This podcast currently has no reviews.
Submit ReviewThis podcast currently has no reviews.
Submit ReviewRecorded: 9 November 2018
Released: 21 November 2018
Duration: 56 minutes, 36 seconds
This is Part 2, continuing abruptly from Episode 100. The editing is a bit amateurish. Panel are Nick Nielsen, Ciro Villa, Mike Bohler, Sam Lichtenstein, and ladies and gentlemen: Mike Mongo!
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
All Unseen Podcast episodes are released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 9 November 2018
Released: 18 November 2018
Duration: 53 minutes, 43 seconds
For announcement.html">the final North American recording session for the Unseen Podcast, host Paul Carr welcomes Nick Nielsen, Ciro Villa, Mike Mongo, Sam Lichtenstein and Mike Bohler.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 26 October 2018
Released: 14 November 2018
Duration: 39 Minutes, 29 seconds
Paul Carr and Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy's Mike Bohler talk about the possible gaslighting of">Simone Mendez and other real life craziness in part 2 of this special session.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 26 October 2018
Released: 10 November 2018
Duration: 52 minutes, 45 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by Nick Nielsen and Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy's Mike Bohler to talk about conspiracies, accidents, and many other related things. This is Part 1 of two parts.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
A not quite so short announcement from the producer of the Unseen Podcast and the Wow! Signal. This is for those who have not seen the video. If not currently subscribed to the Wow! signal,we encourage you to do so.
Recorded: 28 September 2018
Released: 30 September 2018
Duration: 53 minutes, 31 seconds
We don't really talk about current events here at the Unseen Podcast, but sometimes a current event inspires a discussion. We are ignoring all the (arguably justified) fuss about Brett Kavanaugh, and instead are going off on any tangents we can find related to the recent announcement about Dear Moon. Only in our age can we talk about billionaire Japanese artists going on a trip around the moon. It's a great time to be alive.
For more information see
Which artists should SpaceX send to the Moon?
SpaceX Names Their First Private Tourist Headed to the Moon
Tough Jobs: Experimental Aircraft Test Pilot
dies-another-plane-crash-nevada-training-range.html">Pilot Dies in 'Classified' Plane Crash at Nevada Training Range
List of people who died climbing Mount Everest
Host and producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike license.
Recorded: 14 September 2018
Released: 16 September 2016
Duration: 44 minutes 31 seconds
The first (and hopefully, last) solo episode, although this is our second meta episode, following 26-what-this-podcast-needs-is.html">a very unpopular one in 2015.
1-frontiers-of-physics-with-ben.html">Episode #1
podcast.html">About the Podcast
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 31 August 2018
Released: 9 September 2018
Duration: 44 minutes, 14 seconds
Host Paul Carr and panelists Buck Field and Nick Nielsen jam on the theme of what are our models of reality, and what do they mean?
sieve of Eratosthenes The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker, and Xiang Chen
Proofs that there are infinitely many primes Why are there infinitely many prime numbers? The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited by Curtis Franks THE PECULIAR MATH THAT COULD UNDERLIE THE LAWS OF NATURE Cohl Furey Octonion How Much Does It Cost To Find A Higgs Boson? by Alex Knapp
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 31 August 2018
Released: 2 September 2018
Duration:42 minutes 16 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Buck Field and Nick Nielsen to further extend the discussion about what mathematics really means.
77-question.html">Episode 77 with Sam Lichtenstein and Nick Nielsen
Proofs that there are infinitely many primes Why are there infinitely many prime numbers? The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited by Curtis Franks THE PECULIAR MATH THAT COULD UNDERLIE THE LAWS OF NATURE Cohl Furey Octonion How Much Does It Cost To Find A Higgs Boson? by Alex Knapp
sieve of Eratosthenes The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker, and Xiang Chen
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Music: Dj Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 17 August 2018
Released: 19 August 2018
Duration: 97 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by David Grigg, Nick Nielsen, Mike Bohler, and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about a wide range of cutting edge issues in our Summer non-episode. We started with the recent article by Torres about we should not colonize space.
Please see our main site, for more information about this episode and the podcast. You can discuss the episode and its contents.
The Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Released: 18 August 2018
A brief announcement about changes to the podcast format and new destinations for our audio content. Please see for more information.
Recorded: 27 July 2018
Released: 29 July 2018
Duration: 72 minutes, 2 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists David Grigg, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa. The cosmic Lyft driver has pulled up to the curb. Where to next? Moon or Mars, and why? Why anything other than birth, copulation, and death? We get to decide.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Recorded: 25 May 2018
Released: 26 May 2018
Duration: 74 minutes, 17 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Sam Lichtenstein, Patrick Festa, and Nick Nielsen to talk about the evolution and extinction of human languages.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Common Attribution/Share-Alike license
Recorded: 20 April 2018
Released: 21 April 2018
Duration: 88 minutes, 9 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Nick Nielsen and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about - well, just listen (or browse the links).
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 6 April 2018
Released: 7 April 2018
Duration: 91 minutes, 56 seconds
Host Paul Carr welomes panelists Gita Jaisinghani, Sam Lichtenstein, Nick Nielsen and Adam Smith to take about a selection of Existential Risks.
Topics include: nanotechnology, pandemics, AI, and Climate Change. As usual, we let the discussion wander where it will go.
Engineered Avian Flu Could Kill Half the World's Humans
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Links: Nick Nielsen
Recorded: 16 February 2018
Released: 17 February 2018
Duration: 85 minutes, 8 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes special guest Chad Davies of the Scientific Odyssey podcast, and panelists Sam Lichtenstein and Patrick Festa, to talk about the history and philosophy of science.
erratum: at the end, the host says it's the 16th of September. It was February.
the Scientific Odyssey Podcast:
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast
Recorded: 26 January 2018
Released: 27 January 2018
Duration: 104 minutes 39 seconds
51093.jpg" alt="" width="210" height="210">
Host Paul Carr is joined by special guest panelist and documentary filmmaker Paul Hildebrandt, director of The Fight for Space. Joining The two Pauls are Mike Mongo, Jon Eckberg, and Nick Nielsen. We talk about kids in space, and how it relates to Paul Hildebrandt's kickstarter for his film First to the Moon.
Eric S. Raymond on Google Plus
was-sally-ride-k4.html">Who Was Sally Ride?
Thomas Selfridge, first person to die in an airplane crash
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 19 January 2018
Released: 20 January 2018
Duration:126 minutes, 28 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by new panelist Jon Eckberg, and regulars Nick Nielsen, Buck Field, Mike Bohler and Patrick Festa to talk about how the discovery of the interstellar asteroid 'Oumuamua affects the terms in the Drake Equation, if at all. As is typical for us, the discussion ranges wide, once again confirming the Drake Equation's role as an excellent mental lens.
2-through-lens-of-drake-equation.html">Through the Lens of the Drake Equation
Claudio Maccone - The Statistical Drake Equation
David Jewitt - Oddball Visitor from Outer Space
Early trace of life from 3.95 Ga sedimentary rocks in Labrador, Canada
humpback-whale-saves-diver-video.html">This Humpback Whale Saved a Woman's Life, But Probably Not on Purpose
Face to Face with a Leopard Seal
A Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 5 January 2018
Released: 6 January 2018
Duration: 97 minutes, 44 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Adam Smith, Nick Nielsen, Patrick Festa, and Buck Field to talk about the human return to the moon. It seems to boil down to: yes,, but who's going to pay for it? Maybe the Chinese? Maybe American or Asian billionaires? Somehow this drifts into discussion of flat Earthers and joke cults.
See for detailed show notes
Erratum: the 2017 Federal Budget is 4.1 Trillion dollars.
Thiel: Google has $50B, doesn't innovate or the longer version: 2012 - Eric Schmidt and Peter Thiel - Debate
"There is a tide in the affairs of men."
09-lava-tubes-hidden-sites-future.html"> Lava tubes as hidden sites for future human habitats on the Moon and Mars
Ross and Carrie Traverse Flat Earth
and-carrie-go-raelian-joining-a-world-famous-alien-move.html?rq=raelian">Ross and Carrie Go Raelian
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Hardware: Shure, ProArt, Focusrite, Apple, Audio Technica
Postproduction: Auphonic Desktop Application
Hosting: Libsyn
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 8 December 2017
Duration: 97 minutes, 32 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Nick Nielsen, Sam Lichtenstein, and Patrick Festa to talk about the possible consequences of Active SETI, or METI. Of course, the discussion veers off into religion and just how tasty man flesh is.
37-sonar-calling-gj-273b.html">Interview with president Douglas Vakoch
John Romer: Testament
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music; DJ Spooky
Recorded: 10 November 2017
Released: 11 November 2017
Duration: 92 minutes, 12 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists (King) James Garrison, Nick Nielsen (Benevolent Dictator of the Planet Entire), and (King of the Universe) Patrick Festa for a wide ranging conversation about education. Some of those Lego jokes fall a bit flat..
What would you do about education if you were Benevolent Dictator? Or Andrew Carnegie?
Thomas Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
What's Your Problem with Higher Education?
Primitive Technology YouTube Channel
Juvenile violent crime arrest rates
Chad Davies' Scientific Odyssey Podcast
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Platform: Google Hangouts on Air
Hardware: Shure, Pro Art, TASCAM, Focusrite, Apple
Software: Chrome, Reaper, Loopback, Scarlett Mix Control, Auphonic Leveller, OS X Sierra
Recorded: 27 October 2017
Released: 29 October 2017
Duration: 77 minutes 16 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by James Garrison, Nick Nielsen, and Mike Bohler to talk about local urban legends and the forces driving. Stories like Chicago's Resurrection Mary have been told all around the world for centuries. Also, portals keep popping up in modern narratives, and perhaps have also been with us for a long time.
Our conversation ranges from the Purple Church, to Crop Circles, to the Nazca Lines, to the Anasazi to Scotland's Ring of Brodgar, to Skinwalker Ranch, and much more.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 20 October 2017
Released: 21 October 2017
Duration: 85 minutes, 36 seconds
Paul Carr and Adam Smith are joined by NASA Postdoctoral Fellow Eva Bodman, who was recommended to us by Tabetha Boyajian. We discussed the developments on KIC 8462852 (aka Boyajian's Star) over the last year. A lot has happened, and we covered as much as we could. We also took a couple of live questions from the YouTube chat, which is much appreciated.
61-year-of-wtf.html">Last years's Episode - 1 Year of WTF
star-for-perplexed.html">Tabby's Star for the Perplexed
The KIC8462852 Subreddit and its Wiki
A list of papers on Boyajian's Star and related topics
20-gaia-data-release-1-and-wtf.html">Tabby on the Gaia Data Release 1
perhaps-but-not-aliens-of-gaps.html">Aliens, Perhaps, but Not the Aliens of the Gaps
absolute-definitive-truth-about.html">The Absolute, Definitive Truth About Alien Megastructures
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 6 October 2017
Released: 10 October 2017
Duration: 80 minutes 12 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Jake Robins of the WeMartians podcast, along with panelists Sam Lichtenstein, Adam Smith and Nick Nielsen to talk about the current and future state of the human advance upon the fourth stone from the sun.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license
Recorded: 15 September 2017
Released: 16 September 2017
Duration: 81 minutes, 31 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Adam Smith and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about Przybylski’s Star, or HD 101065, possibly the weirdest thing in astrophysics - even weirder than Boyajian's Star, maybe.
Jason Wright's blog series on Przybylski's Star
Antoni Przybylski (1961) - HD 101065-a G0 Star with High Metal Content
Antoni Przybylski (1977) - Is iron present in the atmosphere of HD 101065 ?
D.W. Kurtz (1982) -">Rapidly oscillating Ap stars
Martinez and Kurtz (1990) - New observations and a frequency analysis of the extremely peculiar rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 101065
Cowley, et. al. (2000) - Abundances in Przybylski's star
Gopka, et. al. (2007) - On the possible nature of Bp-Ap Stars: an application to HD101065 and HR465
Renson and Manfroid (2009) - Catalogue of Ap, HgMn and Am stars
Joshi, et. al. (2016) - The Nainital-Cape Survey. IV. A search for pulsational variability in 108 chemically peculiar stars.
Chen et. al. (2017) - A new photometric study of Ap and Am stars in the infrared.
Dzuba, et. al. (2017) - Isotope shift and search for metastable superheavy elements in astrophysical data
Paul - Alban Berg String Quartet - late Mozart quartets
Sam - Salvation
Adam - Witcher 3
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 4 September 2017
Released: 4 September 2017
Duration: 70 minutes, 11 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes long-time panelist Nick Nielsen to talk about some of the latest news in radios astronomy - both the serious science and the lurid headlines. Radio Bursts (FRBs) have been know for some years now, but a the only known repeating FRB, 121102, has been acting up lately.
FRB 121102: Detection at 4 - 8 GHz band with Breakthrough Listen backend at Green Bank
Jason Siegel: Five Reasons Why The Signals From Stephen Hawking's Breakthrough Initiative Aren't Aliens
14-jason-hessels-on-repeating.html">Astronomer Jason Hessels on the repeating FRB
The Most Mysterious Star in the Galaxy
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 25 August 2017
Released: 26 August 2017
Duration: 93 minutes 16 seconds
Host Paul Carr welomes panelists Nick Nielsen and Sam Lichtenstein, who soldier on when Paul's Thunderbolt 3 hub crashes. They engage in a discussion of whether mathematics is discovered or invented. How does this apply to efforts to communicate with distant technological civilizations? Could math be used to establish a common language?
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Science
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation by Joseph E. Mason
A Conversation with Edward Snowden (Part 1) (SETI at 33:00 and following)
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Awarded $7.5 Million Department of Defense Grant To Reshape Mathematics
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 11 August 2017
Released: 12 August 2017
Duration: 100 minutes, 41 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Sam Lichtenstein, Patrick Festa, Nick Nielsen and Mike Bohler to mark the end of the Summer hiatus. Since this is a non-episode, we have no find agenda, so it ranges from the Kennedy assassination to astronomical anomalies.
We also play the short promo for Oh No Ross and Carrie
The Skeptics Guide to Conspiracy
host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: Dj Spooky
Recorded: 16 June 2017
Released: 17 june 2017
Duration: 80 minutes 44 seconds
Host Adam Smith welcomes the publisher of Universe Today Fraser Cain to talk about (nearly) twenty years of online space journalism.
Host: Adam Smith
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 2 June 2017
Released: 3 June 2017
Duration: 68 minutes 35 seconds
Host Adam Smith welcomes Cambridge PhD student and Mars One astronaut candidate, along with panelists Ciro Villa and Paul Carr. The main topic is exoplanet atmosphere science, but we also discuss Mars colonization.
MacDonald and Madhusudhan: HD 209458b in New Light: Evidence of Nitrogen Chemistry, Patchy Clouds and Sub-Solar Water
Episode 69 on 69-taste-of-trappist-1.html">TRAPPIST-1
Host: Adam Smith
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed by Dream of the Open Channel under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
Recorded: 19 May 2017
Released: 20 May 2017
Duration: 74 minutes, 18 seconds
Host David Grigg welcomes Madison Campbell, a graduate student at the University Massachusetts, and panelist Paul Carr for a conversation about epidemiology in various space colonization scenarios. What are the risks for the first space colonists from diseases activated by mutations? What models can we look to for help in finding the answers? What are thefts mitigations?
Host: David Grigg
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike license.
Recorded: 21 April 2017
Released: 22 April 2017
Duration: 78 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Sam Lichtenstein welcomes Deep Space Ecology chief scientist Morgan irons and panelists Adam Smith, Paul Carr, and Nick Nielsen. This isn't our best audio quality yet, but hey, Blame Google.
Morgan irons is running Her Own Martian Farming Experiment
Host: Sam Lichtenstein
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 7 March 2017
Released: 8 March 2017
Duration: 92 minute, 20 seconds
ISDC Host Sam Lichtenstein welcomes Lee irons of Deep Space Ecology to talk about his newspace startup working with his daughter Morgan. He is joined by panelists Nick Nielsen and Paul Carr
Host: Sam Lichtenstein
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: Dj Spooky
Recorded: 24 March 2017
Released: 25 March 2017
Duration: 102 minutes, 52 seconds
Host David Grigg welcomes panelists Nick Nielsen, Buck Field, Patrick Festa and Paul Carr to talk about science fiction movies.
Please see for complete show notes
David: Bound to Please by Michael Dirda
Nick: origin-and-evolution-of-earth-from-the-big-bang-to-the-future-of-human-existence.html">The Origin and Evolution of Earth
Buck: Creating Scientific Concepts
Patrick: The Electric Ant, By Phillip K. Dick
Paul: So to Speak podcast
Host: David Grigg
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 10 March 2017
Released: 11 March 2017
Duration:101 minutes, 7 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Buck Field, David Grigg, Nick Nielsen and Patrick Festa to marvel about the recent TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet discovery.
For the most detailed show notes, please see our blog at
M. Gillon, Seven temperate terrestrial planets around nearby ultra cool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1.
Sky and Telescope: Seven Planet Star hides Age, May be Deadly
NASA Telescope Reveals Largest Batch of Earth-Size, Habitable-Zone Planets Around Single Star
Lingam and Loeb: Enhanced interplanetary panspermia in the TRAPPIST-1 system
6 Animals that can see or glow in ultraviolet
Oliver Sacks: The island of the Colorblind
Buck: The ESO Messenger
David: The Glass Universe by Dava Sobel
Patrick: Proxima by Steven Baxter
Paul: DJ Spooky's Optometry
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: David Grigg, Patrick Festa, Buck Field, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 24 February 2017
Released: 25 February 2017
Duration: 96 minutes, 44 seconds
Host Adam Smith welcomes panelists Ken Wisian, Antonio Paris, and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about recent advance sin military aviation, Ken's experience flying for the Air Force and Air National Guard, and Antonio's days as an Army Ranger.
Host: Adam "Synergy" Smith
Panelists: Ken Wisian, Antonio Paris, Sam Lichtenstein
Music: DJ Spooky
Postproduction: Paul Carr,
Recorded: 10 February 2017
Released: 11 February 2017
Duration: 93 minutes 48 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelist Nick Nielsen, Patrick Festa, and Buck Field to talk about recent collisions between pro-science and anti-science forces in the US.
The Sturm-Abteilung (Brownshirts)
Badlands National Park Goes Rogue
Is Trump a Facsist, Loofah-face Shit-Gibbon?
Buck: Bil Nye
Nick: if the Sun Dies by Oriana Fallaci
Patrick: Warped Passages by Lisa Randall
Paul: Hidden Figures
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Patrick Festa, Buck Field, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 27 January 2017
Released: 28 January 2017
Duration: 99 minutes, 56 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Chris Prophet and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about the challenges of bootstrapping a solar-system wide economy. From there we end up talking about all sorts of related topics, like nuclear fusion and cleaning up Low Earth Orbit.
Chris:: Biography of Elon Musk
Paul: WeMartians podcast
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panel: Chris Prophet, Sam Lichtenstein
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 13 January 2017
Released: 14 January 2017
Duration: 100 minutes, 44 seconds
host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Marsha Barnhart, Nick Nielsen, David Grigg and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about megastructures. Not so much how to build them. but why? Why haven't we seen them yet?
For more complete show notes, please visit
absolute-definitive-truth-about.html">The Absolute, Definitive Truth about Alien Megastructures
The pre-show discussion thread
David: Black Hole Blues
Nick: Raven Age
Sam: History of the Third Millenium
Paul: The 6 Haydn Quartets of Mozart
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Marsha Barnhart, Sam Lichtenstein, David Grigg, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 9 December 2016
Released: 10 December 2016
Duration:95 mintes, 2 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes new panelist Kenneth Wisian, and veterans Nick Nielsen, Chris Prophet an Adam "Synergy" Smith for a "bring your own prediction" episode. For the latest and most complete show notes, please visit
SETi @Home
Icarus Interstellar
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 2 December 2016
Released: 3 December 2016
Duration: 78 minutes, 47 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes back panelists Mateusz Macias, Marsha Barnhart, and Nick Nielsen for a discussion that begins with nanotechnology and branches out from there.
For the latest and best show notes for this episode, please visit
Richard Feynman: Plenty of Room at the Bottom">Engines of Creation
Marsha: Aeon Magazine
Nick: Impossibility
Mateusz: Astronomy's Finest
Paul: SETi Talks
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Marsha Barnhart, Mateusz Macias, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
Recorded: 28 Ocotober 2016
Released: 29 October 2016
Duration: 94 minutes, 52 seconds
Jack Brewer, blogger and author of The Greys Have Been Framed - Exploitation in the UFO Community, joins host Paul Carr and panelists Marsha Barnhart, Ciro Villa, James Garrison and Roger and Wehbe to talk about a modern variation on things that go bump in the night - alien abductions, as made famous by Betty and Barney and Hill, Bud Hopkins, Whitley Strieber , John Mack, and David Jacobs.
There was a problem with Jack's connection to the YouTube hangout, and he had to re-enter the room several times. Since this is is an unedited podcast, you get to endure that right along with us, but Jack was remarkably persistent.
We also had problems with James' connection, and he had to kind of type in his comments.
Jack Brewer's book The Greys Have Been Framed
Paratopia: The Emma Woods Tapes">Where you can SAFELY report a UFO experience
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton
of-earth-trailer.html">People of Earth
Marsha Barnhart: HBO's Westworld
James Garrison: Drunks and Dragons
Ciro Villa:
Roger Wehbe: Contact
Paul Carr: Adam Ruins Everything (TV shows + podcast)
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Special Guest: Jack Brewer
Panelists: Marsha Barnhart, Ciro Villa, James Garrison, Roger Wehbe
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike
Recorded: 14 October 2016
Released: 15 October 2016
Duration:99 minutes, 40 seconds
Paul Carr and Adam Smith talk about what has happened in the year since the release of the preprint by Boyajian, et. al. describing a very strange "alien megastructure" star. We talk about the work done so far, the controversies, and where we hope things will go in the area future.
Jason Wright: What Could Be Going on with Boyajian's Star?
episode-8-ben-montet-makes-star.html">Ben Montet Makes a Star Weirder
The Most Mysterious Star in the Universe
3-episode-3-tabbys-star-for.html">Tabby's Star for the Perplexed, part 3
certainly-wrong-alien.html">Almost Certainly Wrong
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelist: Adam Smith
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 30 September 2016
Released: 1 October 2016
Duration:93 minutes, 39 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Chris Prophet, Sam Lichtenstein, and Rober Wehbe to talk about the recent SpaceX announcement of a Mars colonization transportation architecture. What are the risks, and who will pay for it? Why did they go with an all-chemical approach and no nuclear? Will NASA get on board with Space X?
We apologize for the glitches - these were caused by brief power interruptions in Maryland. Fortunately the team were resilient and we only had to edit a little bit of silence out.
We didn't do our usual recommendations this episode, but they'll be ack in Episode 63 in November.
To be on a panel, join this G+ Community:
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Chris Prophet, Roger Wehbe, Sam Lichtenstein
Music: DJ Spooky
Electrical Power: PEPCO
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 16 September 2016
Released: 17 September 2016
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Roger Wehbe, Chris Prophet, David Grigg, and Nick Nielsen to talk about the very long stretches of time that reality evolves over vs. the the very local perception of time that we humans have. With a bigger concept of time, could we colonize the galaxy? Wht would we? Has someone else already done this, but left us out of the party?
XKCD: Global Temperatures
Globular Clusters as Cradles of Life and Advanced Civilizations
10-nick-nielsen-on-wilderness.html">The Wilderness Hypothesis
20-gaia-data-release-1-and-wtf.html">Wow! Signal Burst 20 with Tabetha Boyajian
David Grigg: The Hunt for Vulcan
Chris Prophet: Elon Musk at Upcoming Conference
Nick Nielsen: Series of Papers by Jay Olson on Aggressively Expanding Civlizations
Paul Carr: Voices from L5
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Rober Wehbe, Chris Prophet, David Griff, and Nick Nielsen
Music: Dj Spooky
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: David Grigg, Roger Wehbe, Chris Prophet, and Nick Nielsen
Recorded: 2 September 2016
Released: 3 September 2016
Duration: 77 minutes, 12 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Chris Prophet, Sam Lichtenstein, and James Garrison talk about what's real, what's commercializable, and what's not in nuclear fusion. Then we turn our attention to the ostensiblly grave dangers of AI.
The National Ignition Facility
Not Even Wrong - Fusion Energy at Lawrenecville Plasma Physics
RationalWiki: Fusion Woo
Eric Lerner: The Big Bang Never Happened
Chris Prophet - Iain Banks
James Garrison - Scott Sigler Generations Trilogy
Sam Lichtenstein - Uluru in Austraila
Paul Carr - Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart: Bongo Fury
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: James Garrison, Chris Prophet, Sam Lichtenstein
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 19 August 2016
Released: 23 August 2016
Duration:65 minutes
Host David Grigg welcomes Chris Prophet, Patrick Festa, and (eventually) Nick Nielsen to talk about the future of humanity.
Producer's Note: about 1 minute of content-free technical difficulty was edited out.
Recorded: 12 August 2016
Released: 13 August 2016
Duration: 86 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by planetary scientist and science communicator Morgan Rehnberg. Our panel consists of Adam Smith, Marsha Barnhart, Chris Prophet, and Mateusz Macias. We talk about the weird rings and moon of Saturn and the search for life in the universe - on Mars, Enceladus, Europa, titan, and even Venus.
episode-8-ben-montet-makes-star.html">Interview with Ben Montet
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Special Guest: Morgan Rehnberg
Panel: Adam Smith, Chris Prophet, Marsha Barnhart, and Mateusz Macias
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 15 July 2016
Released: 16 July 2016
Duration:97 minutes
It's our Summer hiatus, so we just had a free from conversation hosted by Paul with Mike Mongo, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa. James Garrison was with us in spirit.
Sun Ra
54-artists-without-boundaries.html">Episode 54
Nick Nielsen: 18-nick-nielsen-on-spoor-of.html">The Spoor Of Civilizations
1-astronaut-instruction-manual.html">Astronaut instruction Manual
Natalie Cabrol's new paper on SETI
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Mike Mongo, Nick Nielsen, Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 4 July 2016
Released: 4 July 2016
Duration: 74 minutes, 44 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, Gita Jaisinghani, and Daniela De Paulis (our first completely non-American and majority female panel), to talk about the relationship between art and science, SETI, and METI.
The Earthling's Quest Kickstarter
the-pioneer-plaque-science-as-a-universal-language.html?referrer=">The Pioneer Plaque
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Gita Jaisinghani, Daniela De Paulis
Music: DJ Spooky
Hardware: Shure, ART, Focusrite, Apple
Software: Loopback, Reaper, OS X Yosemite
Recorded: 10 June 2016
Released: 11 june 2016
Duration: 98 minutes, 44 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Adam Smith, Marsha Barnhart, and Nick Nielsen to talk about the future of human conflict.
Marsha: DARPA
Paul: Raging Bitch
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 27 May 2016
Released: 28 May 2016
Duration: 94 minutes, 52 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Chris Prophet, David Grigg, Marsha Barnhart, and Patrick Festa, each of which brings their own topic:
Chris Prophet: SpaceX from the Ground Up (USA)
Chris Prophet: SpaceX from the Ground Up (UK)
Active Shielding on Spacecraft
Effectiveness of Artificial Mini-Magnetospheres
Gregory Benford: The Martian Race
The Genesis Engine (article on CRISPR)
The Promise and Peril of Gene Editing
49-billion-year-pyramid.html">The Billion Year Pyramid
The Benfords: Messaging with Cost Optimized Interstellar Beacons
Chris Prophet: Interstellar Propulsion
David Grigg: The Lunar Men by Jenny Uglow and Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes
Marsha Barnhart: Orphan Black
Patrick Festa: Juno Mission
Paul Carr: Where's The Flux Kickstarter (please donate)
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike license.
Recorded: 13 May 2016
Released: 14 May 2016
Duration: 76 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Liam Ginty of the Voices from L5 podcast and panelists David Grigg, Marsha Barnhart, and Patrick Festa to talk about the human side of Space Development: politics, economics, education, and the will to make things happen.
Please see for detailed show notes.
Marsha Barnhart: Bigelow
David Grigg:
Patrick Festa:
Liam Ginty:
Paul Carr: Raspberry Pi
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Liam Ginty, David Grigg, Marsha Barnhart, and Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 29 April 2016
Released: 30 April 2016
Duration: 109 minutes, 48 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Sam Lichtenstein, Adam Smit, Patrick Festa, and Mike Bohler to talk about the human relationship with the near future: predictions, forecasts, predawn markets, and super forecasting. What do we get wrong, and what can we hope to get right? Our panelists offer their own forecasts.
For the most detailed show notes, please see, Episode 50.
phil-tetlock-on-superforecasting-the-art-and-science-o.html">Philip Tetlock on Rationally Speaking
Sam Lichtenstein: SpaceX to Mars
Paul Carr: SETI Detection
Adam Smith: UK Police with Face Recognition
Patrick Festa: Betelgeuse exploding by 2046
Mike Bohler: SpaceX on Mars before 2021
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 15 April 2016
Released: 16 April 2016
Duration: 79 minutes, 8 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists David Grigg, Marsha Barnhart, and Nick Nielsen to talk about preserving the artifacts of human culture and civilization of the very long term: why, what and how.
Murmurs of the Earth by Carl Sagan
The Corbis Photo Vault at Iron Mountain
doug.php">Douglas Vakoch, Director of Interstellar Message Composition
David: Murmures of Earth by Carl Sagan
Nick: Lectures of Alan B. MacNeil on Evolutionary Psychology I
Marsha: Silent Running
Paul Carr: Vikings
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Hardware: Shure, Pro Art, Focusrite, Apple, Sony
Software: Reaper, OS X Yosemite, Loopback
Hosting: Libsyn
Recorded: 1 April 2016
Released: 3 April 2016
Duration:82 minutes, 12 seconds
Host James Garrison welcomes Mike Mongo, Mike Bohler, and Marsha Barnhart to talk about hoaxes.
Erratum: It was the Stanford Prison Experiment, not Berkeley.
dl.html">The Ern Malley Poetry Hoax
David Grigg: Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science by Martin Gardner
Marsha Barnhart: practice discernment
Mike Mongo: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
James Garrison: Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy
Host: James Garrison
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 18 March 2016
Released: 19 March 2016
Duration: 103 minutes, 24 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists James Garrison, Mike Bohler and Nick Nielsen, for a wide ranging discussion about science, society, and the messy process by which science gets the money it needs to move forward.
14-jason-hessels-on-repeating.html">Jason Hessels on Fast Radio Bursts
Evidence Based Medicine Has Been Hijacked
Jim Bakker is Indicted on Federal Charges
Recorded: 11 March 2016
Released: 12 March 2016
Duration: 93 minutes, 56 minutes
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, Ciro Villa, Marsha Barnhart, and Patrick Festa. The team discuss a number of interesting anomalies an how valid and strange they really are. We talk about Quasar clusters, the Kuiper Cliff, Questions about human evolution, flowing water on Mars, and Long Delay Echoes.
Quasar Chains
The Kuiper Cliff
Human Evolution
long-delay-echoes.html">The Long Delay Echoes
Adam Smith: Cosmoquest
Ciro Villa:
Marsha Barnhart: Michael Cremo
Patrick Festa: Brains On
Paul Carr: The Man who Found Time, a book about Michael Hutton
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Ciro Villa, Marsha Barnhart, and Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 4 March 2016
Released: 5 March 2016
Duration: 94 minutes, 14 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, James Garrison, Marsha Barnhart, and Nick Nielsen, to talk about the flurry of news over Fast Radio Bursts. What are the facts, and how has the Mainstream Media got it wrong?
Lorimer, et. al. A Bright millisecond radio burst of extragalactic origin
Adam Smith: Einstein @Home
James Garrison: Brains On
Marsha Barnhart: Ex Machina
Nick Nielsen: Unsubscribe
Paul Carr: The Hollow Crown
host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, James Garrison, Marsha Barnhart, Nick Nielsen
Music DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attributions/Share-Alike License.
Recorded: 26 February 2016
Released: 26 February 2016
Duration: 7 minutes, 40 seconds
A quick audio explanation for the break in our regular rhythm and a plea for more panelists. We hope you will consider joining us, if only for a few times per year.
Recorded: 19 February 2016
Released: 20 February 2016
Duration:93 minutes, 16 seconds
Host Paul Carr and Panelists Adam Smith, Ciro Villa, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa discuss some scenarios for contacting ET civilizations and what could happen, including some of the protocols that have been defined by the SETI community, and the discovery of a Bracewell Probe.
5-superior-galactic-communities.html">Bracewell Probes
1-serendipity-schema.html">Ben McGee on the Search for Alien Artifacts
Adam Smith: Future in Space Hangout
Nick Nielsen: After Contact
Ciro Villa: Solar System Visualization
Patrick Festa: Tales of Beedle the Bard
Paul Carr: Scary Monsters by David Bowie
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 12 February 2016
Released: 13 November 2016
Duration: 79 minutes 56 seconds
Special Guest Bob Novella of the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe joins host Paul Carr and the Panel to talk about skepticism, critical thinking, jury duty, denialism, bond spots, skeptics movement drama, the media, gravitational waves, and more.
Erratum: It's 2016, not 2012.
We had some technical problems with Google hangouts. The all-knowing Google AI expressed its opinion of the host, and kicked him out 3 times. I, for one...
The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger
Adam Smith: Snapshot Serengeti's New Season
Mateusz Macias: Neil DeGrasse Tyson on the Flat Earth
Nick Nielsen: The Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
James Garrison: OCC the Skeptical Caveman
Patrick Festa: The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
Paul Carr: Rationally Speaking Podcast
Producer and Host: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Mateusz Macias, James Garrison, Mike Bohler, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa
Special Guest: Bob Novella
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 5 February 2016
Released: 6 February 2016
Duration:96 minutes, 4 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists David Grigg, Patrick Festa and Mike Bohler to talk about human relationships with artificial intelligences. Do we have ethical obligations to simulated intelligences?
David Grigg: Railsea by China Mieville
Patrick Festa:
Paul Carr:">Aladin Sky Atlas
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: David Grigg, Patrick Festa, Mike Bohler
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 29 January 2016
Released: 30 January 2016
Duration:89 minutes, 8 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, Mike Bohler, James Garrison and Patrick Fest to talk about Commercial Space. Was Gerard K. O'Neill's beautiful vision a fantasy, or a blueprint for the human future? The panel tries to hash it out in the light of recent successes by SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Sierra Nevada. we did't even get to Bigelow.
Adam Smith: The Expanse
James Garrison: Camp Quest
Patrick Festa: Earth Unaware by Orson Scott Card
Paul Carr: The Tempest
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, James Garrison, Mike Bohler, Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 22 January 2016
Released: 23 January 2016
Duration: 106 minutes 52 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Adam Smit, Ciro Villa, Nick Nielsen and Patrick Festa to talk about some recent developments: reconsideration of the Kardashev Scale, the reality and unknowns of dark matter, a possible super Earth planet deep in the outer solar system, and the dimming of Tabby's Star.
David Bowie, RIP
Kardashev's Scale at 50+
The Long and Short Dimming of Tabby's Star
Adam Smith: Go outside and look at the planets
Ciro Villa: The Expanse
Nick Nielsen: Disturbed covering Sound of Silence
Patrick Festa: Nightfall by Isaac Asimov
Paul Carr: Hillary Hahn - Bach solo partitas for violin
Recorded: 15 Januaray 2016
Released: 16 January 2016
Duration:82 minutes 52 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Ryan MacDonald, Adam Smith, and David Grigg to talk about the human future on the moon and beyond.
The Physics of Space Elevators
Snapshot Serengti
Unmasking Europa by Richard Greenberg
Science of the Solar System
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Ryan MacDonald, David Grigg, Adam Smith
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded:8 January 2016
Released: 9 January 2016
Please see for a complete list of links.
Ted Roe on Project Archivist
The O'Hare Case
1968 B52 Case
The Wow! Signal
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Ted Roe, Jeff Boerst, Mike Bohler, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 18 December 2015
Released: 19 December 2015
Duration: 83 minutes, 40 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, James Garrison and Patrick Festa to talk about some recent advances in space science and physics. Plus, a brief, informal tutorial on how rockets work.
We apologize for the brief audio glitch at 11:57. It hasn't happened before and hopefully will not happen again.
Erratum: ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer) was launched in 1997.
Pluto Images
Akatsuki Mission to Venus
LISA Pathfinder
ACE Mission
Terra Mission
Gravitationally Lensed Supernova
Adam: Cassini Enceladus Images
James: Cowboy Bebop
Patrick: Saying, "Oh, I was Wrong"
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, James Garrison, Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 11 December 2015
Released: 12 December 2015
Duration: 81 minutes
Host Paul Carr and panelists Marsha Barnhart, Adam Smit, Nick Nielsen and James Garrison talk about exoplanet discoveries and what all the exoplanets might mean for understanding the likelihood of us finding other technological civilizations.
The Wow! Signal: 2-episode-1-golden-age-of.html">The Golden Age of Exoplanets
moon-microbe-mystery-solved-apollo-12.html">Moon Microbe Mystery Finally Solved
i-am-on-drake-equation-at-end-of.html">The Drake Equation
3-miss-on-mars.html">Fossil Microbes on Mars?
Dynamical Considerations for Life In Multihabitable Planetary Systems
Any Sufficiently Advanced Civilization is Indistinguishable from Nature
24-define-panspermia.html">Episode 24 - Define Panspermia
James Garrison: Gaelic Storm
Paul Carr: What If? by Randall Munro
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Marsha Barnhart, James Garrison, Nick Nielsen, and Adam Smith
Music: Dj Spooky
Recorded: 6 December 2015
Released:6 December 2015
Duration:82 minutes, 36 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes new panelist Jeff Boerst, as well as Adam Smith, Buck Field, and Patrick Festa. They talk about the future prospect of super intelligence. Is super intelligence even possible? Will robots tolerate us after we are no longer of use to them? Can people opt out of the robot society?
Nick Nielsen on the 9-halos-of-vanished-civilizations.html">Halos of Vanished Civilizations and 10-nick-nielsen-on-wilderness.html">The Wilderness Hypothesis
long-to-continue.html">How Long to Continue?
Nick Bostrom: Superintelligence
Nick Bostrom: What Happens when our Computers are Smarter Than Us? (video)
2-episode-3-oblique-strategies.html">Robin Hanson on Human Emulations (Ems)
Robin Hanson's TED Talk on Ems
rule-robot-rules-robot-wars.html">Episode 3 on Asimov's 3 Laws.
Adam Smith: Brain Pickings
Buck Field: Ghost In the Shell Standalone Complex
Patrick Festa: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston
Jeff Boerst: Bone Tomahawk
Paul Carr: The Frood by Jem Roberts
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
panelists.html">Panelists: Adam Smith, Buck Field, Jeff Boerst, and Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Post Production:
Recorded: 20 November 2015
Released: 21 November 2015
Duration: 90 minutes, 4 seconds
Host Paul Carr and the panel talk about the near term future of transport: Hyperloop, Autonomous Cars, and what about flying cars?
8-questions-about-asteroid-mining.html">Questions about Asteroid Mining
SMBC:">The Trolley Problem
Adam Smith: Emily Lakdawalla's Blog
Marsha Barnhart: Blade Runner
Mateusz Macias: iRobot (film)
Mike Bohler: Conspiracy Theorists Lie
Nick Nielsen: Anthropic Principle
Paul Carr: Project Archivist
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Marsha Barnhart, Mike Bohler, Nick Nielsen, Mateusz Macias
Music: DJ Spooky
Panelists: Adam Smit:
Recorded: 13 November 2015
Released: 14 November 2015
Duration: 90 minutes, 4 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Buck Field, James Garrison and Mike Mongo. Mike brings along surprise special guest Jim Muncy to talk about the recent law passed by the U.S. Senate that supports ownership of resources extracted from celestial bodies. From there, we talk about what we will need to be able to find and mine the richest, most accessible asteroids.
Senate Votes to Legalize Space Mining
3-episode-2-martin-elvis-on.html">Martin Elvis on Asteroid Mining
How Many Ore Bearing Asteroids?
The International Space Station's 3D Printer
Mike Mongo: The Mechanical by Ian Tregellis
Buck Field: The Void Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton
James Garrison: Improvised Star Trek
Paul Carr: Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panel: Mike Mongo, James Garrison, Buck Field
Surprise Guest: James Muncy
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 6 November 2015
Released: 7 november 2015
Duration: 104 minutes, 28 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes David Grigg, Patrick Festa, James Garrison and Nick Nielsen to talk about Science Fiction: what is it, what does it mean to each of us personally, and what is it good for? What is ti bad at? Among other things, we promise to do a Douglas Adams episode closer to Towel Day.
David Grigg on The Narratorium
An Exploration of Science Fiction
Big History: Why We Need to Teach the Modern Origin Story
The Problems with Big History and Turning Science into a Myth
Scott Sigler's Alive
Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: David Grigg, Patrick Festa, James Garrison, Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Communications Platform: Google Hangouts on Air
Hardware: Shure, ART, Bahringer, Apple
Software: Reaper, Soundflower, LineIn
Recorded: 30 October 2015
Released: 31 October 2015
Duration: 111 minutes, 33 seconds
Host James Garrison welcomes special guests C. Webb from The Paranormal Skeptic Academy and David Flora of The Blurry Photos podcast. The Panel are Marsha Barnhart, Mike Bohler and Paul Carr. We talked abut cryptids, including Spring Heel Jack, Bigfoot, Goat Man, Nessie, super soldiers, conspiracies, mangy Chihuahuas, and naked hairy people running around trailer parks. James is encouraged to write a book about the various things burned indelibly into his memory.
James Garrison's blog posts on cryptids: bfro-and-look-at-evidence.html">
Host: James Garrison
Producer: Paul Carr
Special Guests: C. Webb, David Flora
Panelists: Marsha Barnhart, Mike Bohler, Paul Carr
Music: Halloween: Monster on Campus, Superfools: Not a Monster
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike license.
Recorded: 23 October 2015
Released: 24 October 2015
Host Paul Carr and the panel welcome Twin Cities transhumanist Tim Shank for a discussion what transhumanism means right now, not just off in the science fiction future.
(see for rich linkage related to this episode
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Special Guest: Tim Shank
Panelists: Adam Smith, Buck Field, Marsha Barnhart, Nick Neisen
Music: Dj Spooky
Recorded: 16 October 2015
Released: 17 October 2015
Duration: 101 minutes, 48 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Adam Smith, Buck Field, James Garrison and Mike Bohler to talk about the recent very strange light curves and follow up observations reported by Tabitha Boyajian, et. al. that has been sensationalized in the mainstream media to "Alien Megastructures." Somehow this diverges (drink!) into a discussion of woo woo entertainment television and one of its most obnoxious personalities.
(for a full set of links, go to
Music: Dj Spooky
host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Mike Bohler, Buck Field, James Garrison, Adam Smith
Hardware: Shure, ART, Behringer, Apple
Software: Google Hangouts on Air, Soundflower, Reaper, Line In, OS X Yosemite
Recorded: 9 October 2015
Released: 11 October 2015
Duration: 86 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Adam Synergy welcomes regualr panelists Patrick Festa and Nick Nielsen to talk about the present and future of solar system exploration.
(see for the full set of links for this episode
Host: Adam "Synergy" Smith
Panelists: Patrick Festa, Nick Nielsen
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 2 October 2015
Released: 3 October 2015
Duration:101 minutes, 8 seconds.
In Episode 21, our panel expressed heavy skepticism about the Mars One plans to settle Mars. Shortly afterward, Ryan MacDonald e-mailed and took issue with some of things said on that Episode, so we invited him and his colleagues Dianne McGrath and Oscar Mathews to join us and explain the Mars One enterprise from their perspective. Paul Carr is joined by those three Mars One astronaut candidates, and panelists Adam "Synergy" Smith, Antonio Paris, David Grigg, and Patrick Festa.
We had a few technical glitches, as we suppose is inevitable when trying to connect 8 people on 3 continents, but I think you'll agree it's a good conversation about one way humanity might become a multi-planet civilization.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Guests: Diane McGrath, Ryan MacDonald, Oscar Mathews
Panelists: Adam Smith, Antonio Paris, David Grigg, Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 25 September 2015
Released: 26 September 2015
Duration: 107 minutes 24 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes veteran panelists Buck Field, James Garrison, Mike Bohler, Ciro Villa and Patrick Festa to talk about the first half year of the podcast, where it's been, what the highlights were, and where it's going. Of course, this spins completely out of control into unrelated topics, like how much we should respect conspiracy theorists.
Each of our 19 panelists is thanked individually, and there is a plea for volunteers to co-produce and occasionally host the show. If interested, please e-mail us unseenpodcast - at - gee-mail or comment on the blog post.
(see for rich linkage)
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Buck Field, Ciro Villa, James Garrison, Mike Bohler, Patrick Fests
Music: DJ Spooky
Promotional and Blog Assistance: Mateusz Macias
Happy Feet: Collin
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 18 September 2015
Released: 19 September 2015
Duration:87 minutes, 24 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Adam "Synergy" Smith, Nick Nielsen, Mateusz Macias, and James Garrison to the panel. The team talks about some recent developments in exoplanets science and the future of planet hunting. Some planets about M-dwarf stars may in fact be habitable. Would creatures evolving on the dark side of a habitable M-dwarf planet be able to develop technology? How long will itbe until we replace the artist's concepts with actual images of Earth-like exoworlds? Will telescopes on the lunar farside help?
In this episode we are trying a new protocol to keep from talking over each other. This led to one awkward pause at 37 minutes, but I think it was worth it. We'll keep refining this.
Erratum: This is not the Wow! Signal, but we hope tohave some fresh content from the Wow! Signal very soon to talk about.
Recorded: 11 September 2015
Released: 12 September 2015
Duration: 114 minutes, 36 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Patrick Festa, Buck Field, James Garrison, and Adam "Synergy" Smith for a discussion of the latest ideas of panspermia, or how life might migrate between planets or even between stars. The latest paper by Lin and Loeb is brought up. The discussion morphs into one about the history and philosophy of science and then back to panspermia.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panel: Patrick Festa, Buck Field, James Garrison, and Adam "Synergy" Smith
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 7 September 2015
Released: 7 September 2015
Duration: 73 minutes
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Gita Jaisinghani, Lacerant Plainer, Adam "Synergy" Smith, and Nick Nielsen. The subject is the soul serching now going on withing science about reproducibility, the pubkication of negative results, and flaws in thepeer review system. A recent study in Science on the reproducibility of results in psychology triggered our discussion about how science can converge faster onto reliable confirmation of falsification of hypotheses. Can the public trust science?
Hostand Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Gita Jaisinghani, Nick Nielsen, Lacerant Plainer, and Adam Smith
Music: Dj Spooky
Recorded: 4 September 2015
Released: 5 September 2015
Host Paul Carr is joined by the panel, including Nick Nielsen and Mike Mongo who report after a long day at Starship Congress. Mike has his friends Rachel Armstrong and Andreas Tziolas with him, and we talk about interstellar flight and how we think it might be possible.
Episode 21
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panel: Mike Bohler, Buck Field, James Garrison, Mike Mongo, Nick Nielsen, Adam "Synergy" Smith
Spontaneous Special Guests: Rachel Armstrong, Andreas Tziolas
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 28 August 2015
Released: 29 August 2015
Duration: 89 minutes, 24 seconds
Host James Garrison welcomes Mateusz Macias and Patrick Festa to discuss Mars One, and the balance of risks in colonizing Mars. Does Mars One have a good plan, or a plan at all? Can they admit they are wrong? This spins off into a tangent about atheism, skepticism, and religion.
Mars One
Mars One debate at the Mars Society
Mistakes Were Made, but Not by Me
Pamela Gay: This I Believe
The Wow! Signal
Host: James Garrison
Panelists: Mateusz Macias, Patrick Festa
Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Website and Promotion: Mateusz Macias
Software: Reaper 5.01, Google Hangouts, Soundflower,Line In,
Recorded: 21 August 2015
Released: 22 August 2015
Cohosts Paul Carr and Adam Smith welcome special guest, astronomer Pamela Gay. Dr. Gay is well known in the astronomy community for AStronomy Cast and her direction of We asked her about Cosmoquest, women in science, and much more.
Hosts: Paul Carr and Adam "Synergy" Smith
Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Antonio Paris, Ciro Villa, Mateusz Macias, and Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky and George Hrab
Recorded: 14 August 2015
Released: 15 August 2015
Duration: 88 minutes, 52 seconds
Host Paul Carr with Adam "Synergy" Smith, Ciro Villa and Patrick Festa discuss some recent discoveries in the exoplanet world, among other things.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Ciro Villa, PA\atrick Festa
Recorded: 7 August 2015
Released: 8 August 2015
Duration:93 minutes 48 seconds
Host Paul Carr is Joined by Patrick Festa, James Garrison, and Nick Nielsen. We discuss Nick's latest blog entry on Folk Tales and Scientific Progress, then move on to discussing science literacy and critical thinking. We make fun of Deepak Chopra and have praise for Brian Cox.
Recorded: 31 July 2015
Released: 1 August 2015
Duration: 82 minutes, 36 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes a panel of five for an unscripted discussion of the new Breathrough Listen SETI program, Duncan Forgan's new paper on looking for self-destructed civilizaionts, and much more.
Recorded: 24 July 2015
Released: 25 July 2015
Duration: 83 minutes, 28 seconds
Host Paul Carr and our panel welcome astrophysicist Brian Koberlein: teacher, blogger and podcaster. We talk about waht motivates science and science communication, The grand strcuture of the universe, Einstein, Noether and the forces driving genius, and the recent exoplanet discoveries.
Recorded: 17 July 2015
Released: 18 July 2015
Duration: 72 minutes, 12 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by Adam "Synergy" Smith, James Garrison and Mike Mongo, to talk about the recent Pluto flyby, the space program in general, exploring the caves of the moon with lasers, what the Chinese are up to on the moon, and of course, Bigfoot. We are all trying to get banned by Richard Hoagland, and Mike Mongo urges full sovereignity for the Conch Republic.
The Wow! Signal
The New Horizons Mission
Jeff Nosanov talks to Mike Mongo about exploring the caves on the Moon
China is Now Positioned to Dominate the Moon
Finding Bigfoot
The Texas Bank
Recorded: 10 July 2015
Released: 11 July 2015
Duration: 72 minutes, 28 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes molecular biologist Chelsea Villaneuva and skeptic Patrick FEsta for a fascinating converation about the past and future of human evolution. What is the science fo epigenetics, and how is it shaping our view of how evolution works?
Recorded: 3 July 2015
Released: 3 July 2015
Duration: 71 minutes, 40 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Adam Synergy (aka Adam Smith), Mike Bohler, Nick Nielsen and Chris McGinlay. We started talking about some of the exciting new developments in space science, as well some of the crazy that invevitably gets excreted whenever we have new images of a planet. We alos complain a bit all the mystery mongering. We also talk about the Elders, international peace, and the Grexit. Will there also be a Brexit?
Stuart Robbins
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Elders
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Adam Smith, Mike Bohler, Nick Nielsen, Chris McGinlay
Music: DJ Spooky
Host James Garrison welcomes Andrew Boyter, Buck Field, Mike Mongo and special guest Andreas Tziolas of Icarus Interstellar. The team discuss the upcoming Starrship Congress and go off on the the required number of tangents, including the rules for swigging.
Recorded: 19 June 2015
Released: 20 June 2015
Duration: 94 minutes, 22 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by TJ Muich, Ciro Villa, James Garrison, Patrick Festa, Mike Bohler and Nick Nielsen. We wanted to talk about consipracy theories surrounding NASA, and this branched out into discussin conspiracy theories in general. We also discussed the relative merits of some of the up and coming science communicators.
Recorded: 12 June 2015
Released: 13 June 2015
Duration: 76 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Andrew Boyter, Patrick Festa, James Garrison and David Grigg to talk about the human exploration of Jupiter's Moon Europa and what that means to us.
Recorded: 5 June 2015
Released: 6 June 2015
Duration: 78 minutes, 43 Seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by James Garrison and Michael Cornett, to talk about about bad psychology, bad dentistry, bad medicine, and bad jokes.
Recorded: 22 May2015
Released: 23 May 2015
Duration: 83 minutes, 14 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by Mike Bohler, James Garrison, David Grigg, and Nick Nielsen, in a sprawling conversation about how the human specieis is exploring the universe around ti and where we should go next.
Recorded: 15 May 2015
Released: 16 May 2015
Duration: 74 minutes, 30 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes Science Fiction writer David Grigg, astronaut teacher Mike Mongo, and Oklahoma Skeptic James Garrison to a stretched out, relaxed conversation about the Fermi paradox and related topics.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panel: James Garrison, David Grigg, Mike Mongo
Music: DJ Spooky
Software: Reaper, Auphonic
Hardware: Zoom (with a dying battery)
Recorded: 8 May 2015
Released: 9 May 2015
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Mike Bohler, Buck Field and Patrick Festa to talk about the possibility of physics breakthroughs that cold lead to faster than light travel.
We had some technical problems with the Hangout on Air, but we shold have it fixed in the future.
Recorded: 1 May 2015
Released: 2 May 2015
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists James Garrison, Ciro Villa, and Nick Nielsen. First, we talk about the recent finding of the GHAT team from their mining of the WISE survey,loooking for galaxies with anomalously mid infrared emission, indicating that most of the free energy in the galaxy was being harvested. This has been in the press a lot lately, and easily misinterpreted. What is a Kardashev level III civlization, and how would we know it?
WE discuss the recent optimistic declaration by NASA Cheif scientist Ellen Stofan about the search for microbial life in the solar system, and this leads us to several other topics, inlcuding robot farming and how hard revolutions can be.
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