment.
In the process of holding on and believing that relief is being sent our way from Allah, we have to also come to terms that there will be setbacks and loss along the way. Every single thing that happens to us, is happening for us and it’s all part of the most intricate puzzle known to mankind and that is God’s Plan.
Let that sink in - look back at how things in the past have unfolded and how you had become grateful for the way that things worked out. How every detail and every single event happened in the way that Allah had written. Look at how meticulous God is - how He creates every single thing with a purpose and you are no different.
In today’s conversation we are reminded that our life story is in the palms of Allah. Our life story is in the hands of our Creator. Our life story is being handled by the most Merciful and loving beings we will ever come to know. Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Halima Jama on Instagram:@halimajamaCheck out Halima's work:Click here
Going after what makes you happy as an Arab Muslim woman doesn’t always come with instant gratification. There is pain and guilt involved when finally making a decision for yourself.
I often wonder to myself, will I ever experience happiness without allowing myself to poison the moment by the idea that I’m making others unhappy in return.Grief is interesting when it shows up in moments where you are welcoming a new chapter in your life - a chapter you have been making dua for for the longest. Yet somehow and someway without an invite, grief can show up and incessantly knock on your door and you have no choice but to acknowledge it.
But I’m trying my best to not allow grief to paralyze me, or to instill fear in me and prevent me from entering this new chapter of my life.
I am someone who has stayed in her comfort zone for far too long and so, naturally self doubt is trying to keep me here a bit longer but for the first time I’m refusing to do so.
Someone else who may understand what I am going through is none other than Abeer Najjar. She is a self taught chef and food writer, born on the Southside of Chicago to Palestinian immigrant parents - and in today’s episode Abeer shares with us her journey of self growth and self development as an Arab woman.
I have a heart to heart with Abeer in regards to some of her most recent decisions that she has made and how that has impacted her relationship with her parents. I’ve realized that when discussing the topic of self development as an Arab woman it is almost impossible to not touch upon our past and current relationship with our immigrant parents and how that has shaped the decisions we are making today.
As grown adults how can we transform our bond with our parents to welcome them into the new chapters of our lives?
We also can't forget about the picture of Abeer at Umrah going viral - a picture that had captured a beautiful moment between Abeer and her brother - but I also wanted to discuss the experiences she had at Umrah, the ones that weren't captured within this photo and the reflections she can share with us that she has brought back from her trip.
How does ihsan and taqwa play a role in our lives as Muslim women who are trying to forge a new path for themselves, while balancing a relationship with their parents and working towards emotional independence?
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Abeer Najjar on Instagram:@abeernajjar_Check out Abeer's blog:Click here
Each of us are on our own unique life journey and for some of us we have yet to find the one to start a family with, so what do we do when society is constantly reminding us of our ticking biological clock and how do we approach the conversation of having kids when we are truly ready?
For the past year, I have been a bit anxious when I think about my future and having children of my own inshallah. This anxiety stemmed from realizing that marriage may not be written for me at this very moment and my age is definitely not waiting on me to find the one.
Like most, this is a very intimate conversation that I have been having within my circle of close girlfriends. Unfortunately, for some of us, we didn't learn much about fertility in our early 20s and fast forward to today, we are in our 30s and unsure of what next steps to take when it comes to the topic of having kids and what options we have in preserving our fertility.
We are all asking ourselves the question: should I be worried about my biological clock?
Thankfully, there have been notable technological advances when it comes to reproductive health care but what does that mean for us?
In today’s episode, I sit down with Koko Zuberi, she holds an impressive background in working with UN Women in the Partnerships and Outreach sector and someone who is graciously choosing to share her own personal experience with the egg freezing process.
In this conversation, we share our thoughts on the pressures women face to start a family, how we truly feel being in our 30s and being unmarried, and what motivated Koko to make the decision of freezing her eggs?
We stress the importance of paying our doctors a visit to get checked, regardless if we are ready to have kids or not and how does one have this super serious conversation with our potential partners - especially when they may be oblivious to our biological clock. And of course we can't forget our parents and what this means for them as well.
Having conversations like this is vital, while some of us may have a strong support group, there are many others out there who may not have someone to turn to when discussing topics such as fertility - and so I hope this discussion sheds light on this, quote on quote, taboo topic.
I also want to stress the fact that Koko and I are not medical professionals, nor are we scholars. Please consult with your trusted doctors and Islamic advisors if you are seriously thinking about egg freezing.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Koko Zuberi on Instagram:@heyitsmekoko
Death isn’t the greatest loss in life, it’s the spiritual death of our hearts while we are still living.
I once heard that we treat death like a mystery, when in fact, it’s the one experience all of us are guaranteed to share.
As human beings living in this dunya, we tend to not see the shape of the life we’ve lived until we have reached the end of it. Subhanallah how death is the one thing that simultaneously kills us but also motivates us to live a very fulfilled life, a life that Allah is pleased with.
Through seeking knowledge surrounding this topic I have read that the acceptance of death is not the same thing as giving up on life, instead it allows us to bring meaning to our lives.
But why do we fear it so much? And for me personally, if I can’t handle the death of a loved one, how can I ever prepare myself for my own death?
In today’s episode I sit down with Lena Tleib, a humanitarian, a community leader, and someone who is very active in the civic and social sector.
Lena is someone whom I’ve had the pleasure of attending her lectures and someone who gives great advice and insight pertaining to our faith. And so, she was the perfect guest to discuss the topic of the Hereafter.
She is also someone who performs ghusl at our local Masjid - which is the process of washing the bodies of the deceased. I wanted to learn more about how this experience has shaped her connection to Allah and strengthened her in her faith.
How can we be more comfortable with transitioning from this dunya to the Hereafter? How can we have the Akhira in our hearts and the dunya in our hands?
If the belief in life after death is central to the meaning and purpose of our lives as Muslims, then how can we truly believe in the temporariness of this dunya and the permanence of the Hereafter?
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Lena Tleib on Instagram:@lenatleibFollow Lena Tleib on Facebook:Click HereCheck out Lena's Zakat Fundraiser:Click Here
I once heard that if the battle is bigger than you, than it’s not only your battle to fight, God is reminding you to seek His help in these moments, too.
I believe that sometimes we tend to focus more so on the state that we’re in when entering Ramadan instead of shifting our focus to our potential in this month. We can be discouraged in where our hearts may be when approaching Ramadan, not realizing that the purpose of this month is for us to seek the healing we desperately need. I truly believe we always leave Ramadan better than we have entered it.
When growing up, to no one’s fault, I felt like our faith was more about restriction than anything else, but over the years I set the intention to truly connect to Allah and the more knowledge I sought, the more I understood that our faith was about protection.
Allah has protected us from harm in more ways than we can ever count, in ways that are not so visible to us and in moments when we forgot to even make dua to receive His protection in the first place. Allah’s protection is one of the many ways His mercy is shown to us. My heart erupts with so much love for Allah, when I look back on moments where I felt so lost and so alone, and yet He lovingly nudged me back onto the right path, reminding me that no matter how far I’ve strayed, He always called me back to Him.
In today’s episode I sit down with Samia Mubarak, a student and teacher of the Quran and a Special Needs Advocate. This episode brought tears to my eyes and relief to my heart because of the way Samia invokes such love in our hearts for our Creator and in the ways she breaks down every verse, showing us that every surah is a love letter written to us by Allah (swt), guiding us back to Him.
The topics may be heavy within this discussion but Samia’s reminders are filled with pockets of ease that we truly need to hear and for us to allow it to wash over our hearts, hearts that may be shattered and in need of mending.
Within this conversation, we discuss the purpose of our hardships, how to soften our hardened hearts and to not be discouraged by our sins and our shortcomings, how to truly bring our imperfections to our Creator who is perfect, how to know the difference between the hardships we can overcome on our own and what can we leave for Allah to take care of on our behalf and how to know we have truly been forgiven?
I highly recommend that you check out Samia’s instagram account for inspiring content that reminds us of Allah’s love and mercy and to sign up for her Quranic Reflection classes. A great way to truly strengthen this sisterhood and to reap the rewards by doing so, is donating a Quranic class so that other women can connect to the Quran and our faith. All links are provided in the episode show notes!
Let’s dive in.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Samia Mubarak on Instagram:@quranic_oceanCheck out Samia's website and courses:Click HereHuge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up here:
If you find darkness in your heart after you’ve sinned, know that in your heart there is light, and only because of this light you felt the darkness.
Ramadan Kareem everyone, subhanallah, what a beautiful gift we have received from Allah to witness another Ramadan. Take a moment to soak this in. May this month soften our hearts to allow the blessings of Allah to make their way in. May we find the ease we have been desperately seeking and the guidance we have been praying for. May every one of our tears and every one of our prayers reach the Heavens and in return we reap the rewards of trying our best to spiritually connect to our Creator. May we be overwhelmed by the infinite love of Allah, the time spent with our loved ones over Iftar and may Allah protect those who are oppressed. May we truly come together as an Ummah, to hold compassion for one another and truly welcome each other with no judgment, may our hardships allow us to extend our mercy onto others, knowing that they too have faced their own battles. May this Ramadan truly change us, Ameen.
Recently I came across a question that I would like to share with you all:
What use is armour anyway, when the worst critic is in your own head?
I want you to take a moment to reflect upon this question, put pause on this episode if needed. In Ramadan, we are reminded of how the Shaytaan is locked up and so we realize it is our responsibility to try our best to work on our nafs and take accountability of our actions.
I dont want to share this reminder to overwhelm you with the feeling of you are not a good Muslim if you’ve experienced anger or any sort of shortcoming for the past few days of Ramadan. Instead I want you to realize that the shame you are still carrying, the shame that is preventing you from performing various acts of worship may be coming from our own limiting beliefs.
In my own personal experience, a few months ago, I felt an immense amount of shame dusting off my Quran, physically dusting it off. And in that moment I could have chosen to drown in that shame and have the Quran continue to collect dust or I could thank Allah for planting this desire in my heart to connect to His words.
And so in this episode I sit down with Dr. Saadia Mian, author of The Crowning Venture, to discuss her own personal journey of connecting with the Quran. How she had gone from initially wanting to learn Arabic to instead memorizing the Quran, mashallah. It was honestly meant to be for me to cross paths with her book and it’s truly what pushed me to find my own way to connect with the Quran.In this conversation we speak of our own personal experiences of how we opened our hearts to the Quran, our bouts with imposter syndrome when it comes to our faith and how the Quran can truly transform us.
This episode is tailored to anyone who wants to start their journey of connecting to the Quran, to anyone who is struggling with shame or guilt, and to those who are looking for a space where they are not overwhelmed with the notion that they are not good enough for Allah’s mercy or guidance.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Dr. Saadia Mian on Instagram:@saadiamianmdPurchase 'The Crowing Venture"">Click HereCheck out Dr. Saadia's website and courses:Click HereHuge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up here:
What does it truly mean when we say closure comes from us and what if we feel like the relationship isn’t really over?
When you really think about it - no one ever really goes away completely. They either live in our minds, our hearts or both.
From time to time we may find ourselves in a chapter in our lives where we may be dealing with a generous amount of unanswered questions and the lingering feeling of not knowing if we made the right choice. From dealing with a relationship ending, to trusting yourself again, and of course the struggles we face when giving and receiving the honest, and at times, brutal truth - we can't help but to desperately search for the closure we need in order to move forward in life.
When focusing on the topic of honesty - I find myself searching for it but am I really ready to receive it - unfiltered and void of it being sugarcoated? How does honesty play a role when seeking closure and what do we do when self trust and self forgiveness are not things that we have yet mastered? How do we not fall into the trap of believing that closure comes from those who have potentially hurt us and where an apology is still pending?
In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Sara Kuburic, who is also better known as the Millennial Therapist for her instagram account where she shares tips and content related to mental health, self reflection and real life human experiences. I am truly grateful to have had this discussion with Sara - and her ability to lead with compassion in answering every question I had asked.We also discussed the struggles of accepting how others may not even realize what they have done to us, if it’s even possible to go back to who we used to be before certain relationships ended, how self sabotage can sneak it’s way into the decisions that we make for ourselves and so much more!
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sara Kuburic on Instagram:@millennial.therapistCheck out Sara Kuburic's">Click Here
You know for the most part I’m a pretty laid back person. I only care about two things: the well being and the opinions of every single person on this earth, literally everyone, even strangers.
If you ever found yourself in battle with literally yourself on a daily basis, then this conversation is just for you. It will shed light on the possible culprit which is the trait better known as Highly Sensitive Person or HSP for short.
For thirty years of my life I have struggled with being, quote on quote, too sensitive and the crushing psychological weight of feeling everything on a much deeper level than anyone else.
The ability to pick up on the most subtle changes, even a change of tone via text that will leave me wondering all week long if I did something wrong.
Or my most impressive talent yet which is the ability to knock out anywhere at anytime because my nervous system is constantly on overdrive from experiencing emotional burnout as an HSP.
For the longest I had wondered to myself, why did God create me to have too much feelings. I lack the ability to detach myself from everything and avoid becoming emotionally invested in anyone.
This was all before I read Elaine Aron’s book, The Highly Sensitive Person and now everything that I was experiencing started to make sense to me.
In today’s episode, I had the honor to sit down with Dr. Ketam Hamdan, an Arab American licensed therapist and educator who is also the managing director of Annisa’s mental health department, a non profit organization that works with Muslims in crisis.
As an HSP herself, Dr. Ketam gives us an insight of what it means to navigate life when we may have high levels of sensory processing sensitivity and a strong reactivity to our surroundings. We also delve into the positive and admirable aspects of being an HSP which includes being creative, the ability to cultivate deep connections with others and our thirst for knowledge.
This episode is recommended for anyone who may know an HSP or may be an HSP themselves. There is so much to cover in regards to growing up as an HSP, overcoming the struggles of setting boundaries and how our spiritual journeys may differ from others.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Dr. Ketam Hamdan on Instagram:@brainhealthdocCheck out Dr. Ketam's site and educational videos
How do you handle being pressured into a relationship you don’t want and why does society stigmatize women who choose to be single?
At times society tends to be outspoken when it comes to seeing people engaging in different life choices and that includes being single. It seems as though, whatever cultural background you come from, being divorced and choosing single-hood can make those around you scratch their heads a bit.
In this episode, I sit down with Mai Abdeljaber, a first generation Palestinian-American writer, editor, content creator and media professional. She earned her degree in Communications, Media Studies and Psychology and is currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Psychology.
The topic of divorce is no stranger to this podcast, but today’s conversation will peel back a few more layers that are in dire need of attention. Mai and I each delve into our own personal life journey post divorce and the unsolicited advice we’ve received from others, including strangers, about how to move forward. When strangers find out that Mai has chosen to be single for the last couple of years, their match making skills take center stage.
So why is being single viewed as a shortcoming and why aren’t we talking about the cultural constructs that are to blame at times when it comes to the demise of certain relationships?
In this conversation, we discuss the impacts of divorce and how it can make you question everything you know about love and even yourself. We dive into the stark contrasts between the life choices we are making versus that of our parents and how it’s not a marker of failure if our lives do not mirror theirs.
Most importantly we discuss the complexities of how men have been conditioned to view relationships, the pressures that they face themselves and regardless, if you’re single, married or divorced, this conversation touches on the various family dynamics and how they affect the way that we navigate today’s relationships.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Mai Abdeljaber on Instagram:@mai_abdelCheck out Mai's articles here:Click here
*Content Warning: this episode discusses topics such as pregnancy loss and miscarriage*
How does one come to terms with any hardship in their life where you have to accept what is happening to you while it’s happening to you?
From time to time I am hit with the realization that sends a chill down my spine, that everything that has happened to me, not only affects me, but also affects so many others, even strangers whom i’ll never meet. Every single thing that is written for us is just a piece of a puzzle that is larger than us and every hardship and life experience we go through connects each and every single one of us to one another.
Today’s special guest is Shakirah Sabira, founder of Barakah's Doula, and someone who wears many hats which includes being a midwife, womb healer, and meditation teacher to name a few.
Through this conversation with Shakirah she takes us on a very intimate journey recalling a moment in her life that had changed her forever, that while a baby was growing inside of her, little did she know what she was truly preparing for.
Shakira's story reminds us of our own moments in life where we had asked Allah angry with me, am I not good enough and what did I do to deserve this?
Subhnallah, how every woman carries with her a story that has changed her forever, and even though Shakira and I may have each been tested differently by our Creator, we have found commonalities in the process of surrendering and understanding that the pain we may be experiencing does not mean that Allah intends to hurt us.We are reminded not only that everything in this dunya is temporary, but that nothing is truly ours to keep - for even our own bodies are a loan from Allah.
To every woman out there who has experienced a loss in the form of a miscarriage, I am deeply sorry and I know that grief knows no timeline, and I pray that you are surrounded by loved ones who remind you to be gentle with yourself and that you are not alone.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Shakirah Sabira on Instagram:@shakirahsabiraCheck out Shakirah's services and workshops:Click here
Follow Barakah's Doula here:@barakahsdoula
"It's about time we address the 'second puberty' nobody warns us about."We are opening Season 4 with the founder of Aram Newsletter, Tahmina Begum!
Tahmina is a brilliant journalist, writer and editor - alongside her newsletter she has written many articles and one of them discussing the second puberty.
She defines this as the necessary shedding of old skin. Not only are you now making choices for yourself but you are also redefining who you are. It’s like a spiritual awakening and a rebirth all in one. How does one prepare for such a reckoning in life where you also find yourself questioning everything, such as your career, love life, and at times your spirituality!In this episode we also discuss the tug of war we have within ourselves when it comes to being the strong one and how it affects our relationships and even our love life! I can't help but wonder how our past lessons in life play a role in all of this? Tune in to find out!Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Tahmina Begum on Instagram:@tahminaxbegumSubscribe to Aram Newsletter:Click here
Second Puberty">Read it Here
Pablo Picasso once said that the first half of life is learning to be an adult, and the second half is learning to be a child.
We can all agree that life has been an interesting ride these past few years. It has been extremely rough for some of us and for others it has given us the opportunity to finally come face to face with our fears, our worries and most importantly ourselves.Through our struggles, we found the love and support that we needed, through our darkest moments we have found the answers we were longing for, and on this spiritual journey we have found one another, a sisterhood like no other. But it’s also ok if some of us still feel lost but if by chance this podcast has provided you a sense of clarity or community - then I am forever indebted to God for this simple reason.
Today’s special guest is a dear friend of mine - someone whom you have all met before - Sara Luchetti. She was this season’s opener and it only felt right to have her close out the season, too. Subhanallah, how life always comes full circle.
I simultaneously have all the words and no words to describe who Sara is - and if you ask her, she’ll simply say, I'm human. But if i were to describe how she makes me feel - that’s a whole other story. She is a sister for life, a kind and genuine soul and someone who has embraced me with the love that I needed.
In today’s episode we discuss how our heart feels these days and what is it trying to tell us, especially since our emotions are the language and messengers of our hearts.
Sara guides us through the concept of letting go of expectations and instead of drowning in what ifs, we instead swim in what is. How do we live a life of accepting instead of a life with balled up fists ready to fight any change or hardship that comes our way.
Recently I’ve shared how I’ve transitioned from traditional therapy to seeking Sara’s services - which specifically focuses on heart work. I want to take a moment to say thank you to our teachers, our therapists, our loved ones who have helped us on this journey, who have stood by our side through the most difficult of times and who have shown us how strong we truly are. This past week I had a very emotional and heart awakening session with Sara and it felt as if she was holding a mirror up to me - allowing me to face myself and see how much I have overcome and what is truly tugging at my heart.
Lastly, thank you to every guest and every listener, every kind word and every piece of advice that was gifted to me. Like I said, words don't do our feelings any justice sometimes, so for now all I can say is - I will forever keep you all in my duas!Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sara Luchetti on Instagram:@saraluchettiBook a session w/
Who would have known that one of the worst things about adulting, would be relationship struggles?!As they say, first comes the butterflies, then comes the emotional trauma.
Since, we are in the midst of dealing with seasonal depression, I had to bring on my girl Mai, from MaisVault, to cheer us up a bit!
Before I give you the scoop on today’s episode, Mai pulled the oldest Arab girl trick in the book - you know the one where people can’t tell if we're single, or if we’re in a 7-year relationship, or possibly getting engaged tomorrow night - who knows!
Well, when recording this episode, Mai was as single as can be, or so I thought - this past week we found out Mai got engaged and the internet erupted with joy.
A huge congrats to one of my favorite people and I am truly wishing Mai and her fiancé endless love and happiness inshallah!
As for today’s episode, we have a lot of important topics to cover such as who is more famous, Mai or Mama Wafaa - who we have all come to know and love!
And in this conversation, Mai takes us through her journey of becoming a viral sensation and how she continues to come up with relatable content that sends us all laughing. It’s true when they say that laughter is the best form of medicine and I’m not alone when it comes to appreciating Mai for creating such hilarious skits that truly take a lot of effort behind the scenes.
In this episode I may have flipped the script on Mai and asked her very juicy relationship questions from deal breakers to turn offs and what would she do if her date asked her to split the bill…
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Mai on Instagram:@maisvault
'Islam is meant to be practiced by human beings who are flawed and in pain, who struggle to succeed but sometimes fail, and who return to God after those failures.'
These words were birthed from pain, on a journey of healing and understanding, words spoken by today’s special guest, Asmaa Hussein.
Lately, my duas have been accompanied by a tear soaked prayer mat. Moments of reflection where I unload every burden weighing heavy on my heart. Nights where I allow my heart to speak on my behalf and mornings where I wake up feeling a bit more lighter knowing that my Creator is the only Being that understands the wishes that lie beneath my tongue and the wounds my tears may still carry. In this timely episode, I had a very personal and intimate conversation with Asmaa regarding her most recent post that had gone viral where she had shared her relationship with her hijab.
Asmaa is an author, blogger and mother - just to name a few of her successful endeavors. If you take one look at her writing, from her books to her online posts, your heart would have no choice but to be enveloped with words that will deeply move you.I wanted to explore the notion of doing things for the sake of Allah and what that means to Asmaa in regards to her personal choice of wearing the hijab.
We both discuss our experiences with making dua and the beauty that lies behind what Allah has planned for us even if at times we may not understand how or why certain things unfold. Asmaa shares with us the wisdom she has gathered from her experiences dealing with motherhood and widowhood.
This conversation led us to the topic of the Hereafter and how we can navigate this dunya with this on our minds - knowing that one day we will exist in another realm.
And so, Asmaa left me with these words that sent a chill down my spine:
Imagine your voice being known in the heavens.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Asmaa Hussein on Instagram:@ruqayas.bookshelfCheck out Asmaa's bookstore
When it comes to relationships, are we entitled to the "carfax" of this potential partner? And if so, where can we get the honesty is the best policy when it comes to relationship warranties?Dear listeners, you’re in for a treat because this episode is nothing short of hilarious even though we are unpacking loads of trauma.
In today’s episode, I sit down with Salma Hindy, a biomedical engineer by day and accomplished comedian by night. And if you are familiar with who Salma is, then you know she brings a comedic twist to any conversation..
Salma takes us back to her earlier childhood days which were void of music, going to the mall and basically anything a normal teenager was allowed to experience.
If you grew up in a household with strict and conservative parents then you will most likely relate to Salma’s crazy childhood stories.
By default she also found herself as one of the elite members of the Haram Police. We talk about how her high school friendships were difficult to navigate because of her past judgmental ways. Fast forward to today - and the script has been flipped. Meaning that Salma is now facing scrutiny from this same group of people for her most recent personal choices. What does one do when your high school peers come out of the woodworks to give you a taste of your own medicine?
I genuinely applaud Salma for her authenticity and her ability to not shy away from difficult conversations by being transparent about her experience with relationships, halal dating and how therapy has truly impacted her.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Salma Hindy on Instagram:@salma.hindyLearn more about Salma
God’s timing is never rushed by our impatience in this Dunya, for He is always in control of all plans and we are in control of the steps we take toward His plans.
One quote that always lingers in my mind is:
If your heart became closer to Allah as a result of something that has happened to you, it was the biggest blessing.
You know, sometimes in moments of hardship we tend to feel as if God has forgotten us, but it’s in these moments when we are truly reminded of Allah’s mercy and His love for every one of His creations.
Today’s special guest, Melanie Elturk, CEO of Haute Hijab, said something that resonated deep within my heart, she said, just because you’re far from Allah, does not mean that Allah is far from you.
How often do we feel distant from God, reluctant to make dua, and the desire to be in the driver’s seat of our life even in moments where we feel like we are being tested beyond belief?
And so, I had the honor to sit down with Melanie to discuss how to better understand the concept of trusting God - like really trusting God.
She is someone who hasn't had a shortage of hardships herself, from dealing with grief, loss and recently opening up about going through a divorce, I wanted to gain a better insight into how one can truly let go, and let God.
In this episode we discuss why we are so keen on carrying the deep and emotional pain we have gone through rather than unpacking it once and for all, we talk about the stories our wounds carry and how therapy has been both eye and heart opening for the both of us.
You know in life, we go through multiple rebirths, and more often than not our rebirth happens when we hit rock bottom and not because there is nowhere to go, but because we don’t want to feel this way again.
So how does one prepare for radical change? How do we learn to accept not only God’s plans but also God’s pace?
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Melanie Elturk/Haute Hijab on Instagram:@hautehijabCheck out Haute Hijab's site:Shop Here
*Trigger warning - this episode primarily focuses on eating disorders. If you feel the content discussed could be triggering, please either proceed with caution, or feel free to listen to any one of our previous episodes.*“My journey towards self love has always been a difficult one. Just when I think I have conquered it, years, sometimes months later, new cracks begin to show.”
If these words sound a bit familiar to you that is because they were written by the poet Asma Elbadawi who also happens to be today’s special guest.
Asma’s poems are known for their rawness and their unfiltered truth when it comes to covering subjects such as mental health, racism and many other personal life struggles.
On this podcast we have covered ED before in our first season, but in sharing Asma’s story today - you will realize that when it comes to being Muslim and having this specific struggle, there is no one experience. Adding the layer of being Muslim can make ED that much more difficult to face due to how little this is talked about in our community at times, how it can impact an individual’s ability to practice their faith and how they can feel overwhelmed when Ramadan approaches. To express my deepest gratitude in having Asma share her story would truly be an understatement. This conversation can be difficult to have due to the fact that this is an ongoing fight for Asma and many others who are going through this.
In this conversation - Asma discusses how society has played a role in how she views herself physically and how these feelings were internalized ever since she was a little girl. It’s no surprise that society is obsessed with a woman’s body image - but it’s the harmful ways that some of us choose to cope with not feeling good enough that happens behind closed doors.
Asma also shares that the idea of control or lack thereof is another component as to why she experiences bouts with ED. And so she also shares with us her relationship with her faith, her family and herself through this process and how we can do better as a community when it comes to being there for our loved ones who may be struggling with ED as well.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Asma Elbadawi on Instagram:@asmaelbadawiPurchase Asma's poetry book here:BelongingsResource for ED Helpline:NEDA
It’s understood that Allah’s plans are always greater than ours, but how strong is your trust in Him if after making dua, everything in your life begins to fall apart?Growing up you have probably heard the hadith which stated that “none shall enter the fire of Hell who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of Iman”, as well as, “none shall enter Paradise who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride.”And so you think to yourself, the size of a mustard seed is incredibly tiny - but what if this hadith wasn't just emphasizing its size, but also highlighting a specific characteristic?
Did you know that one mustard seed can produce a tree-like plant that is a little over 6 feet tall. Imagine that - a tiny seed that has the ability to grow into something larger than life. What if this hadith used the seed as an example to show how having a tiny bit of faith can transform into complete reliance on Allah. After all, a grain of sand could have been used as an example, but sand doesn’t have the ability to grow.
This seed reflects how faith can grow and become strong enough to overcome the most difficult of hardships.
In today’s episode, I sat down with Huda Alvi, founder of The Girls Trip, to discuss her journey of self discovery.
Recently, Huda returned to social media after a year or so long hiatus - with her return came an update, one filled with affliction, tears, hope and an emphasis on extending compassion to others and sharing our truth.
Within this conversation we touched upon how as women we sometimes fear what’s on the other side of friendships + relationships - which is a journey of solitude that no one has truly prepared us for. Huda shares intimate details of her marriage falling apart and her road to self growth and acceptance of Allah’s plans no matter how much we tend to resist them at first.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude for Huda for being so vulnerable and sharing her story - her words and her journey have helped me immensely in terms of my own healing - and I hope the same for you, too. Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Huda Alvi on Instagram:@hudaalvi
In the words of bell hooks: We cannot dismantle a system as long as we engage in the collective denial about its impact on our lives.Protecting the vulnerable and the oppressed is a duty of ours in Islam, yet we have failed to stand firmly in the face of injustice, specifically abuse and the many forms that it comes in.
In today's episode, special guest Eman Bare is choosing to courageously share her story by speaking up about the various accounts of abuse, harm and hyper sexualized rumors that have been spread about her.As a community I believe it's time that we go beyond the unfollow and block button when it comes to taking action against abusers. Why do we place the burden on the victim to share their story so publicly without the support of community leaders at times?
Given the lack of accountability, we are creating loopholes for abusers to get away with what they have done which means that we are also inherently protecting these same abusers and instead dissecting and placing blame on the victim - sending a clear message that they are not safeguarded or to be believed by their community.
In this conversation, we discuss how shame is used as a tool by the oppressor against victims and survivors of abuse, why it's important to publicly name abusers, the lack of accountability amongst our communities and the dangers of victim blaming.
To anyone who has ever endured such harm, may Allah protect you in the same manner that you are choosing to publicly share your story in order for others to not fall victim to these abusers. May you always be believed and supported in every capacity.
Please pass on the following resources to your family and friends:1. Peaceful Families Project: focuses on preventing all types of abuse in Muslim families, specifically domestic violence.2. HEART: provides Muslims with the resources, language and choice to nurture sexual health and confront sexual violence.3. FACE: stands for Facing Abuse in Community Environments, and they promote safer Muslim communities by holding religious and community leaders accountable for abuse.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Eman Bare on Instagram:@emanidil
What exactly is a spiritual awakening and why is it so painful?Have you ever found yourself wanting to take a break and crawl into a hole all by yourself but not knowing the reason why? Could it be that almost everything feels forced lately? Forced interactions, forced relationships and even forced conversations?I tend to believe that our mental breakdowns are truly spiritual breakthroughs. Someone once told me that if you're not speaking it, you're storing it and that can get pretty heavy.
In today's episode, I sit down with Hanan Abdel-Khalek, the founder of Young Nevertiti, and somehow even though we live thousands of miles apart, we are always on the same wavelength.In our discussion we both exhibited the same painful experiences, the same desire for solitude and the unfortunate feeling like we are being consumed by things that are distancing us away from our Creator. We came to the conclusion that we were each going through a spiritual awakening.Hanan discusses what triggered her to embark on this journey and how social media at times can be used as an escape route from real life and how it's a tool that allows us to peer into the lives of our family, friends and even strangers. We converse about the internal struggles we have faced and how one can never be truly ready for the lessons written for us, but these hardships are required in order for us to grow into a new version of ourselves.
It may be a terrifying feeling for you to finally give yourself permission to be yourself, but in this conversation you'll see that you are not alone on this journey and as painful as spiritual awakenings can be, they are such a gift to experience in this world.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Hanan Abdel-Khalek on Instagram:@hananithinkCheck out Young
I'm not sure what's worse : a rejection letter from the company I had just applied for or no reply at all.Did you know that job search depression is actually a thing? I was reading an article that mentioned how looking for a new job but having zero luck can truly be a bit demoralizing.I wonder if I can highlight my ability to stay standing after receiving 'x' amount of rejection letters as one of my skill sets on my resume - kidding of course.
But on a serious note, we fail to realize that our emotional and mental health can be greatly impacted because our career is also an indication of who we are, it's a part of our personal identity.
Personally, I didn't want to just find a job that pays my bills. Recently, I had released an episode with Alex Fox to discuss how to better align our purpose in life with our passions. Our conversation gave me so much more clarity on what I was seeking and it was the motivation that I needed to continue pursuing my job search.
So, in today's episode I sit down with Wardah Khalid, a political analyst, activist and career coach, just to name a few of her notable positions, to discuss the topic of career coaching. I realized that I needed all of the help that I can get and I wanted to lend these same resources to anyone else out there searching for a new career, too!
In this conversation, Wardah discusses resume do's and dont's, why cover letters are so important, how to not close the door in our own face and how to better advocate for ourselves in the interview process.
So while you guys are tuning in, I'll be fixing up my resume...
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Wardah Khalid on Instagram:@wardahkhalid_Check out Wardah's
Why is it that we stay put in positions that our minds and even our hearts want a way out of?It's no secret or miraculous discovery to know that we all have a purpose, but the most difficult part is finding out what our purpose is and how to better align it with our passions.
Recently, I have found myself at a crossroads - one that many others have discovered along their own life's journey. The intersection of fulfilling our life's purpose and choosing the path that best fits with our intentions.
This topic brings me back to the question of who am I? Who am I stripped of all of my labels? The label of being someone's sister, friend, daughter and etc? I found myself dissecting this question and the reason why I hesitate in answering it for myself is simply out of fear.
What I mean by this is that to understand who I am, I have to pave my own path. A path that no one else has ventured onto before.
And so, in today's episode I sit down with Alex Fox, the founder of Origin of Mind, to discuss what it means to align our purpose in life with our passions. Alex is someone who I had the pleasure of crossing paths with on the Clubhouse app, where she has created two of the largest Muslim clubs, which gave us all a platform to foster discussions surrounding faith, relationships, women empowerment and so much more.
Alex and I may not be experts on this topic, but we each come with our fair share of personal life experiences and hardship that we have overcome. A laundry list of obstacles that we have faced in our own career paths and so we believed it was necessary to have more dialogue surrounding the idea of setting our intentions, understanding the role that our hardships play in figuring out our purpose and so much more.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Alex Fox on Instagram:@alalafoxFollow Origin of Mind on Instagram:@originofmind
Raise your hand if you grew up believing that you wanted to be Jasmine from Aladdin only to realize that this movie was perpetuating orientalist stereotypes of the Middle East and Asia.Keep your hand raised if you are exhausted with the idea that being Muslim and being accepted by society are mutually exclusive.Don't you think it's time that we deserve more accurate portrayals of Muslims in media?
If you've caught yourself holding your breath when you've seen a Muslim cross your television screens, you're not alone. You're silently hoping this Muslim character won't be portrayed as the villain, the terrorist or someone who is oppressed and needs to detach from their faith if they want to be accepted by others.
Frankly, we are tired of these dangerous tropes and stereotypes that have been overdone for decades now."Let Muslims tell you who we are, rather than telling you what we're not by constantly playing defense."
These are the words of Arij Mikati, today's special guest and someone whom I have been vocal about when it comes to how much I admire her and how many doors she has opened for herself and the rest of us as she continues to challenge these roadblocks and stereotypes.
Recently, Riz Ahmed, with the help from Pillars Fund, USC Annenberg and the Ford Foundation have unveiled the Blueprint for Muslim Inclusion in Media and the Arts.
Over 90% of films from 2017-2019 were missing Muslim characters, that's 181 out of 200 films that had no Muslim representation at all.
In today's episode, Arij explains how the erasure of Muslim filmmakers behind and in front of the camera means that countless of stories go untold. She dives into what representation actually means and why it's so important. We discuss how the lack of positive and accurate portrayals of Muslims is directly linked to horrific and Islamophobic attacks on our Muslim communities and so much more.
Arij and her peers are excited to announce what can be done to change the narrative and it all starts with the Muslim Visibility Challenge and the Pillars Artist Fellowship, just to name a few of the initiatives that are currently unfolding.
Thank you once again to Arij, Pillars Fund, Riz Ahmed and the many others who are working tirelessly on this initiative. I am so incredibly honored to have Arij join us today to discuss the building blocks of a brighter future for Muslim creatives.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Arij Mikati on Instagram:@arijmikatiFollow Pillars Fund on Instagram:@pillarsfundCheck out the Variety article here:Blueprint for Muslim Inclusion
Growing up, I can't tell you how many times I used to hear the words 3aib, haram or the most triggering of all: "What will people say." But in today's episode you're going to hear what Alya Mooro, my special guest, has to say about navigating the many facets of her identity as an Arab woman.It was just last year when I had picked up Alya's book, 'The Greater Freedom: Life as a Middle Eastern Woman Outside the Stereotypes', and I found myself devouring every word of hers. In her book, I had seen myself, my struggles, my identity crisis and the many obstacles I had faced trying to figure out who I truly am.
As a first born and the daughter of immigrant parents, I've come to realize that my life path was already written for me by my parents, extended family and members of the community before I ever had a say in it.
Navigating life as an Arab woman meant that I was responsible for carrying the burden of my family's honor on my shoulders. I was always paralyzed by the fear of making any wrong decisions that could jeopardize the reputation of my family name.
I never understood why this huge responsibility was placed on us women and never on our male counterparts until Alya Mooro directly said this in her book:"Women hold the burden of their family's honor and that honor lies between their legs."
It's this obsession and constant policing of women that dictates our every move. As an Egyptian born and London raised Arab woman, Alya shares the struggles she had faced and is still facing as she is trying to figure out who her authentic self truly is.
In this episode we discuss how our identities can dictate how we behave, the East vs West mentality (haram vs halal), juggling different versions of ourselves, halal dating and how to deal with rejection in life.
It's important to note that all of us still have our own unique experiences growing up as Arab, Muslim or as women in general, and the obstacles we faced as women isn't limited to only our Middle Eastern culture, these issues are also very prominent in Western societies.
I hope that we can continue to have these conversations and for us to continue providing spaces to do so. We all have a voice and we all have the right to be heard.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Alya Mooro on Instagram:@alyamooroTune into Alya's 'Talk of Shame' podcast here:Talk of ShamePurchase Alya's book here:The Greater Freedom: Life as a Middle Eastern Woman Outside the Stereotypes
The unconditional support that the U.S. has for 'Israel' is unmatched but will we ever witness a breakup when it comes to this toxic relationship?Recently, the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Commission has reported that since 1967, there have been approximately one million arrests of Palestinians by the IOF.
More than 50,000 of these arrests are children. I would like to also add that a generous amount of these Palestinian prisoners died as a result of torture, medical negligence, and there are those who have been murdered by the IOF after they have been released from prison.
In today's episode, I sit down with Lara who is a Palestinian-American International lawyer and the cohost of the Palestine Pod which is a weekly podcast that breaks down the latest Palestine related news with the aim of supporting Palestinian liberation, justice and equality on the ground and in exile.
In this discussion, Lara mentions how her friend Iyad Burnat was unable to record a podcast episode with her because the IOF raided his home and kidnapped his two sons. And when I say raided, I mean that the IOF destroyed everything in sight. While Lara and I were recording this episode, Iyad was unaware of the location of his children. But as of today there has been an update and unfortunately the discovery of his sons whereabouts should have brought him relief, but instead it brought on more heartache.This is because both of his sons are being held in one of the worst military prisons in the world and it's located in Jerusalem. This prison is infamous for its torture methods and it's purpose is to extract false confessions and place ludicrous charges against Palestinians.I hope that you can keep the Burnat family and every other Palestinian family in your prayers and most importantly try your best to amplify their stories and their voices.Just recently I had come across this following statement:
'It is a miraculous feat of propaganda that an occupying army convinced so many that it is the victim of the people it is occupying.'
Not only are the IOF terrorizing Palestinian families but they are also brutally attacking our journalists in order to further suppress the truth, while the world continues to turn a blind eye.
In this discussion, Lara also covers the myth of coexistence, 'Israel's' blatant intentions to separate Palestinians from one another, the importance of using the correct terminology when it comes to what is unfolding in Palestine and 'Israel's' racist and discriminatory laws.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Lara on Instagram:@gazangirlTune into the Palestine Pod here:Palestine Pod
How does one lose their job for reporting the truth, yet their job description is to report the truth? Now that's a riddle that I can't seem to solve.By now, you may have heard of the open letter that was drafted by journalists urging Canadian newsrooms and editors to provide more nuanced coverage on Palestine and to also include Palestinian voices in regards to the recent attacks that have happened on Gaza, as well as the forced expulsion of the residents of Sheikh Jarrah and the ongoing ethnic cleansing.
Growing up Muslim, I have always felt unsettled when I would watch the news on tv. It was always the same paintbrush followed by the same brush strokes, painting Muslims as the aggressors and terrorists.
This same paintbrush is also used when it comes to what is happening in Palestine and to no surprise, Palestinians are continuously painted as the provokers and 'Israel' as the victim.
How does the media get away with writing news articles that are not always factual and why is it that they can't say the word Palestine on air?In today's episode, I sit down with a friend of mine, Sumayya Tobah, who is a political producer in Washington D.C. She has also done work for AlJazeera English, ABC News, TRT World and is currently working for CBC.
Sumayya's name was also one of the signatures on this open letter that I had just discussed. She shares with me the behind the scenes of newsrooms and the current response to this letter.
I had so many questions for Sumayya in regards to why it's so difficult for media to accurately cover what is happening in Palestine. I wanted to know why Palestine couldn't be said on air by reporters and journalists alike, and her response was a bit heartbreaking.She also discusses the roadblocks her and her peers face when challenging editors to amplify Palestinian voices and their stories.But is it possible that we are also witnessing a slight shift in the narrative and if so, what can we do on our end to continue to pressure the media?Resistance comes in many different forms and covering the truth is one of them.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sumayya Tobah on Instagram:@thisissumayyaRead the Open Letter here:Check this out
May we be the generation that gifts our grandparents with a free Palestine.Over 200 Palestinians, including 61 children, have been killed in Gaza since violence erupted just over a week ago during the end of Ramadan and at least 1,500 Palestinians have been wounded.By the time I release this episode, please take into account that these numbers may change drastically.
I can't help but to reiterate that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has never stopped. It has been on a continuum for decades now and for the first time the world is coming together as a unifying force to call out the oppressors and to put an end to the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.
The media has attempted to vilify the Palestinians by painting a picture as if it’s Israel against Hamas, or Israel vs Gaza and the best one yet, Jews vs Muslims and the foundation of all of these news stories is that Israel is just trying to defend itself.This couldn't be further from the truth and so, we the people have become the truth tellers, using social media to amplify what is truly taking place in our beloved homeland of Palestine.
It’s our slingshots and our rocks against their military weapons. Yet, they say that we are the troublemakers and they, the Zionists, are the peacemakers.And as a reminder these weapons are funded and backed by the US. Just recently, Biden has approved a 735 million dollar weapons sale to Israel. The same USA that sends 3.8 billion dollars annually to fund the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
Ever since we were old enough to read and write, we have known about the plight of our people. It’s having to continuously reaffirm our identity, it’s witnessing someone tell you to your face, why can’t you guys just get along? It’s the deafening silence that has become the advantageous weapon of the Zionists.
In today’s episode I had the privilege of sitting down with Nooran Alhamdan, someone whom I have always viewed as a powerful voice in the Palestinian movement. She explains to us the significance of Sheikh Jarrah, why Gaza is the scapegoat of Israel, how Zionism came about and how to refute their claims made against those who are for the liberation and freedom of Palestinians. I highly encourage that you support the work of Nooran and to share this discussion with family and friends who are seeking additional resources to better understand the plight of the Palestinian people.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Nooran Alhamdan on Twitter:@nooranhamdanCheck out the Podcast Episode Nooran mentioned:CHAPOTRAPHOUSE: Focus on Palestine feat.Mohammad Alsaafin
In today’s episode, I sit down with Alana Hadid, one of the many gems of our Palestinian community and her family is just as admirable as her.
Recently, we have seen Alana and her sisters, including Bella come out full force and show their love for their people and their identity, from raising awareness to attending protests.
In today’s discussion, Alana and I had sat down to discuss our Palestinian identity and what role it has played in who we have become today. We also discussed her business, La Detresse and how one can bring their dreams into reality. We also spoke of the people in our lives who influence us the most and how critical it is to surround ourselves with the right people. This episode was recorded before the recent events that have taken place, but I hope that you enjoy hearing Alana speak so passionately about Palestine and her roots.
Once again, thank you to the Hadid family, for their resilience, their support and their endless love for their people.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Alana Hadid on Instagram:@lanzybear
Sometimes Allah (swt) wants a certain level of Jannah for someone and when their good deeds alone can't get them there, He gives them hardship.These are such powerful words that I was fortunate enough to come across in a moment of need. In today's episode, I sit down with Halima Jama to discuss how we can better focus our lens on the blessings threaded within our hardships, how we can include Allah in every aspect of our lives and how to trust the next chapter we are embarking on because Allah is the author.
Some silver linings can be much more difficult to find than others, but there is always goodness and khair in everything that we endure. Subhanallah, how Allah grants us the strength to face the most difficult of hardships in this dunya.In this life, you will have moments where your face hurts from smiling too much, moments where your eyes can't shed anymore tears, tireless nights where you find yourself surrounded by darkness, moments that are memorable and others that you try your hardest to erase.You will meet people who will love you deeply and others who will hurt you and may leave a scar behind, but through all of this, you will find that silver lining.
Know that through all of these moments, Allah is right there with you. So, ask for His guidance, pray for better days, soften your heart and open your eyes to the beauty in this dunya and the rewards of Allah's mercy.
As always, be gentle with one another. Most of us are going through something that we are choosing to only keep between us and our Creator. I only pray that Allah showers you with ease and patience.
I intentionally chose to keep this conversation as the last discussion of Ramadan. Halima Jama is someone who you will find yourself indebted to Allah for allowing you to cross paths with her. Her words always touch me and leave an imprint on my heart for more reasons than one.She is a well known wedding photographer in Toronto, Canada and a Muslim woman everyone should know. She showers us with her beautiful duas that are accompanied with her contagious smile.
And in this episode we dive into the notion of cultivating a strong bond with Allah and focusing our lens, no pun intended, on the many ways Allah has chosen to provide us with rizk, mercy and blessings we could have never imagined for ourselves.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Halima Jama on Instagram:@halimajamaFollow Tawheed Community Centre here:@tawheedcommunitycentreBook Halima for your next Photoshoot
We say that if we knew our expiration dates, we would live life differently. Yet, it's written that tomorrow is not guaranteed and we still go on living our lives no differently.In today's episode, I sit down with Sondos Kholaki, who is a Muslim Chaplain and author, to discuss a topic most of us intentionally avoid and that is Death. But, what if we chose to view death as a gift? What if we realized that there is so much more to learn from loss and grief?In this discussion we come face to face with our own mortality and the art of grieving.Death, loss and grief are some of the things we struggle with navigating. It can be a journey filled with a rollercoaster ride of emotions and one that we may never know how to proceed without a generous amount of caution.We realize that losing a loved one is a reality check that we were never prepared for and grief becomes a part of us, something that we will never be able to escape.
It's truly a wake up call when you realize that death is written for every one of us. But why is it that we avoid talking about it? What do we truly fear when it comes to this concept? Is it the fact that we will one day leave our loved ones behind or is it that we fear we are not fulfilling our soul's purpose?I want to thank Chaplain Sondos Kholaki for taking the time to share with us what it means to be a Chaplain and what death has personally taught her. We dive into the process of grieving and the many forms it takes on. This is a discussion that Sondos beautifully leads with compassion and understanding. She teaches us to not fear death but to embrace this reality and to not become overwhelmed when we find ourselves at the intersection of joy and grief, and life and death.
I would like to also take a moment to give my condolences to the family of Chaplain Sohaib Sultan, who was Princeton's first Muslim Chaplain and Sondos's first mentor. He is someone who has led a life of inspiration, compassion, kindness and so much more. May Allah grant him the highest of heavens inshallah.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Ch. Sondos Kholaki on Instagram:@by_the penPurchase 'Musings of a Muslim Chaplain' here:Musings of a Muslim Chaplain
No gift is greater than having a Creator who listens to you even when you don't speak. Who forgives your sins even when you don't feel worthy of His mercy. And who always guides us back no matter how far we have been led astray.In today's episode, you'll be listening to a recording of a Clubhouse Chatroom that Alex Fox and I had hosted back in March with our special guest, A. Helwa, the author of 'Secrets of Divine Love'.
We were all enveloped by the poetic words of Helwa and the room was filled with the love for our Creator and a deep appreciation for our connection to Helwa's writing. I've had the pleasure of having her on my podcast at the beginning of this season, but it was truly a gift to share another space with her on Clubhouse and this time we had audience members ask her their own personal questions. We discussed the concept of Allah's door always being open, how He is the only Being that knows us in our entirety and the beauty in experiencing God's words through our actions and daily life. We will forever be indebted to Helwa and her ability to make us fall in love with Allah all over again.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow A. Helwa on Instagram:@quranquotesdailyPurchase Secrets of Divine Love here:Secrets of Divine Love
Is it possible that we can be doing something to block or delay our blessings in this world?In today's episode, I am grateful for the chance to re-introduce you to one of my absolute favorite spiritual counselors and that is Sister Hosai Mojaddidi! She is a public speaker, teacher, writer, mentor and mental health advocate, too!Do you ever find yourself questioning if your hardships are a result of the sins you may be committing? If these hardships are a punishment that we have to face because of what we have done? In this conversation we explore the possibility of a link between our sins, trials and blessings.
In this discussion, Hosai beautifully delves into these questions as well as our relationship with Allah. She explains how it's a rahma to be tested and to be cleansed of our sins through these very same tribulations.
I once read that sometimes Allah swt wants a certain level of Jannah for someone, and when their good deeds alone can't get them there, He gives them hardship.
And sometimes hardships also come in the form of a closed door, but if you look a little bit more closely you would realize that it's truly an open door. A redirection that was protection written for you by Allah because who knows what harmful situation was lying behind that closed door.
We also cover the concept of having a close relationship with Allah, not only publicly but privately, and how it's important that we do not take advantage of Allah's forgiveness and mercy, but rather how can we be more sincere and intentional in everything that we do daily.
May Allah reward Sister Hosai for giving us a better understanding of our faith and for leading such fruitful conversations. May you all have a blessed Ramadan inshallah.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sister Hosai Mojaddidi on Instagram:@hosaimojo
Check out Sister Hosai's
If I had asked you to name three female companions of the Prophet (pbuh) on the spot, would you be able to?This is a question that I had struggled with answering before having this discussion, yet ironically there isn't a shortage of female companions from our Prophet's (pbuh) time, nor a shortage in female scholars in today's society. But why is it that I am struggling with naming these powerful and admirable women?In today's episode, I sit down with Ustadha Maryam Amir, an illuminating light in our Muslim community, and not only does she hold a Master's degree in education, a Bachelor's in Islamic Studies, among some of her countless accomplishments, but she also holds a second degree black belt in Taekwondo! If I may add, this conversation is just as powerful as her reverse right kick and left hook!I can't help but to revel in the fact that Muslim women are participating and excelling in every sector in today's society despite the barriers that they may be facing. We are a force to be reckoned with, and that even though we have suffered from discrimination, misogyny and other forms of trauma, we still continue to be steadfast in our faith.
I am continuously left in awe and empowered when hearing Sister Maryam speak in social gatherings. She is someone who has personally taught me so much and in today's discussion, she touches upon a woman's access in Islamic spaces, how unfortunately at times it can be restricted due to the fear of fitna. How some policies that are created with our community spaces can truly be harmful and she also touches upon the roles of women in our Prophet's (pbuh) time. The warrior women who were in battle - something I truly never knew myself!
This conversation sheds light on how society needs to make women feel welcomed rather than tolerated in whatever space they find themselves in. Like Sister Maryam mentions: our faith didn't come about to mute our personalities, rather it was meant to enhance each and every one of us.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Ustadha Maryam Amir on Instagram:@themaryamamir
Conversations on Women and Religious Text:Ustadha Maryam's Course
The topic of Mahr at times can be so nerve racking when discussed between potential spouses. Questions such as 'how much one should ask for' and 'if there's a limit for the amount requested' are at the top of everyone's list. Often times, we can be so quick in discussing the details of the wedding hall and guest list, but do we also make it a priority to reserve the time for serious discussions such as financial compatibility, especially when it comes to Mahr?Western media likes to portray it as a dowry or bride price and the last thing women want is for a man to place a price tag on her at his own discretion. But what if I told you that dowry and Mahr are completely different?In today's episode, I sit down with Dr. Tamara Gray, a household name in most Muslim communities, because of her constant support and mentorship of hundreds of women around the world. Her organization, Rabata, is dedicated to promoting positive cultural change through creative educational experiences. Dr. Gray defines what Mahr is and its origin within the Islamic context. She also provides valuable insight on how to gauge what and how much to request and what to do with our Mahr. Of course, as much as we hope a marriage can last between spouses, there is the possibility of it ending in divorce. Dr. Gray also briefly advises on how Mahr should be handled from that point, too.I want to thank Dr. Gray for lending herself as a resource and for empowering women when it comes to the topic of financial security and how one should invest their assets. We need more of these conversations and inshallah we can continue having them.Be on the lookout for a future episode that will be released in regards to prenups from a Western standpoint.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Dr. Tamara Gray on Instagram:@tamaralgray
Check out the Rabata organization:RABATACheck out DayBreak Press for Islamic Books for">DayBreak PressPurchase a Copy of Project">Project Lina
Have you ever played a game of tug of war, but with your parents, and it wasn't a game, but actually with your life?The tug of war I'm talking about is the one where what your parents want for you doesn't necessarily align with what you want for yourself. We've all been there, the shouting matches that end up with you and your parents not agreeing on certain life choices of yours.In today's episode I had the pleasure and honor of sitting down with Dr. Rania Awaad, someone who is truly a pinnacle in our community, to discuss our relationships and boundaries, or lack thereof with our parents and how we can find compassion and empathy in the midst of our disagreements.The love language of immigrant parents is truly like no other. Yet, it doesn't negate the existence of the balancing act of trying to do things that make us happy vs what makes our parents happy. I asked Dr. Rania how do we reach a point where we can compromise rather than sacrifice our life choices when wanting to please our parents. I also shared with her the weight I had carried of wanting to be a perfect daughter in every aspect and managing the struggle of wanting to be treated like an adult, yet our parents sometimes refuse to see us as such, even until the point of when we are married and have our own family.I do want to mention that this conversation centers around parental relationships that DO NOT involve trauma/abuse. I do believe a separate conversation needs to be had when a relationship reaches such a severe level of toxicity and it is never ok to force anyone to remain in such harmful situations, even if it's your own parents.
I do hope that today's conversation provides you with more clarity on how to navigate these balancing acts and the pressures of living a life that has been pre-planned for you in a way. As mentioned in other episodes, boundaries are key, and so in this episode we also discuss how to set boundaries with our parents from an Islamic perspective.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Dr. Rania Awaad on Instagram:@dr.raniaawaad
Follow the Stanford Medicine Mental Health Lab:@stanfordmmhlCheck out the Rahmah Foundation:@therahmahfoundationMuslim Mental Health Resources/ The Khalil Center:Click here
"These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb."Beautiful words from one of my absolute favorite poems written by Najwa Zebian who is today's special guest on the pod. Heartbreak and pain are sometimes inevitable, so how do we grieve relationships that end, how do we process loss that comes with a broken heart and most importantly how do learn to trust ourselves again?Najwa Zebian, a Lebanese-Canadian activist, poet, educator and speaker is the author of three poetry books and her fourth book is on its way to be released this summer! In today's episode we delve into the topic of heartbreak, pain and loss. Three things that we have all experienced at one point or another in our lives.
In previous episodes we have talked about the importance of staying single until we are comfortable with being single and on the opposite spectrum we have discussed heavy topics such as abuse. I think it's now time to talk about experiencing heartbreak and the all too familiar feeling of being swallowed up by pain.
I asked Najwa, why is it so hard to walk away from someone that you know isn't good for you? Why do we choose to not believe that a better love exists out there?At times we can be so mystified by the words of someone, the same someone who can easily walk out on us without a goodbye. How do we stop ourselves from thinking that if we love them harder, they'll finally love us right back? Why do we try to salvage the pieces of a broken relationship rather than save ourselves?Najwa beautifully explains the art of building a home within us rather than finding it in others. She takes us on a journey of explaining heartache and how we can grow from the hurt and on the way we can learn to protect ourselves without necessarily building a cage around us.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Najwa Zebian on Instagram:@najwazebian
Listen to Najwa's Podcast here:Stories of the SoulPre-Order Najwa's New Book here:Welcome Home
If you're single, it shouldn't only mean that you're not dating. There's more to you than your relationship status.Often times we witness a woman's value being tied to her relationship status. So what message are we sending to those who are single or unmarried? What happened to the belief of trusting in God's timing?In this episode I sit down with Hafsa Hassan, a transformational coach with a holistic approach, to discuss the stigma surrounding single women, the difference between settling and manifesting the right partner and how to gauge sexual compatibility before marriage.
We often rush into the next phase of our lives without truly enjoying where we are now. For the most part, we are at the right place and right time in our lives.There's a reason why certain things unfold for us and why other things are put on hold for us.I get it, it's not easy blocking out the extra white noise and the unsolicited opinions of others.Don't get me started on the halal dating scene but for the sake of this episode topic, we might as well discuss it.
I think it's time for us women to navigate it with the confidence and belief that we are the prize and to not lower our standards just because society thinks we are asking for too much.In this episode, Hafsa does an incredible job with covering the base line and foundation every relationship should come with.
But the most important point we covered is finding out who we are at our core, stripped away from the identity of being someone's daughter, wife, sister or mother. I just want to say this once more, your worth does not lie in the relationships you do or don't have at the moment.
Don't forget that naseeb also includes yourself and what Allah has written for you to experience before ever being someone's partner.
Stay single, until you're comfortable with being single. Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Coach Hafsa Hassan on Instagram:@coachhafsahassan
Join the Meditation and Manifestation Challenge:MindBodySol Institute
In the words of Lydia Elle: You have to be heard to heal.Trigger Warning: When discussing narcissists, it tends to go hand in hand with the topic of abuse. Within this discussion we cover traits of a narcissistic partner while also touching upon the various forms of abuse.In today's episode, I sit down with Doctor Nahla, where we both share our personal experiences with abusive relationships, what reactive abuse entails and the burden survivors carry with them long after they have left their abusive partners.Someone once said, trauma teaches you to close your heart and build a cage around it, while healing teaches you to open your heart and set boundaries.In this conversation, Nahla made me feel safe enough to share the trauma that I've endured in my past. I also want to thank her for sharing her own story and allowing us to learn from the abuse and betrayal she had to overcome herself.Abuse is abuse, no matter what form it comes in. The red flags were always there, the monster was always present, just disguised.I've personally struggled with my healing journey because there are times where I have my good days and I'm appreciative of what I've overcome, but then there are days where I'm overcome with hurt and I'm so unforgiving of myself for letting certain things happen to me. Thankfully, in this conversation we also touch upon self forgiveness. For survivors, this is a concept we often struggle with, but we need to forgive ourselves for staying in the relationship longer than we should have, for holding onto the past, for blaming and judging ourselves.Truly hope that this episode empowers you to choose yourself, to inshallah remove yourself from any harmful situation and for you to know that you have sisters here for you.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Doctor Nahla on Instagram:@imdoctornahlaImportant Resources!
1. PEACEFUL FAMILIES PROJECT: WWW.PEACEFULFAMILIES.ORGA national organization devoted to preventing domestic violence with a focus on Muslim families of all backgrounds, through education and interventions. 2. THE ASIAN PACIFIC INSTITUTE ON GENDER BASED VIOLENCE:">WWW.API-GBV.ORG A resource center for sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence in Asian communities. They provide training and technical assistance with the help of advocates, community based service programs and both legal and mental health professionals. 3. PROJECT SAKINAH: WWW.PROJECTSAKINAH.ORG A program that assists with community efforts to grow healthy families that protect women, children and men from neglect and homes broken by violence. 4. KHALIL CENTER: WWW.KHALILCENTER.COM A spiritual wellness center which applies the traditional Islamic spiritual healing methods to modern clinical psychology. Services include: religious consultations, immigration evaluations and premarital coaching. They also have a crisis hotline: 855 543 57525. TAHIRIH JUSTICE CENTER: WWW.TAHIRIH.ORG Their mission is to protect immigrant women and girls who refuse to be victims of abuse by elevating their voices within the community, courts and Congress. They also provide free immigration, family and civil legal services, and they help their clients rebuild their lives, safely.
The topic of intimacy in Islam is a conversation that may at times come laced with shame and stigma. In today's episode, I sit down with Noha Alshugairi, to dismantle the misinformation surrounding this while also educating women about their rights, the power of no in a marriage and diving deeper into what is haram vs halal.I often wonder how we deviated so much from the days of our Prophet (pbuh) when it comes to seeking knowledge and empowering ourselves in terms of intimacy in Islam. How have we allowed a wall of shame to be built around this very discussion, while also allowing it to become halal overnight when someone gets married?Often times, we avoid discussing the topic of sex and intimacy due to cultural ills, but this is truly a disservice to our ummah as well as Islam, which empowers women as a whole.
I am excited to be joined by Noha Alshugairi, who is a licensed marriage and family therapist, who will help us answer the many questions we all have, especially the ones we may be too shy or embarrassed to ask.
Moving past the birds and the bees talk, I wanted to finally understand the rights we have in Islam when it comes to being emotionally and physically intimate with our significant other.
Some of the topics Noha addresses are the differences in sexual desires between partners, what is deemed to be absolutely haram and what comes with a difference in opinion, lack of sexual compatibility and physical intimacy between couples, as well as bleeding on the first night and the pressure placed on couples to consummate their marriage right away. We cover this and so much more and I can't thank Noha enough for being a resource in this sometimes uncomfortable but necessary conversation.I do want to mention that this is a very mature conversation, so please do navigate this as you see fit when it comes to your children who may be listening alongside you.
Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Noha Alshugairi on Instagram:@nohaalshugairiCheck out Noha's website here for more resources:Sakina Counseling
Have you ever loved and resented someone at the same time and is it healthy? In Episode 3 of Season 3, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Yasmine Cheyenne, a self healing expert, teacher and speaker, to discuss how to set boundaries rather than having uncommunicated expectations, how to navigate past trauma that has transformed itself into present resentment and knowing the difference of what is and what isn't meant to be yours.Some of us struggle with the act of setting and enforcing boundaries in our lives in order to have healthier relationships with those whom we love. Some of us have only experienced independence later on in life and unfortunately it came with no guidance. So how does one truly set boundaries if we have struggled with finally having agency over our choices and even our own voices?I stumbled upon Yasmine's insightful posts a few years ago and I couldn't help but feel a sense of validation and with it came a huge sigh of relief. Finally, someone understands what I have experienced and to see it being put into words was truly gratifying to say at the very least. In this episode, I open up to Yasmine about the struggles I have with setting boundaries for myself which at times can come with anxiety and guilt, because for the longest I didn't have a clear understanding of what boundaries truly are. It's always been a struggle of mine to express my needs to my loved ones without feeling like I am pushing them out or punishing them, yet this is the complete opposite of what the purpose of a boundary truly is.We also discussed how 'healing is an educational endeavor with no graduation', why we resort to anger and how we can better communicate our boundaries, what to do with the feeling of resentment towards those whom we love the most and how to find our purpose.I truly hope you walk away from this episode with a better understanding of how to advocate for yourself while also understanding you are worthy of being loved and respected. Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Yasmine Cheyenne on Instagram:@yasminecheyenneCheck out Yasmine's website here:https://yasminecheyenne.comCheck out Yasmine's Podcast:The Sugar Jar Huge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up
"We do not worship God because God needs it, we worship God because we need it. Prayer is not you reaching out for God, it is you responding to God, Who first reached out to you."In Episode 2 of Season 3, I have the pleasure and honor of sitting down with A. Helwa, the award winning author of Secrets of Divine Love. It's not everyday that you come across a book, other than the Quran itself, that can speak to you in such a profound manner. Her novel is filled with insightful gems and metaphors that allow us to reconnect to our faith in such a personal manner.In this intimate conversation, Helwa delves into the subject of how we were not created to find God, rather we are to remember and to return to the relationship we already had with God. Much like the book, in this discussion we go on a journey searching for truth and meaning. We talk about the concept of Allah's door always being opened and how if only we realized that all we have to do is just walk through it. Helwa discusses why we are so quick to put our trust in Allah's creations, yet hesitant in putting our trust in Him, the same Creator who owes us nothing, yet breathes life into us every single day. She also beautifully explains how the Quran not only teaches us how to experience God but how to interact with God. I truly hope this episode gifts you with the clarity you are searching for on your spiritual journey. Secrets of Divine Love is a book I highly recommend for everyone to read no matter where you are on your path to rediscovering your connection to God.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow A. Helwa on Instagram:@quranquotesdailyPurchase Secrets of Divine Love here:Secrets of Divine LoveHuge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up
Have you ever taken an honest moment to look at the life you have created only to realize it wasn’t your own?I am opening the new season as well as the New Year with Sara Luchetti, an intuitive healer and spiritual guide. The above question is one that Sara has posed and I couldn't help but to really dig deep into my own heart and soul to fully understand, who am I really?In Episode 1 of Season 3, Sara takes us on her personal journey of her transformational process, or as she would like to call it - her rebirth. We dive deep into what our purpose is in this temporary world, who we are at our core and how do we remain patient with ourselves while we are on this personal life journey.How do we reach the point where we can finally let go of the things (and sometimes the people) that no longer serve us? Are we capable of finally reaching the point of believing we are more than what we see and can we overcome our limiting beliefs? We also discuss the concept of relationships and how to not allow the perception of others to control us while also understanding that every person we cross paths with is, in essence, a version of ourselves.This conversation will also bring us to the realization that we must embrace our darkness in order to experience happiness. But how does one define happiness and is this something we need to continuously chase after?I hope that whatever part of your life journey you are on - that you find this conversation to be enlightening and one that motivates you to strengthen your relationship with your self. Follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sara Luchetti on Instagram:@saraluchettiCheck out Sara's site for more info:
Pinch really, please do, because we can't believe we are closing out another season of this podcast.In our Season 2 finale, we can't help but to tear up and laugh simultaneously at the year we have just had. 2020 was a year of reckoning but it was the year that pushed us beyond what we could have ever imagined for ourselves and for this platform.This podcast was birthed via a DM thread between Zaina and Dounya, both sharing their desire to create a platform for the stories that needed to be heard. Stories of women from all walks of life, triumphs and hardships, interlaced with silver linings and a few technical difficulties (technology will always be our worst enemy lol).But here we are, two seasons later, over 260K downloads and an unbreakable digital sisterhood. In this episode, we share what we have learned thus far, the fears we have overcome, the power that lies within believing in yourself, how we have dealt with loss and trying our best to grow and thrive throughout it all. How does one properly thank a community of women who have supported us since day one? How do we extend our gratitude to a sisterhood that has uplifted, motivated and continuously pushed us to keep going? At this moment, we don't know how to truly express our infinite love for our guests and listeners, but we want you to know how much you have impacted us in such immeasurable ways.We truly hope to continue this journey with you all, but we have to share a bittersweet truth in this episode - please tune in all the way to the end. Just know that we will always be indebted to you all, and we truly hope this platform has brought you joy and the feeling of belonging to a sisterhood that can withstand anything. Enjoy and remember to check us out on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfiltered
How do we go from relationship struggles to relationship goals?In Episode 37 of Season 2, we sit down with Zahra Aljabri to discuss what it means to marry our unfinished business, how we can overcome the pain points of our current relationship and how to deal with insecurities from our past. Zahra is a spiritual coach who will help guide us when it comes to the obstacles we face in our relationships. She breaks it down for us when it comes to dealing with past issues manifesting themselves into our current relationships. We also discuss how to deal with our partner's insecurities, especially when they feel entitled to our social media passwords, for example.So, where do we go from here?Almost every solution lies in having brutally honest conversations with our significant other especially when it comes to what each of us may be lacking. We hope this episode provides you with clarity, regardless if you're single, engaged or have been married for ten plus years. Every relationship comes with its struggles, so why not have the necessary tools to overcome them?Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Zahra on Instagram:@zforzahraFollow Practical Muslim on Instagram:@practicalmuslimCheck out Zahra's Website for more Resources:Zahra's site
Most of us have a story or two....ok maybe a whole book series...about how we grew up sheltered. In Episode 36 of Season 2, we sit down with Zaynab Bajwa to discuss the topic of growing up sheltered and if it leads to codependency. For some of us this could be a triggering topic, seeing that it brings back memories of every time our parents basically said no to anything without a valid explanation.We've all done it - where we found ourselves standing in front of a mirror practicing our speech to give our parents so that we can convince them to be able to go to the mall with our friends...without adult chaperones, of course. This speech could have won us an Emmy, yet it was received with a flat no from our parents. We can all go on and on about these stories to prove how sheltered we were but now that we are navigating life as adults, we can't help but to wonder if our upbringing had any long term effects on us.Zaynab, who is now a mother herself, chats with us about the topic of codependency and how she is choosing to raise her son. Our discussion includes how we each faced the real world after leaving our parents nest, if sheltered children grow into sheltered adults and how can we have more compassion towards our parents for doing the best that they could do at that time.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Zaynab on Instagram:@thenewyorknest
If I asked you, do you love yourself, what would you say?In Episode 35 of Season 2, we sit down with Alia Taha, who isn't a stranger to our podcast (she was a guest on Season 1), to discuss the root of self love and the resilient act of choosing to love ourselves despite our flaws, traumas and lived experiences.When you sit across from Alia, you know you will always leave the conversation feeling empowered, motivated and loved. Alia is the type of friend who beautifully reminds you of Allah and His mercy. In this raw conversation, she also reminds us that we are worthy of loving ourselves even in our darkest moments and that God has intended to create us perfectly imperfect.We are constantly searching for self love in all of the wrong places and we are chasing validation from Allah's creation rather than the Creator Himself. True self love is the ability to see ourselves through the eyes of Allah.And in today's episode, we will be connecting the dots between the ability to love ourselves and how it relates back to our journey with God.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Alia Taha on Instagram:@aliataha_
If you've ever experienced anxiety walking down the skincare aisle of your local drugstore, trust me when we say this, you're not alone!In Ep 34 of Season 2, we sit down with Dr. Fatima Fahs, aka Dermy Doctor, to discuss all things related to skincare. Most of us may have a love/hate relationship with our skincare routine and in this episode we dive deep into the do's and dont's when it comes to how to take care of our skin!Did you know that acne is the most common skin issue in the U.S.?If you're someone who has suffered from acne breakouts and from maskne then you definitely want to tune in. We cover what the common causes of breakouts are, what products work best for fading post acne marks and what we should use to combat acne at home.We cover the most common skincare mistakes, which face mask best suits our needs, how do dermatologists feel about aestheticians and if we really need to use a toner and so much more!We hope this conversation answers all of your skincare related questions. It is jam-packed with tips and recommendations for all of your skincare needs!Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Fatima/Dermy Doctor on Instagram:@dermy_doctor
Our votes have been cast, our ballots have been counted, the new President-elect and VP have been announced and the world can finally let out a collective sigh...temporarily.On this week's Unfltrd Thoughts, we sit down with Arij Mikati, an activist and anti-racism educator, to discuss where do we go from here post election.A projected 161 million Americans voted in the 2020 elections - a nail biting, stress induced presidential race that resulted in Biden becoming President-elect and Kamala Harris as the first Black, South Asian female President. Now what? Our goal of kicking Trump out resulted in us voting for individuals who we may not be that fond of their histories and prior policies. In this conversation we discuss key points such as how the voting results reflected how we, the people, are truly in power, how do we hold Biden/Harris accountable, what do we do about both of these candidates endorsing AIPAC and how do we challenge their support of the illegal occupation of Palestine?
Why is God angry with me?In Ep. 33 of Season 2, we sit down with Sarah Sultan to discuss those shameful but pressing questions we have about Allah and His presence during tough times, the impact trauma can have on our relationship with our faith and what to do when we're too depressed to even pray. We’ve talked about how trauma can have an ever-lasting effect on how we see ourselves, but it can also have an impact on how we perceive our connection to and our relationship with God. Although some of us could never imagine ourselves questioning God, it’s crucial that we extend the conversation to include those who do so, secretly. Sarah explains how we can pull ourselves out of those dark moments and rebuild the bridge that connects us to our faith and to Allah. When times are tough, and depression has us too down to pray, let alone get out of bed, Sarah dives into how we can help ourselves and help those dealing with such feelings. As a reminder, we need to leave our preconceived judgement at the door, because it’s not welcomed here. This is a space meant for vulnerable conversations and we can’t thank Sarah enough for her wisdom and motivating words.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sarah On Instagram: @sarahsultantherapyCheck out Sarah's lectures:
On this week’s “Unfltrd Thoughts”, we discuss silly, but still kind of important deal breakers. Whether it’s the type of shoes that they wear (yes, this is a big concern to one of us, apparently) or what reality shows they’re into, we all have those little pet peeves that’ll send us packing. In this light-hearted conversation, we talk about some of the obvious and not so obvious things we can’t put up with. Head to our Instagram page @unsweetenedandunfiltered and join the conversation. Do you have any silly deal breakers?
Stressed out? Ladies, let’s talk!In Ep. 32 of Season 2, we sit down with Zermina Akbary from Living Wholelistic to talk about the mind, body & spiritual connection, the benefits of seed cycling and ways to reduce & manage our stress. In a very raw and vulnerable conversation, Zermina opens up about her life journey and the moments she felt at her lowest. She explains that during tough and ultra-stressful times it isn’t just our physical wellness that takes a hit, but also our spiritual and mental health as well. It is a web that is truly intertwined. The toll stress can have on our bodies goes beyond your monthly acne breakout or migraine. Zermina says stress is one of the many factors driving infertility and cancer cases up in our community - as well as what we consume. So, how do we handle all the stress-filled situations life throws at us? We highlight some practices to help, like acupuncture, journaling and guided mediation. Now let’s talk hormones. Hormones are the silent factor that truly impact our behavior, growth and metabolism, no matter what time of the month it is. Zermina walks us through something called “seed cycling” and how it can help to promote a healthy balance of estrogen, increase fertility and even ease PMS symptoms! Leading a healthy lifestyle is more than just sweating it out at the gym or cooking up a balanced meal in the kitchen, it also means checking up on your mental and spiritual well being, too!Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Zermina on Instagram: @living_wholelistic
On this week’s “Unfltrd Thoughts”, we answer the question: “Would you rather know the truth no matter how painful, or would you prefer being comforted by little white lies?” The truth is a powerful tool, one that can unlock many layers of a relationship.But what if a truth is too much for you to handle? We discuss our own personal thoughts on radical honesty, and just how hurtful it can be to find yourself on the receiving end of a lie being told.Head to our Instagram page @unsweetenedandunfiltered and join the conversation. Which scenario would you prefer?
Leaving a trail of hair strands everywhere you go? If you’re worried about hair loss and hair thinning, trust us when we say you’re not alone. In Ep. 31 of Season 2, we sit down with Dr. Sarah Kiani and Pari to discuss a topic that has been on the top of the minds of many women, literally. We dive right into our own personal hair loss journeys and the reason its become a taboo topic to discuss. Dr. Sarah breaks down the lifespan of a hair follicle and explains why some hair shedding is completely normal. Whether its your diet, genetics, a health condition or some other underlying reason- Dr. Sarah explains the internal and external factors that can lead to hair loss. We also debunk some hair loss myths and share some tips we’ve personally added to our morning and nighttime routines to keep our hair healthy and growing. And for our hijabi listeners- we got some handy hair care advice for you all as well! In this episode we’re also joined by Pari who opens up about her recent bout with hair loss both with postpartum and as she discovers her Alopecia Areata diagnosis. In a very unfiltered and vulnerable discussion, the new-mommy walks us through her struggles and how she’s learning to love the beautiful woman she sees staring back at her in the mirror, again. Hair loss is a vulnerable thing to talk about, but we are grateful for the strong ladies who share their personal journeys with us, in order to help others. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Dr. Sarah Kiani on Instagram: @drsarahkianiFollow Pari on Instagram: @thecentralsteppes
On this week’s “Unfltrd Thoughts", we talk about how to handle finding out your friend’s true colors.Our differences make us who we are and when it comes to our friend groups it’s those differences that lead to intriguing conversations and learning more about the other.But what if those differences go against or negate your own life's values?We’re not talking about rooting for an opposing sports team here, but what if, for instance, you find out your friend supports Trump?We share our thoughts on discovering those friendship deal breakers and how we would respond to a similar situation. Head to our Instagram page @unsweetenedandunfiltered and join the conversation. Would you stay friends with someone who supported a cause you are firmly against?
When it comes to finding a naseeb, it seems like the odds are stacked against us from the start. But as a divorcee, the challenges are stacked even higher.In Ep. 30 of Season 2, we sit down with Lisa Vogl to talk about life post-divorce, the collateral damage that comes with it and how our community can band together to help change the negative perception of divorced women. Unfortunately, women are often seen as the reason for the divorce, even when it wasn’t their fault. We dive into the Scarlett Letter that divorced women are forced to wear and the cloud of negativity that seems to follow them around. Are the women in our community equally to blame for the way we view divorcees, too? Let's collectively learn how to quit the gossip and stop viewing divorced women as a “last option” for men who are looking for a potential partner. We also discuss opening ourselves up to a new relationship and how its never an easy thing to do, especially when factoring in previous experiences and hardships. Lisa explains what values she holds close to her heart and the red flags she keeps an eye out for. Divorce isn’t a bad word, and it definitely shouldn’t determine our worth as women, because no matter what the circumstances are, you are not defined by your marital status. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Lisa on Instagram:"> Verona***If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out for help by contacting the National Domestic Violence Hotline***
On this week’s “Unfltrd Thoughts", we talk about soulmates and whether or not we think they exist. Life isn’t a Disney movie or romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks - unfortunately. But does that mean soulmates are a thing of fiction? The idea of finding your soulmate has become more of a cliche than anything else over the years, but the idea that there is someone out there made especially for you, is an idea we want to hang on to. We also dive into the ayah “we created you in pairs”, and whether that applies to everyone. Head to our Instagram page @unsweetenedandunfiltered and join the conversation. Do you think soulmates are the same thing as “naseeb”?
No matter how much time you take to prep the nursery, baby-proof your home or reread “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” - nothing will ever truly prepare you for what's to come.In Ep. 29 of Season 2, we sit down with Sara Ahmed to talk about postpartum depression, the internal and external struggles of seeking help and how we can learn to love and appreciate our bodies. Sara dives into her pregnancy and post-pregnancy journeys and debunks some pretty common postpartum myths. The anxiety, the depression and the stigma that still surrounds mental health- the now mother-of-two outlines her path to getting help and the feedback she received from her community once she did. Sara also opens up about her use of antidepressants to help treat her postpartum depression and the reason she is no longer reluctant in taking the prescription. We end this episode discussing body positivity. Sara talks about how she put aside those negative thoughts she had of her body, and instead learned to love every inch of herself. Let’s stop waiting on our “ideal weight” in order to feel good about ourselves. It is women like Sara who are true trailblazers in the de-stigmatization of mental health. The more we open up about our struggles, the more empowered we feel, collectively. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sara on Instagram: @sugarlandsaraRead Sara's Huffington Post article HEREIf you or someone you know is suffering from Postpartum Depression here are some resources that may help:
In our first "Unfltrd Thoughts", we talk about forgiveness. We dig deep into our own personal process when it comes to forgiving those who've wronged us and moments that may signal conflicts that are yet unresolved.One of the hardest relationships to have is the one you share with yourself. So, learning to forgive past mistakes you've made isn't the easiest thing to do, but we talk about how we're learning to cut ourselves some slack.Don't forget to head to our Instagram page @unsweetenedandunfiltered and share your thoughts on forgiveness with us.
A chance to play a role of a lifetime is a dream come true for this week's guest, but how did the role of her parents influence her decision? In Ep.28 of Season 2, we speak to Zoha Rahman, who starred in the Marvel movie, "Spiderman: Far From Home", as the first hijabi character. We chat with Zoha about representation in the media and her thoughts on tokenism, as well as starting a career in acting; a profession not too often touched by those in our community. We also dive into the many conversations Zoha has had with her parents as she opened up to them about her hopes and aspirations. Many who choose an unconventional career route know this conversation doesn't go over too well, but the actress walks us through how she navigated the discussion and how she kept working toward her goals without the initial support from her parents. The conversation continues as we talk about the basic fundamentals we should raise our young girls with and how we can continue to support each other. From just a dream to actually seeing her name in lights, Zoha proves with hard work, determination and faith, anything we put our minds to is truly possible! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Zoha On Instagram: @zoha_purplemush
Trigger Warning: In this episode we discuss sexual violence. If you find this topic to be triggering, please hit pause and check out some of our older episodes instead! Let's stop beating around the bush when it comes to our bodies and our health. Instead, let's empower each other with shameless knowledge and remove the stigma that follows.
In Ep. 27 of Season 2, we speak to Aisha Ismail about the lack of sexual health & reproductive education in the Muslim community, the importance of understanding and confronting sexual violence and all that the Muslim-led organization Heart has to offer.
It's our body and it's about time we get to know it. Aisha outlines the importance of sexual health literacy and why it's crucial that we increase the spread of this vital information throughout our community.
Understanding our bodies is a right, because sexual education covers more than just the birds and the bees- it expands across areas like menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum and so much more. We shouldn't be caught-off guard or left in the dark when it comes to our own physical health. Aisha also discusses the growing number of sexual violence incidents within our community. The unfortunate truth is that 68% of victims don't go to the police. Could fear of being judged, for something that they are a victim of, be to blame? Aisha says, most likely. She digs into why and how we can help differentiate the difference between consensual sex and sexual assault.
This episode is a chalk full of incredibly useful and crucial information that helps learning about our bodies at any given age much easier.
We're proud to be a part of an ever-growing circle of women, who like Aisha, share a common goal: empower the ladies in our community with knowledge.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Aisha on Instagram: @ayooshismaiCheck Out Heart on Instagram: @hearttogrowTake A Look At All 'Heart' Has To Offer HERE
Your happiness shouldn’t amount to the number of checkboxes you tick, but instead the things that truly put your heart and soul at ease. In Ep. 26 of Season 2, we sit down with Shazia Imam to talk about the fear of letting go, cultivating a relationship with ourselves and learning how to let go and put our faith in Allah’s hands. Shazia opens up about a very personal and vulnerable part of her life; moments she thought there was no way she could ever find happiness. She takes us through those dark moments of her prior marriage, and how she was able to pull herself out and lead a life she is proud of. So, we ask ourselves why are we so afraid of letting go of the things (or people) that don’t even bring us happiness? That’s a question we find ourselves asking way too many times. The fear of the unknown can cause us to miss out on people, moments and experiences that can truly help us change our world completely. Shazia shares with us how she was able to walk away from a life she knew she didn’t deserve, and into one full of possibilities. Focusing on our relationships with others is an important thing to do. Being a good mother, friend, spouse, coworker all are important roles we play. But what about the relationship we have with ourselves? You wouldn’t neglect a friend, so why do we believe that neglecting ourselves is an OK thing to do? Shazia also talks about how she is able to practice tawwakul- putting her trust and reliance in Allah while also accepting His plan. It is He who truly knows what’s best for us, so plan, work hard and leave the rest up to Him. At a time when most of us are feeling lost and hoping to stumble upon a path that leads us to a lifetime of eternal happiness, Shazia’s advice can surely get you to where you need to go.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Shazia on Instagram: @thelifeengineerListen to Shazia's Podcast "Feminine & Fulfilled" HERE
Your worth shouldn’t be defined by your bank account balance or your credit score, but that shouldn’t mean you should ignore these figures, either.
In Ep. 25 of Season 2, Kenya Imani gives us great insight on how to take control of our finances by creating a budget, investing and tackling our loans.
We discuss financial trauma and how the topic of money can be very stressful for many people. It's important to not dismiss the healing portion of the financial process.
There’s a lot we aren’t taught in school, and unfortunately managing our finances is one of them. Kenya walks us through why we should set life goals and the importance of living within our means.
Creating a budget may not sound like too much fun, but Kenya explains how this simple task can help us save up for rainy days and allow us to be in control of our money. Budgeting is meant to give you the ability to treat yourself, too!
College can be exciting for many reasons but when it comes to student loans - we rarely get the 411 on the ins and outs of these loans and that little thing called interest. The majority of graduates are stuck with student loan debt and the feeling that it will never go away. Kenya puts our hearts at ease by offering us some words of wisdom and comfort.
We stick by this platform’s goal, and that’s to empower women in all avenues of their life, and what better way to do so then by giving them the right tools they need to understand and control their finances.
It’s never too late to start working toward a debt-free life! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Kenya on Instagram: @kenya.imaniUse Code 'Unfiltered' for an additional 20% off services offered by Kenya!
It’s important to remember that your relationship with God is no one else’s but yours. So learn to leave the judgement, the comparisons and envy at the door. In Ep. 24 of Season 2, we sit down with May Calamawy (again!) to discuss the second season of the Hulu show “Ramy”! Our conversation touches upon faith, creating a personal relationship with God, and as well as our thoughts on the evil eye. Struggling with faith isn’t an uncommon thing to go through. Calamawy discusses the ups and downs her character faces with faith on the show and how it relates to her own struggles in real life. Sometimes you may find yourself so far away from God and the path you once followed. But, luckily, something will always pull you back. Most of the time it won’t be the same path, but a better one you’ve paved for yourself. Evil eye, or hassad, could possibly be the most popular topic discussed amongst those in our community. We dive into our outlook on the matter, share personal antidotes of our encounters with the evil eye, and ways we’ve learned to “humble ourselves” and protect the people and things we value the most. We also discuss relationships and how to deal with a partner’s past. How much is too much knowledge, and what’s just not enough? Although this may vary from person to person, I think we can all agree that falling down a rabbit hole of social media stalking of your current beau isn’t a good idea. Whether you are just beginning your journey to connecting to your faith, or well down that road, this episode is loaded with enlightening and feel-good content that will give you the push you need to keep on going.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow May on Instagram: @maycalamawy
No one said practicing self-growth was going to be easy, but we can promise you it will be worth it. In Ep. 23 of Season 2 we sit down with Sumayyah Taufique to discuss self growth, learning how to show ourselves compassion and the concept of spiritual bypassing. When you think of your ideal day of self-care, you probably think of a nice long bath, a trip to the spa or a day spent Netflixing surrounded by your favorite food. According to Sumayyah, there’s nothing wrong with that. But she also says there’s another level of self-care that produces long-term effects, rather than just handling what’s on the surface. Self-growth allows us to focus on the root cause of the issue and coming up with solutions to change what’s actually triggering us. This process may be more work than just soaking in the tub, but it’s crucial to get you going on your journey to wellness. When was the last time you sat down and talked to yourself? If it’s been a while, well you’re not alone there. Sumayyah says checking in on ourselves will help give insight into the direction we need to go in - to support your mental health. Ask yourself questions, like, “Why did I react to something seemingly small, in such a big way?”, “Why was I triggered by that action?” Stop treating your feelings like unwanted guests. The longer and harder we fight to hide and suppress our emotions, the louder they yell. Go and get your Drake on, girl, it’s ok to cry it out. Do you ever feel guilty for feeling sad rather than being “more grateful”? It’s called spiritual bypassing and Sumayyah explains how we can avoid using faith as an avoidance mechanism. It’s not haram to cry, it’s not wrong to feel sad and it’s more than ok to be all up in your feelings.
The benefits of therapy are also discussed in this episode. We spend so much time and effort getting to know the people around us, but isn’t it time we invest that same energy into ourselves, too? We think so.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sumayyah on Instagram: @growthwork
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but it’s through these ups and downs that we are shaped into who we are truly meant to be. In Ep. 22 of Season 2, we sit down with Hanan Abdel-Khalek to discuss finding happiness post-divorce, learning to honor the hardships we face in silence and how we can take control of our lives and invest in our own selves. Hanan opens up about getting married and ultimately divorced in her early twenties. We discuss many of the things we often overlook when getting into a new relationship, and all the red flags we often paint to look like other colors. Hanan explains that in order to grow and prosper post-break up, you have to learn how to forgive your younger self. Although, it was definitely not where she imagined her life going at such a young age, Hanan says she’s also learned to honor the hardships she’s faced in silence. Often times we hold the extent of the hardships we had faced away from loved ones, friends and family as to not burden them. But this can make the healing process a bit tougher, but Hanan explains how she was able to process what she’s gone through, and still be able to find the purpose of her pain. Of all the pain we’ve experienced we’re learning that these obstacles are truly gifts from Allah, because the women we are today would never exist without those difficult moments. Hanan talks about becoming the person she is today, and the ways she began investing in her own self.
Allah truly tests those He loves the most, and although at times it may feel hard to feel blessed in those trying moments, remember it’s through those dark times that we find light.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Hanan on Instagram: @hananithinkShop Youngnevertiti
Black Lives Matter isn’t an Instagram trend, it’s a commitment to justice. And it’s not just a moment, but a movement that will never not be important. In Ep. 21 of Season 2, we sit down with Eman Idil Bare to discuss her bouts with racism beginning at such a young age, anti-blackness in the media and what we can do to help push the BLM movement beyond our dinner table discussions. Micro-aggressions are more than just insults or insensitive comments. They are the thinly veiled, everyday instances of racism that you see in the world. And as Eman explains, it’s something that she had to deal with all of her life. She talks about how a visit to the hair salon for a quick cut taught her about racism at a young age, and how those micro-aggressions even followed her to law school. The media can be racist at times and that’s no surprise. There has been many instances of this through the reporting of the murder of George Floyd, the protest and countless situations just like this one. Eman also digs into her time working in a newsroom, and moments she was subjected to stereotypes, racism and the lack of opportunities she was given as a reporter compared to her white counterparts. We discuss what needs to be done in order to get back to the basics of journalism: reporting the unfiltered truth. No matter how open-minded you think you are, or socially conscious you may be, we all have a responsibility to check our privilege everyday. We must learn to unlearn our own biases, and although it maybe uncomfortable, it’s our duty to do the same to those around us. We discuss ways to help push the purpose of the BLM movement beyond just hashtags and conversations. Eman tells us what we can do in order to do better for the Black community.
We also want to mention that often-times the mental health of the Black community goes unchecked. And much more than often, the Black community isn’t given the same opportunity to heal from their trauma, since they are constantly reliving it and experiencing one traumatic event after the next. We talk about what we can do as allies to bring focus to the well being of those in the black community.
This is a cause that isn't going away, it's a battle we will continue to fight until justice is served. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Eman on Instagram: @emanidil
How can you tell if it’s your nafs or the Shaytan luring you away from Allah? How many times should you ask for forgiveness for the same sin? What are the differences between a hypocrite and a believer? In Ep. 20 of Season 2, we sit down with Hosai Mojaddidi to discuss the diseases of the heart, dealing with our nafs and how to view hardships as blessings in disguise.Our hearts are vessels that carry all that we consume. And while we allow ourselves to over-indulge without a second thought, it’s important to realize the impact it has on our minds, bodies and souls. Hosia explains why it’s crucial that we pay more attention to what we are feeding our hearts.Everyday we are faced with the difficult challenge of dealing with our desires and temptations. Some are easy to ignore, while others seem close to impossible. Hosai explains what our nafs is, and how we can learn to overcome such weaknesses. If we allow it to, our nafs can take over our lives, preventing us from connecting to Allah and putting distance between us and our prayer rugs. Hosai breaks down ways we can overcome our nafs and use our heart as a weapon to stay God conscious.When it comes to sinning - it is something we are prone to as imperfect humans and something we all try to work on putting an end to. But how do we prevent ourselves from falling into the same sin over and over again? We discuss certain practices we can take part in to help keep us on the right path, and thinking of Allah more often.If you’re struggling to build a connection to your faith, we hope this episode allows you to find solutions to stay God conscious, always.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Hosai on Instagram: @hosaimojo
Your voice is your power. Use it to speak up against any injustices you may see, and fight for what you truly believe in. That’s our duty as Muslims. In Ep. 19 of Season 2, we sit down with Jael Kerandi to discuss the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, how she used her voice to push her University to adjust their relationship with the Minneapolis Police and encourage change nationwide. After news broke of Floyd’s death, Jael says she knew she had to do something to protect her fellow students. She drafted up a letter addressed to her University’s president demanding the school end ties with the city’s police department. That letter had a 24 hour response time, and in that time her university answered saying it will adjust how they deal with Minneapolis Police moving forward. And once the word got out, universities and colleges around the nation followed suit. Jael expresses her gratitude to the young generation’s passion for justice and political engagement. No one’s voice is ever too weak, young or unimportant. Jael’s words have inspired change that will impact the lives of thousands.We are living in a time full of despair, but a time also full of hope. Jael explains why no matter how often these inhumane killings occur, we can never allow ourselves to become desensitized to the violence. We must use our voices and whatever position we are in to take a stand. As the protests wind down, we must not let the fire and passion to put an end to police brutality die down too.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Jael on Instagram: @itsjayelle
As Muslims, we have no other choice but to stand alongside our Black brothers and sisters. In Ep. 18 of Season 2, we sit down with Remaz Khalaleyal to discuss the recent murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police, stereotypes and racism that exist within our own non-black community and the absolute need to go beyond the hashtags to actually make a difference.George Floyd wasn’t the first Black man to be murdered at the hands of police brutality, but we are calling for his death to be the last. In this much needed conversation, Remaz opens up about how she’s taking care of her mental state following the news of the brutal killing.It seems like the whole world is finally waking up to the calls of justice and equality that has been coming from the Black community for centuries, but much more work still needs to be done. We talk about the need to have open and honest discussions surrounding racism within our own communities, homes and workplaces. Yes, those conversations may be difficult and awkward, but that shouldn’t deter you from doing so. As Muslims it is our duty to stand alongside the Black community. Allah gave you a voice to speak out against injustice and wrongdoing. Use it, but use it wisely. Remaz explains why more people need to stop and listen, before becoming the echo of white supremacy. Our role right now, as non-black Muslims, is to stand by their side, not in front of them. How many times have you heard someone say, “ I don’t see color”?Now although this statement might be made with good intentions, it is a prime example of just how powerful words are, and why we need to choose ours carefully. Remaz says hearing statements like this only make the black community feel devalued, unheard and as if a part of their identity is being stripped away, Black men and women are taught at such an earlier age to dislike the color of their skin. Whether they are at home watching tv and see a commercial for skin-whitening products or shopping at Sephora and never finding a foundation shade relatively close to their own- the internalized hate is growing. Yet, their white-counterparts spend a fortune tanning their skin, plumping up their lips and braiding their hair. Remaz talks about her own experience as she learned how to love and appreciate the skin she is in. So, you posted a picture on social media using #BLM, now what? Our activism has to go beyond a 4 by 5 Instagram square. You have to actually follow through with that call to action. Remaz outlines how we can make a difference in our community to help end these horrendous attacks on innocent black men and women. This is a revolution. When your kids study about the 2020 protest in their future history books and asked what you did to help, don’t let them down. Speak up, show up and support.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Remaz on Instagram: @reresolve_
Finding your tribe is important. That group of women who you can turn to for help, to have a good time with or seek advice from. But we all know, making friends as adults doesn’t come easy. In Ep. 17 of Season 2, we’re joined by Fariha Rub, aka The Doctor Mommy, to talk about self-worth, cultivating friendships and finding purpose through pain. Self esteem isn’t something they teach you in school, neither is it something instilled in us from birth. But building up our self-esteem allows us to recognize our self-worth. No matter what age you are or where in life you find yourself, holding on to your self-worth can help pull you out of situations you know aren’t right for you. Fariha explains how she came to learn the importance of self-love, self-compassion and why you must always invest in yourself. We no longer find ourselves on the playground where life seemed easier and everyone wanted to be your friend because you got the jumbo crayon pack everyone wanted to play with. As adults, we find ourselves in new cities, with a new family, spouse, career, and limited free-time on our hands. So how do we find and maintain good friendships? Fariha opens up about her past friendships- the ones that were toxic but had left her with valuable life lessons. She explains how she uses those experiences to build herself up and hold herself to a higher standard when it comes to choosing friends. She offers tips on how she found her current set of friends and how to tell if you’re in a toxic relationship. Through all of the pain she had suffered in failed friendships, Fariha decided to create a safe space for women to join and support each other both spiritually and emotionally. This group helps encourage growth and gets like minded people under the same roof. Whether you’re just getting out of a toxic friendship or moved to a new city and are looking to find your clique, Fariha proves friendship is crucial but only if it’s made with the right people for you.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Fariha Rub on Instagram: @thedoctormommyFor more information on how to join "Jannah Circle" click HERE
What goes on in your mind has the power to change your life. But when you have a million thoughts racing through your head all at once, it’s hard to focus on the present moment.
In Episode 16 of Season 2, we are joined by Iman Boundaoui to discuss mindfulness, cherishing the essence of time and how to better make sense of our mental chatter.
One of the hardest quests in life is finding your life’s purpose. When it comes to choosing a career path, many of us just settle. Iman says the journey isn’t always an easy one, we have to do the work instead of waiting for our purpose to show up at our doorstep.
Now let’s talk about the unconscious mind. It has the ability to control everything in your life from your feelings, to behaviors and your experiences with others - if you allow it to do so that is. It will force you to be highly critical of yourself, thus causing you to drift away from your authentic self. Thankfully, Iman gives us a step-by-step guide on how to evict these unwanted thoughts.
We are also in a time where we are connected to the entire world with just a press of a button, yet it’s so easy to feel alone. You would think that with the endless devices and apps that help connect us to our family and friends it would be nearly impossible to feel lonely.
But many of us find ourselves feeling completely on our own, even in a room filled to the brim with loved ones. When it comes to loneliness and disconnection she offers advice on how we can overcome these issues before they turn into something more serious.
We conclude with discussing the value of time. We know that it passes by with every blink of an eye, so why do we spend our time with things that are not beneficial to us? Iman explains ways that we can shift our perspective to see time as an asset worth more than just hours of bad reality tv shows or a dead-end full-time job.
The goal is to live a happy and fulfilled life and with Iman’s advice we hope to shift gears and immerse ourselves in the present moment! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Iman Boundaoui on Instagram: @new.moon.coaching
Whether you think time is flying by or it's stuck at a standpoint, we’ve made it to the final ten days of Ramadan, alhamdillah! In Episode 15 of Season 2, we are joined by Youssra Kamel Kandil to talk about how to make the most of the time we have left of this Holy month. In these last Ten Nights of Power, also known as Laylatul Qadr, our reward for good deeds like prayer, charity and reading Quran are multiplied. Now is the best time to form and strengthen our bond with Allah (subhanu wa ta'ala) and Youssra explains how we can use dua to do just that. The power of dua is strong and the response is always guaranteed. Youssra walks us through the importance of duaa and the proper way to structure it.Contrary to what many of us believe, you don’t need to wait to find yourself in a difficult position to call on Allah. Dua is powerful enough to change our Qadr and turn our calamities into blessings. You can use dua to ask Allah to protect your family from harms way, or to keep this Ummah safe, for example. Now, on to what possibly is the most requested topic: Istikhara Prayer. Most of us have heard about istikhara prayer and are told to perform it before making any big decisions - but when it comes to the actual act of performing, we’re truly lost. “To speak that which is good”- Youssra breaks down the purpose of Istikhara prayer, the “myths” surrounding it and most importantly how to properly perform it. This Ramadan we are asking Allah to protect you and all of your loved ones from anything harmful, and may Allah grant ease to those who may be suffering around the world. Join us in making dua, now that you know so much more about it! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Youssra Kamel Kandil on Instagram: @youssrakandil
Unfortunately, Muslims are used to being on the opposite end of racism and inequality. What’s even more disappointing than that, is when at times that intolerance may also be coming from our own Ummah. In Ep. 14 of Season 2, we sit down with Ayesha Jihad to talk about her experiences as a black Muslim woman and the struggles she has faced.
Growing up in Saudi Arabia, Ayesha explains her first bouts with racism and the effect it has had on her relationship with her identity. At a young age, she began distancing herself away from the parts of her that didn’t please her classmates.
Ayesha says it’s important to note that everyone experiences racism in different ways and after a long conversation with her own father, she realized how unique her encounter with it truly is.
When Ayesha and her family moved back to America, the racism didn’t stop - the mode just shifted. She walks us through key moments that stuck with her years later, like snarky remarks made at the Mosque, overhearing assumptions about her family’s social status, and audible gasps when others found out her brother was the one leading prayer.
Ayesha digs into how that racism has affected her in her most formative years, and the way it shaped her into becoming the successful twenty-something that she is today.
You might be listening to this and thinking to yourself what can I do to help… Ayesha says the answer to that is the one you would least expect.
And that’s listening more than talking. Oftentimes, we try to relate our struggles to others by sharing our “similar” stories. Instead, we should be intensively listening. This episode is a crucial one and we are so blessed to have Ayesha share her story with us. It’s time to re-unify this Ummah, because at the end of the day the color of your skin, or the country you call home does not make you a more qualified Muslim. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Ayesha on Instagram: @ayeshajihad
The goal isn’t to just make it through this month, but it’s to leave it a better person than when we had entered it.
In Episode 13 of Season 2, we’re joined by Fatima Shendy to talk about purifying our intentions, understanding Allah’s infinite mercy and all things in-between.
When Ramadan comes around most of us expect a miracle to occur. We suddenly expect our connection to God and to our prayer to strengthen overnight, but when that doesn’t happen we’re left feeling empty and disappointed. Fatima explains that sometimes that disconnection comes from the struggle to understand the true purpose of the month and just who our Creator is.
Building a solid relationship with Allah starts with the intention to do so. Fatima talks about the importance of purifying those intentions in order to discover where that disconnect lies. It’s crucial to sit down with yourself and ask, “why do I want to be closer to Allah?” and “am I truly practicing the religion, or am I going through the obligations, robotically?”
It’s a blessing to be able to memorize Quran - but do you know the meaning behind the Surahs you are reciting? Learning Islam on a deeper level can help bridge that gap and bring you closer to Allah. We discuss the importance of understanding word for word what we are reciting while we perform our daily prayers. This brings us to the guilty conscience that leaves us with a pit in our stomach and an unnerving feeling we just can’t seem to shake off. But as Fatima explains, that guilt is a blessing in disguise - it is a gift from Allah to remind you that there is hope for you to follow the right path. So, if you missed a prayer or find yourself further distant from the faith than you would like to be, use that guilt as a way to pull yourself back onto the right path. Fatima also discusses the importance of forgiveness. While often times we are slow to forgive friends and loved ones who do us wrong, we are even slower in showing remorse toward ourselves. Allah is the most forgiving, so why do we ignore his calls to seek His forgiveness? We end this episode by diving into topics like envying another person’s spiritual journey, tips on how to make the most of the Holy month and simple ways we can inch closer to the kind of Muslim we hope to be.
No matter where you are at on your spiritual journey, we hope that this episode can help get you to where you wish to go. Ramadan Mubarak, and may you achieve all you set your heart on this month! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Fatima on Instagram: @fatima.shendy
With Ramadan on the horizon, most of us are wondering how we’ll survive the coffee-withdrawals, thirst and random hunger pains.In Ep.12 of Season 2, Zainab Ismail aka Zainab Fit For Allah gives us some insight on how we can achieve a healthy and successful month of fasting. Prepping, both mentally and physically, for Ramadan is crucial. When it comes to our bodies, what we put in it affects our overall mood and well-being. Zainab suggests trying to limit “junk foods” and cutting down on caffeine before entering the holy month - this will help alleviate any shock to your body the first week of Ramadan.
When it comes to what we should eat - that’s a question on everyone's mind this time of year. Specifically, for Suhoor, Zainab gives us many helpful and easy tips on what food and beverages to consume that will help keep us satisfied and hydrated throughout the day. Speaking of beverages, Zainab introduces us to the Prophetic drink made of dates and Zamzam water and the significance behind it. Once the sun sets and it’s time to break our fast, our eyes can be hungrier than our stomachs. It’s important not to over-indulge and to truly listen to your body. Zainab outlines which foods she recommends breaking your fast on and which she says you’re better off avoiding. We also discuss working out during Ramadan and how it doesn’t have to be tedious or impossible. We talk about what time of the day is best to burn some calories, how we can sneak in workouts without overworking ourselves, and the importance of staying active. Got a week off of fasting? We had one more question for Zainab and it was in regards to that time of the month for us women. Instead of seeing this as a curve ball, Zainab tells us the best ways to utilize this time most efficiently.
We hope you enjoy this episode that’s jam packed with simple yet important tips for Ramadan! As always, we wish you all a blessed month of peace, love and spiritual healing! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Zainab on Instagram: @zainab_fitforallah
We have waited all year for this month: Taraweeh prayers, azumas surrounded by loved ones and the chance to bond with family and friends!
But this year we’ll forgo the gatherings for our own safety and this Ramadan will definitely be one to remember.
In Ep. 11 of Season 2, we sit down with Saja and Suha, the women behind Amasi Decor, to talk about celebrating the holy month while social distancing.
Just because this Ramadan doesn’t look like any others that we’ve participated in, it doesn’t mean we still can’t bring the excitement into our homes.
If anything, it means we really should be amping it up!
Saja and Suha explain how we can get both the younger generation and our elders to take part in Ramadan festivities.
There are so many ways to bring that spiritual feeling back this year: decorating our homes, designating certain corners of our living spaces for prayer and Quran readings and creating new traditions to pass along to our little ones.
Speaking of traditions, we each share our memories from our childhood and what we plan to incorporate into our daily Ramadan practices this year!
Being away from family and friends may be the toughest part, but Saja and Suha walk us through how we can still maintain those relationships while also practicing social distancing. Zoom iftar date, anyone?
Explore all AmasiDecor has to offer this Ramadan by shopping their website and make sure to check out their Ramadan playlist and other freebies!
Head over to their site to receive 20% at checkout by using promo code: UNSWEETENERS20Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Amasi Decor on Instagram: @amasidecorShop Amasi Decor HERE
*TRIGGER WARNING*: In this episode we discuss mental illness, suicide and self-harm in length. If you feel the content discussed may be triggering, please either proceed with caution or feel free to listen to any one of our previous episodes. We have also provided a list of credible resources below.In Ep.10 of Season 2, we are joined by psychotherapist Berak Hussain as we dive deep into mental illness and self harm in the Muslim community. We discuss ways we can emerge out of this sea of sadness and hopelessness. This is a very sensitive topic, but with that being said, it's a discussion that needs to be had openly. Although, suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens to those who are in their mid-thirties, it's nearly impossible to know the true impact it has on the Muslim community, since these deaths may go unreported. For families who’ve lost loved ones to suicide, they are often left grieving behind closed doors, putting an extra layer of pain to their suffering. Berak explains how we, as a community, need to do better in supporting one another and learning to be less judgmental. There is a misconception when it comes to this topic in Islam and Berak adds that the only way to clear the air is by bringing the discussion of mental health to the forefront in places like our homes and mosques, which can encourage those suffering in silence to get the help that they may need. But before that can happen, more work must be done in order to make that help more accessible. To understand what drives a person to commit self harm, you have to get to the root of the problem. Berak explains that there are many reasons and triggers that can lead someone down that road.Now, what can we do to help? Berak walks us through ways we can be of assistance and certain signs we can keep an eye out for. We also walk through exercises to help us create boundaries between us and those who may be toxic to our mental health - this includes our own family and relatives whom we may share a roof with.If you or someone you may know is struggling w/ suicidal thoughts please reach out to a licensed professional. We have listed a few resources available below:RESOURCES: National Institute of Mental Health National Alliance on Mental Health - Naseeha Youth Hotline- Provides our community with the tools needed to address mental health. With our confidential helpline, our youth receives immediate, anonymous, and confidential support. Suicide Prevention Lifeline- Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) The Lifeline connects callers to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referralsCrisis Text Line- Text “HELLO” to 741741 The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information, anytime of any day. National Domestic Violence Hotline- 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) The Hotline provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to empower victims and survivors to find safety and live free of abuse. If it’s not safe for you to call, or if you don’t feel comfortable, visit to chat with a trained advocate. Finding a therapist during Covid-19 visit- Berak: @berak_h
We often hear stories about why people decided to convert to Islam, but what’s life like after taking the shahada?
In Ep. 9 of Season 2, Rebecca Khan shares with us her journey to becoming Muslim and what attracted her heart to the religion.
A change of diet, new wardrobe and a flip in lifestyle, Rebecca opens up about her struggles with her identity post-converting. She explains adjusting to the change and how she managed not to lose sight of herself throughout it all.
While some who are new to the religion change their name, Rebecca explains the decision behind keeping the one given to her at birth, and why she believes everyone should make their own personal choice in what feels right to them.
Being born and raised a visible minority is a struggle in itself, but becoming one in your twenties is on a whole new level. The now-mother of two shares her initial experience of wearing the hijab publicly for the world to see for the first time, and how she handled any negativity thrown at her.
Rebecca also gives us a glimpse into her new business venture - Safinah Sailing! It’s a halal luxury yacht experience that offers private chefs, prayer spaces, halal food, and privacy. All of the things that make for an incredible getaway!
We hope this episode gives you an insight of what a convert/revert experiences as they are welcomed into this new chapter of their lives. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Rebecca on Instagram: @rebecca.khanCheck Out Safinah Sailing
There’s no set guideline on what to do when it comes to helping your child through their mental illness and no such thing as a perfect parenting plan.
In Ep. 8 of Season 2, we sit down with Summer Shatat and her 17 year-old daughter, Bayan Rafati, to talk about their journey to mental wellness.
You probably remember Summer who joined us back on Ep. 5 of Season 1, where she opened up about her personal struggles with mental illness, but in this episode, the conversation shifts over to her kids and how she’s choosing to talk to them about their personal mental health journey.
The door is always open in Summer’s house. She’s given her kids a judgement free-zone to express their worries, anxieties and bouts with whatever they may be facing as teenagers in today's society - ranging from bullying to health issues in general.
But although it was known that this door remained open, it took Bayan some time to build up the confidence to walk through it and let her parents know that she was suffering. The high schooler discusses the struggles she faced in silence and the events leading up to the moment she confided in her parents.
We talk about seeking therapy, how to properly discuss mental health with your teenagers and why it’s important to let them be in charge. We also discuss how to break down the barrier between a daughter and her father and how important it is to allow our children to sit in the driver's seat of their healing journey.
Parenting is tough and being a teenager with unexplainable emotions is a hardship in itself, too.
In a time when mental illness is very prevalent and suicide is on the rise - it is crucial that we educate ourselves in the best ways to approach this and normalize these conversations together as a community. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Summer on Instagram: @summer_shatatFollow Bayan on Instagram: @bayan.rafati
We’re done with allowing fear to dictate our lives and keep us from truly living out our dreams.
In Ep.7 of Season 2, we talk to Malika Bilal about how we can look our fears straight in the eye, and conquer them.
When it came to choosing a career, Malika didn’t allow her fears to sway her decision. And yes, she deals with the unknown and the mental chatter in her head from time to time- but Malika explains how she’s able to move past these obstacles.
As a black-Muslim-female journalist, Malika is a walking billboard of all her identities. She explains to us how she’s using her platform both on social media and through her work at Aljazeera’s AJ+, to debunk any false information and squash any stereotypes.
As an on-air journalist with a flourishing social media account, it's hard to picture Malika as someone who is reserved. But as a self-proclaimed introvert, Malika lets us into her world and opens about her struggle with balancing a successful career. Yes, you can be an introverted person in the media, and yes - we exist!
Malika is a force to be reckoned with, and we’re so grateful for the many women who have dedicated their lives to fighting for knowledge and uncovering the truth. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Malika on Instagram: @mmbilalListen To Malika's Podcast "The Take"
After the big white dress is taken off, the party planners have packed away all of the decor you spent months going back and forth on and the guests have all gone home - that’s when reality really kicks in.
In Ep. 6 of Season 2, we are joined by matchmaker, comedian and all around lovable Yasmin ElHady aka Yasguru to discuss life after the wedding.
Marriage is a beautiful thing - it really is! But, it also brings along some not so picture perfect moments such as picking up laundry off the floor for the umpteenth time, deciding on how to raise your kids, discussing budgets and coming to terms with the fact that you now have a roommate for life.
Marriage takes some getting used to and learning how to adjust to a new lifestyle takes time. Yasmin walks us through how to avoid losing your mind, your sanity and all of your hair.
We totally get it : fights happen. But, learning how to diffuse the situation is critical in keeping a healthy relationship going. Yasmin explains why we need to throw out the old saying, “don’t go to bed angry.” It’s ok to walk away, cool off, and approach the issue at hand with a clear mind.
As you scroll through your feed you see - flowers, vacations, kisses on the cheek, a new diamond ring, so on and so forth. It’s easy to get jealous and it’s hard not to compare. But, as Yasmin explains, a perfectly cropped and filtered post only captures a fraction of what’s truly happening. Social media may be the culprit but comparison is truly the thief of joy.
Pointing the finger at your spouse every time something goes wrong is something we are all guilty of. We dive into the reasons why it’s important to note our own faults. Being self-aware can help you and your spouse get on the same page and avoid similar future conflicts.
We also discuss preserving our identity after marriage. We all know that one person who got engaged and was never seen or heard from again. Don’t let your relationship status become your identity. As Yasmin explains, spending all day everyday with your partner will get old, real quick. You know the saying, “distance makes the heart grow fonder.’
Whether you're engaged, married or happily single, Yasmin has a ton of great insight when it comes to maintaining a successful marriage that's built on love, trust and a mutual understanding that dirty laundry belongs in the hamper not on the floor beside it. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Yasmin on Instagram: @yasguruCheck out Yasmin on Youtube:
Let the zagroutas ring like Shakira at this year’s Super Bowl Half-Time Show! We have a lot to celebrate this week: Our one-year anniversary, International Women's Day and a very special guest!
In Ep.5 of Season 2, we sit down with Hassanah El-Yacoubi or as we like to call her:The Woman Of All Trades (mashallah!)
A mother, wife, doctoral student and entrepreneur are just a few titles Hassanah holds under her belt and she’s not here to sugarcoat anything. When it comes to life, Hassanah says it's all one big balancing act and one she’s still trying to figure out.
Keeping God on your mind and in your heart. That’s the message Hassanah has for our listeners. Connecting to her faith is what helps this soon-to-be mother of two stay grounded and true to herself. Her motto: follow God and not the crowds!
When it comes to social media and the heightened focus on influencers, we definitely have a lot to say. Posting on your feed comes with a responsibility- a responsibility Hassanah says most pay no mind to. Enough is enough with mindless posting just to stay relevant.
She also gets candid about the struggles she faces balancing work, life, school and home. It’s not always pretty and it’s not always conventional, but Hassanah is writing her own rule book when it comes to these things. Bottle-feeding and whispering sweet-nothings to her little one during a work meeting- why not! The world is definitely cruel and unaccommodating to new mothers. She explains why she’s done apologizing and why she’s choosing to remove the words, “I’m sorry” from her vocabulary.
Hassanah is also the creative drive behind the “Perfect For Her” convention and blog. This initiative was born out of her struggle to find fashionable pieces that meet her level of modesty. The PFH Convention features a bazaar full of products useful to Muslim women in this day in age, panel discussions, fashion shows and so much more.
This episode also includes a special appearance by OG Unsweetener Lisa Vogl as she tells us about her new initiative, Hijabs For Humanity, in partnership with Penny Appeal!
We can’t thank you enough for joining us on this journey of self discovery, cultivation of a sisterhood like no other and a bond that’s stronger than Turkish coffee!
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Hassanah On Instagram: @hassanah_pfhSupport Verona x Penny Appeal By Shopping 'Hijabs For Humanity':">
Toss out those outdated lesson plans and forget about sticking to the book. In Ep. 4 of Season 2, we are joined by Detroit educator, Bayan Founas, who is truly redefining what it means to be an educator.
Teaching is by far one of the most important careers out there. Bayan spends a good chunk of her day shaping the future leaders, doctors, lawyers and artists of our next generation.
But as rewarding as this may sound, teaching can also be extremely difficult. With limited resources and disruptive environments, a career in education can be time-consuming and can provide little to no stability. Bayan dives into the unjust disruption of funding throughout the public school system and with the lack of technology and baseline materials, some low-income areas are set up to fail.
We also discuss a disturbing national trend: The School To Prison Pipeline.
This happens when minors and young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds become incarcerated because of increasingly harsh school and district policies.
What this means is that the kids who need help the most are shut off and ignored.
Bayan dives into the world of the negative consequences of disciplining students, and how most of the time “acting out” is a cry for help with several underlying factors.
When it comes to the classroom, Bayan explains it's never just black and white. Adapting lesson plans and teaching methods to her present students can make a world of a difference. Comparing “Shakespeare” to “The Lion King” is a much more efficient way to teach.
Science and math are very important topics, this we know. But we can't forget about the arts, which allows kids to push the envelope when express themselves. Bayan realizes the importance of it, which is why she began the first poetry club at the school she teaches at.
Speaking of poetry…did we mention Bayan has her own poetry book?
Diary of a Daughter In Diaspora focuses on Bayan’s life experiences as a child of Algerian immigrants living in America. The highs, the lows and all things in between, this book gets the Unfiltered and Unsweetened seal of approval for sure! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Bayan on Instagram: @thatalgerianBuy "Diary of a Daughter In Diaspora" on Amazon
We’re flipping the script and rewriting our own narrative!
In Ep 3 of Season 2, we’re joined by award-winning screenwriter, filmmaker and producer Samah Safi Bayazid - talk about being a triple threat!
Going against cultural norms and paving a way for others to follow, Samah explains her personal journey of finding a career that she is truly passionate about.
Samah is fed up with the racial stereotypes and blatant Islamophobia portrayed in movies and on television (as are the rest of us!), but now she’s stepping in with her own script and a camera crew to tell stories much closer to reality. If you’ve ever longed to be “seen and heard”, Samah’s work is definitely for you!
With all of the success that follows the Jordanian turned Washingtonian, Samah says she couldn’t have done most of what she accomplished if not for the support of her family and husband. We dig into why having a spouse that also serves as a motivator is crucial for a healthy and happy relationship. Support is a two-way street after all.
The topic of hijab also comes up in this conversation. While the media is typically a male-dominated field and on a typical movie set you might be surprised to find a female director and a hijabi at that, but Samah doesn’t let anything get in her way. She talks to us about how the hijab empowers her and how she’s deciding to let her work speak for itself.
No matter how many films she makes or scripts she writes, Samah couldn’t escape that nagging question that follows us all: “When are you planning on having a baby?” We discuss the societal pressures we women face and how we can overcome it together.
You’re definitely going to want to listen to find out how she responded to anyone who dared ask that question!Throughout our conversation Samah taught us the importance of doing things at our own pace and no one else’s - we cannot wait to see what other future projects she has in store for us all!
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Samah on Instagram: @samahsafiTake a look at her work her:
There are a few things in life that are hard to find: perfectly fitting jeans, eyeliner that doesn’t smudge, and a naseeb.
In Ep 2 of Season 2, we’re joined by Suzie, a 26 year old Palestinian-American from the D.C. area, for a much needed girl talk. We discuss the journey of finding the one, and let me tell you the struggle is REAL.
All three of us share our very different approaches when it comes to meeting someone and the process of getting to know them. We dive into personal anecdotes of the good, the bad and the extremely awkward.
Uncomfortable first meet-ups, red flags, meeting the family, expectations, relationship timelines - we get into it all and hold nothing back.
There’s plenty of fish in the sea, but from where some of us are standing, it sure doesn’t feel that way.
HEADS UP: You can look forward to our upcoming episode with Yasmin Elhady aka Yasguru, where we’ll talk about life after the wedding bells have stopped ringing and the zagrootas have come to an end! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
*Trigger warning: We discuss domestic violence in length throughout this episode. If you feel the content discussed may be triggering, please either proceed with caution or feel free to listen to any one of our previous episodes.*
In our first episode of Season Two, we are joined by an anonymous guest who opens up about her experience with domestic violence and the impact it has had on her life to this day. We respect our guest's decision to remain anonymous due to her children not knowing the extent of their father's abuse.
Sometimes our minds are so clouded by love that we're blinded to what's really going on around us. Other times, no matter how vigilant we are, abusers can be extremely deceitful. It's important to realize that when we find ourselves in similar situations - it is never our fault.
Our guest walks us through her engagement period and describes the red flags she didn't realize were early warning signs. She discusses her first few years of marriage when the physical abuse first began alongside the pre-existing emotional/verbal abuse, and how the mind games slowly trickled in.
Several failed attempts of repairing the marriage, multiple pregnancies and a plethora of mental, physical and spiritual abuse, our guest spent years dealing with a nightmare she had only wished she could wake up from.
She also opens up about the moment that will forever be etched into her memory of what finally made her decide to stand on her own two feet and leave the abusive relationship once and for all. This life-changing decision was also potentially a life-saving one.
We hope this episode will raise awareness in regards to the stages of abusive relationships, how a victim can find his/her way out, how we can collectively prevent a loved one from facing abuse and in what ways we could be of assistance to those who are facing domestic abuse.
Important Resources!
We have listed out credible resources below to help those who are struggling in a domestic relationship to get the help that they deserve. Remember to also seek assistance from your local mosque, women shelters, and licensed mental health professionals.
1. PEACEFUL FAMILIES PROJECT: WWW.PEACEFULFAMILIES.ORG A national organization devoted to preventing domestic violence with a focus on Muslim families of all backgrounds, through education and interventions. 2. THE ASIAN PACIFIC INSTITUTE ON GENDER BASED VIOLENCE:">WWW.API-GBV.ORG A resource center for sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence in Asian communities. They provide training and technical assistance with the help of advocates, community based service programs and both legal and mental health professionals. 3. PROJECT SAKINAH: WWW.PROJECTSAKINAH.ORG A program that assists with community efforts to grow healthy families that protect women, children and men from neglect and homes broken by violence. 4. KHALIL CENTER: WWW.KHALILCENTER.COM A spiritual wellness center which applies the traditional Islamic spiritual healing methods to modern clinical psychology. Services include: religious consultations, immigration evaluations and premarital coaching. They also have a crisis hotline: 855 543 57525. TAHIRIH JUSTICE CENTER: WWW.TAHIRIH.ORG Their mission is to protect immigrant women and girls who refuse to be victims of abuse by elevating their voices within the community, courts and Congress. They also provide free immigration, family and civil legal services, and they help their clients rebuild their lives, safely.
In Episode 40, we’re kissing 2019 goodbye. Ma3a salama!We sit down to answer all of your questions. Some are intense and raw, like “What stands between you and becoming a happier person?”Others are a bit more silly, like “What’s the stupidest thing you’ve been dared to do?” You guys are not going to believe Dounya’s answer!
We discuss stress, dealing with conflicts, mistakes we’ve made in the past and all things in between. We laugh, we (almost) cry and we let it all out. In this episode, you’ll also come to find out just how hypocritical we are. Yup, we don’t practice what we preach. We’re calling ourselves out and putting it all on blast. This also ties into our announcement at the end of the episode.
You’ll just have to listen to find out. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making 2019 a year for the books. We could not have made it to this point of our podcasting journey if it wasn’t for you and your support. You have made the handwork, sleepless nights, stress-induced acne and dark under-eye circles worth it all!
But on a serious note, thank you for making our small circle much bigger than we could have ever imagined it to become! This sisterhood is here to stay! We have so many incredible things planned for 2020, so make sure you stay tuned for Season Two! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
In Episode 39, Lina Bettayeb joins us as she dives into the family trip that had completely changed her life.
At the age of 16, Lina and her family embark on a journey to Umrah. Her memory jumps from a joyous van full of her loved ones on their way to complete their pilgrimage to waking up in the hospital connected to several life-saving machines.
Although, she still can't piece together the memories of what happened that day, Lina tells us that her dad was the one to fill her in: A reckless driver crashed into their vehicle leaving Lina and her mother both paralyzed.
Lina spent one year in the hospital and was told by multiple health professionals that she would never be able to walk again.
But she didn't let that stop her from trying. She spent her time in the hospital with her nose nuzzled in books, conducting her own research and working on a rehabilitation plan that was best suited for her.
Through this experience that had shook the core of her livelihood, Lina explains how she trained her brain to see the silver lining within this hardship and how she truly connected to her faith for the first time and strengthened her relationship with God.
Lina's message to the world is to truly believe in the power of our mind. She explains to us how our positive thinking and overall attitude towards life's situations has a real impact on the way our body heals.
As you listen to Lina share her story and her message, we hope that you can take away a new definition of gratitude. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Lina on Instagram: @linathedreamer
In Episode 38, we are joined by our special guest Erim Kaur, the big sister you never knew you needed.
Erim opens up about losing her mom at the age of 8, growing up without any sisters and being raised by her father and grandparents.
Using her life experiences and her past childhood, Erim is now stepping into the role of big sister, helping those who grew up without a mother or sister, navigate life. She hosts Sister Sundays, which focus each week on different topics like relationships, dealing with conflict and self love.
When it came to finding her purpose on social media, Erim says she didn't set out to become this big sister, but instead it grew out of necessity and her supporters giving her this inspiring role. Erim's supporters began looking up to her and her practices before she even realized her purpose.
We also talk about Erim's faith and how she's choosing to honor her Sikh beliefs. Coming from a community that remains misrepresented, Erim is working to bring the Sikh people into the spotlight and highlighting all of their accomplishments.
Erim also shares with us her new and exciting project! If you've got damaged hair, listen up! Erim gives us the inside scoop into her new business venture, By Erim. As a child, her grandmother used to apply oil treatments to Erim's hair to help her achieve the long, healthy locks her mother had before her passing. And now, Erim is sharing that secret potion with the world. We can't wait to get our hands on a bottle!
We hope this episode provides young women out there who grew up without any female figures to find solace in the content that Erim shares. She has expressed how this social media community is a two way street and the bonds that have been created are irreplaceable! Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Erim on Instagram: @erimstagramPurchase Erim's Luxury Hair Oil Here
Grab a wait, go back for the entire box. Trust us, you'll need it!
In Episode 37, Pari joins us for an emotional yet inspirational conversation about infertility and the struggles she had faced, both physically and mentally, as she navigated her way towards motherhood.
For years, Pari tried for a baby of her own, but with every step she took to becoming the mother she knew she was destined to be, a tragedy would strike.
Three miscarriages, a failed IVF attempt and a few unexpected medical diagnoses, Pari began feeling helpless. But, she knew the pain she was enduring would, inshallah, pay off if she kept her faith in Allah.
Throughout this episode, Pari gives us some perspective into her life full of doctor appointments, uncertainty, and the conversation she had shared with her friends, family and husband about her struggle to carry out a full-term pregnancy.
We recorded this episode back in September. when a picture perfect baby bump sat right in front of our incredibly strong and courageous guest. We are so happy to share, since then Pari has gained a new title: Mommy.
Alhamdillah and Mashallah x a billion.
Pari's upbeat personality and her drive to never give up on what you truly want should be a lesson to us all. Put your faith in God and never stop working toward the things that bring you happiness, no matter the pain you may endure along the way, Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Pari on Instagram: @thecentralsteppes
Love and marriage, love and Episode 36, Ascia Sahar joins us to talk about all things relationship related. When it comes to toxic relationships, Ascia says she is no stranger to them. The now-mother of three walks us through the moment she knew she had to finally leave, the red flags that stuck out to her the most and how she used her connection to Allah (swt) and prayer to guide her in making that choice. If you find it difficult to open yourself up again after ending a negative relationship, you are not alone. Ascia advises us that although it's not easy, if you truly trust God's plan for yourself, taking that leap isn’t as scary as we think it may be. She stresses that every person we meet comes into our lives for a reason, whether it's a lesson or a blessing.
Ascia has a piece of advice for those who are trying to figure out what it is that they want and how to heal by taking time to reflect. Use your past experiences to figure out what you really want out of a relationship. So, now you think you have found "The One", so what’s next? Navigating a new relationship is as awkward as it is difficult. Ascia explains how she tackled that annoying "where is this going?" question with her now husband and the situation she found herself in when she realized this was the man she was going to marry. We also discuss the impacts social media has on marriages and how at times navigating a relationship in the digital world may seem a bit challenging, but Ascia let's us in on the agreement she has with her husband and how it all comes down to respect and understanding. Whether you're happily married, newly-engaged or single and not sure if you're ready to mingle, this conversation will help teach you vital life lessons and how to put your full trust in Allah.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Ascia on Instagram: @iamasciaShop @modified.threads
In Episode 35, we sit down with Hemali Mistry as we dive into an unfiltered conversation about mental health, birth control, the struggle of being a first-gen child and the effects social media can have on our lives. You may know Hemali from her page, Ready to Glow, but the Canadian native wants you to know that she has more to bring to the table than just her picture perfect make-up skills. Hemali invites us into her world as she opens up about her bouts with mental health issues, depression and anxiety. She shares with us where these issues stem from and the reason why she decided to open up about this so publicly. Suffering from menstrual issues, Hemali has tried everything to find a solution for her pain. That's where birth control comes in or as Zaina likes to call it, "The Devil." We share our own personal experiences with birth control and the negative effects it has had on our bodies, our mental health and the strain it has put on our personal relationships. We also discuss the struggles that only first-generation kids would know of. Especially, if this first-gen decides to pursue an unconventional career (creatives, we're talking about you)! Our parents have always wanted the best for us, but how do we explain to them that what they want and what they sometimes force upon us, isn't actually what's meant for us? Hemali has found herself in that situation far too many times. She walks us through how she handles the pressure she receives from her parents, even until today. Smile, put a filter on it, and then post. As much as we love it, it's easy to admit that social media isn't always the best (or healthiest) way we should spend our time. As an influencer with more than 200k followers, Hemali explains how she avoids getting too caught up in the online world, and how she's learning to navigate life both on and off social media.
Throughout this conversation, Hemali has taught us that being open and honest with our struggles can help us in our healing process. We hope you all can benefit from her humble wisdom.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Hemali on Instagram: her on Youtube: @Ready To Glow
Move over Dear Abby! In Episode 34, we are joined by Chereen, a therapist, life coach and the mastermind behind
In a much needed therapeutic episode, we discuss grief in all of its varying forms. Chereen explains that grieving is an essential part of moving forward. Whether it's a loved one who is gone too soon, an end of a relationship with a significant other or even the demise of a friendship, we all grieve in different ways.
As for toxic relationships, why do we choose to stay in them? According to Chereen, so many of us are guilty of this. It's all about getting too comfortable and stuck in our own ways. Throughout the conversation she teaches us how to spot these red flags, how to defuse the situation, and how to tell it's time to walk away.
We also talk about forgiveness but not for the other's sake, but for your own. Chereen stresses the importance of learning to forgive yourself. She teaches us that a negative cloud over your head and choosing to hold a grudge only affects you and your mental and physical well-being. was inspired by her love for scribbling in diaries as a kid and from the Dear Abby columns in magazines.
Today, Chereen takes that passion and her professional experience to offer advice on a plethora of topics ranging from loss, personal growth and mental health.
We hope that you are able to walk away with a sense of clarity in regards to your past, present and future relationships with friends, significant others and most importantly, yourself!
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered Follow Chereen Instagram: @dearchereenLearn from Chereen:
In Episode 33, we take U+U on the road for the first time as we sit down with the brilliant minds behind Dearborn Girl, the podcast.
You read that right, your two favorite podcasts all in one episode! It can't get any better than this.
Rima, Yasmeen and Malak join us in an extremely unfiltered conversation to discuss double standards in our community, marriage and where the pressure surrounding the topic really stems from, our reputations and the struggle we face trying to protect it as well as how women can really support other women. Ladies, it's all about collaboration over competition here at U+U. Dearborn Girl is a podcast for Arab and/or Muslim women in Dearborn to share their stories and aims to inspire courageous conversation within the community. But trust us, you don't need to be a girl from Dearborn in order to enjoy! You can find them on Youtube, Apple Podcast, Spotify and Stitcher.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered Follow Dearborn Girl on Instagram: @dearborn.girl Make sure to check out their new episodes on Mondays:
In Episode 32, we’re shaking things up a bit and bringing you guys in on the conversation. To mark being on-air for more than 6 months, we reached out to our supporters who didn’t hold back when it came to asking super intimate and personal questions.
From how to deal with heartbreak to why we don’t wear the hijab (yet), we let our guard down and bare it all in this episode. We also talk about our personal struggles with embodying self-love and learning to teach ourselves that we are enough, with or without a partner.
We also give our two cents on the awkward conversation you’re supposed to have with your partner about splitting the bills and handling finances in general. Should you be dividing expenses right down the middle? We discuss budgeting and how it’s actually crucial in keeping a happy and thriving relationship!
Work, family, friends, this podcast and some me-time? Too bad there’s only 24 hours in a day. As we fight to avoid burn-out, we talk about how we’re learning (and sometimes failing) to balance our busy lives, and how we finally learned that taking a break doesn’t actually mean you're falling behind or that you’re lazy.
We can’t thank you enough for joining us on this journey for the past 6 plus months, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and our Unsweeteners.
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
In Episode 31, Alia Taha joins us as she shares her take on the current state of the hijab. As a hijabi, Alia offers some insight on the battle most women are dealing with; the struggle to keep it on.
As we have seen an influx of women deciding to remove the hijab, it’s Alia’s faith and connection to God that keeps her motivated it put it on every day. But that connection hasn’t always been as solid as it is today. Alia opens up about the moments she grappled with the idea of removing the hijab and what it was that brought her back to it.
The term “Modern Muslim” is also dissected throughout this episode. Is there really such a thing? Alia explains that because our religion is timeless, the term “Modern Muslim” is really just an oxymoron.
When it comes to anxiety, Alia tells us she is no stranger to that struggle as well. But it’s through a creative outlet that she begins to find her peace. Alia’s writing serves as a tool that helps her and her many followers bond over the life experiences many of us deal with.
Losing a loved one is beyond tough, but losing a parent is indescribable. Alia talks about losing her father ( Allah yer7amo), the hardships she faced coming to terms with his passing and the way she’s used those moments to realize there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
Alia's new outlook on life is one we can all learn and benefit from. Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Alia on instagram: @aliataha_Follow along with Alia's writing: @aliataha_writing
There's nothing dirty about our Dirty 30 episode. We decided to keep it professional as we're joined by Sofia Haq, the founder of Muslim Women Professionals.
MWP is an organization that promotes empowerment amongst Muslim women by educating, uplifting, and mobilizing a global network. This organization serves as a space where Muslim women are inspired to thrive in both their personal and professional lives through networking, mentorships, and content.
Sofia explains why this type of networking group is crucial for Muslim women in the workforce, she discusses ways in which we can become more supportive of one another and how we can help elevate the next generation of Muslim women.
She emphasizes the point that there is enough space for us all! Life isn't meant to be taken as a competition and Sofia further explains why helping our fellow sisters succeed will help us in the long run. We also dissect the term Imposter Syndrome and how we can create more space for other Muslim women!
As we always say here at U + U, keep that door of success open behind you so that other women can join you!
Listen to this week's episode to find out how you can help support your community's female entrepreneurs and check out our upcoming Instagram post on how you can win some delicious Knafeh from @knafehqueens!
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sofia on Instagram: @sofia__haqFollow MWP on Instagram: @muslimwomenprofessionalsSign up for the MWP newsletter: Here
In Episode 29, Sahar Hamdan-Khalaf stops by to talk to us about marriage, motherhood and how she's taking the necessary steps to rediscovering herself after all these years. Sahar fell in love and got married at the age of 18 and one year later she welcomed her first child into the world. Now in her mid 30s, Sahar is the mother of two teenage daughters, a 17 and 15yr old. She is also the mother of two young boys, 10 and 5 years old. Growing up in a strict household, Sahar shares how she's deciding on how to raise her kids differently by earning one another’s trust and learning how to guide her kids instead of controlling them. We discuss the topic of relationships and marriage, building confidence and empowering our daughters. Sahar also opens up about her inter-cultural relationship. As a Palestinian, she had to deal with the dreaded conversation of telling her parents she was interested in a man from Iraq. She tells us her secrets to dealing with his family’s traditions and expectations that differ from her own. As an added bonus, Sahar gives us some tips on how to maintain a loving, trusting and successful relationship. Now, after 17 years of solely focusing on her marriage and raising her kids, Sahar has decided to add another title to her name: college student. This is just the first step that Sahar is taking to regain her identify while discovering who she really is. Whether you're a parent, spouse, college student or anything in between, Sahar's wisdom is universal, and you'll surely gain something from this episode!
Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Sahar on Instagram: sahar_hamdan_khalaf_
In Episode 28, we kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Bassema. Statistically - less than 2% of all women diagnosed are in their early to mid 30’s and in a series of unfortunate events, Bassema became part of that statistic.
In an extremely vulnerable episode, she walks us through how she dealt with her mother's breast cancer diagnosis, the signs she began noticing on her own body, her experience with doctors who at first didn't taker her pain seriously and the aftermath of learning she, indeed, had breast cancer, too. Alongside her diagnosis, Bassema also shares another unfortunate surprise that will change her life forever. Bassema proves that cancer isn't an end, but the start of a long, treacherous, but beatable journey. Numerous surgeries later, Bassema is on the road to recovery (alhamdillah). Her passion for helping others in similar situations has led to the start of her own advocacy for breast health and the push for women to get annual check-ups. Join us and listen to this powerhouse of a woman as she talks about her renewed faith in God and learning how to listen to our own bodies, despite what others may suggest instead.Enjoy and remember to follow us on Instagram: @unsweetenedandunfiltered
Resources: Bright Pink: The only national non-profit organization focusing on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women, while providing support for high-risk Provides patients and family with essential information to help them make sense of a diagnosis Cancer Resource Foundation: A national nonprofit organization that advocates and provides support for the prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship of cancer through patient assistance, education and research.Click here to learn how to conduct a at-home breast exam OR Click here to watch how!
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