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Submit ReviewThis episode of the SHORTS podcast contains terrible singing, alien space sickness, rogue murderous AI, and other themes and content which may not be suitable for some listeners - listener discretion is advised.
Captain Domenic Highland is bored with space... all the cool stuff, like alien invasions, discovering new and exciting planets, and fending off unknown entites was finished with decades ago... all he has now is his overly positive crew and his karaoke practice, which he clearly is a master off... ... ... ... /endawkwardsilence. Will he ever learn that what he has in front of him is special and unique? Will he ever learn, Appreciation?
We couldn't put together an in-no-way-affiliated-with-Star-Trek SHORTS episode without enlisting the aid of the amazing guest voices of Joseph & Peter of the V'Ger Please podcast ( If you, like the team at Hail and Well Met, are avid trekkies, you should not pass up the opportunity to listen to Joseph & Peter rip apart Star Trek Voyager in a critical, thought provoking, and downright hilarious way!
Join with Hail and Well Met as we listen to Tarran Merlo's in-no-way-affialiated-with-Star-Trek the SHORTS podcast - Appreciation.
the SHORTS podcast is dedicated to showcasing varied authors across a range of genres, from around the world and is delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with such great creative people. If you would like to be included, please contact the team on Discord; via email through our website; r/hailandwellmet on reddit; or @hailpodcast on twitter.
Special thanks to our wonderful patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan; Evvie - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you can support the show. You can also support us by telling your friends about us!
Thanks to everyone involved in this episode of the SHORTS podcast, including:
Music and Sound Effects:
Thank you for listening! ❤️
This episode of the SHORTS podcast contains themes, content, language and kleptomania, all of which may not be suitable for some listeners - listener discretion is advised.
We've all got one of those friends who push us a little bit beyond our boundaries, it's what makes being friends with them so exciting! When Tina decides to go along with Marcy on one of her out there adventures, she begins to regret her decision very quickly!
Join with Hail and Well Met as we celebrate A.H. McClelland's submission to the SHORTS podcast - Let's Rob a Drycleaners!
Thanks to the author: A.H. McClelland.
the SHORTS podcast is dedicated to showcasing varied authors across a range of genres, from around the world and is delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with such great creative people. If you would like to be included, please contact the team on Discord; via email through our website; r/hailandwellmet on reddit; or @hailpodcast on twitter.
Special thanks to our wonderful patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan; Evvie - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you can support the show. You can also support us by telling your friends about us!
Thanks to everyone involved in this episode of the SHORTS podcast, including:
Music and Sound Effects:
Thank you for listening! ❤️
This episode of the SHORTS podcast contains themes, content, language, and the feeling that something may be living in your head, all of which may not be suitable for some listeners - listener discretion is advised.
Tom is just your genius tech developer showcasing the latest in his works in the competitive cut-throat industry to Ellodyne. When Tom starts hearing a buzzing sound, he begins to question everything and everyone. Join with Hail and Well Met as we celebrate Kaitlyn Kliman's submission to the SHORTS podcast - Buzz.
Thanks to the author: Kaitlyn Kliman, author and creator of The Insomnia Project, an audio drama about a science experiment trying to eliminate the need for sleep.
the SHORTS podcast is dedicated to showcasing varied authors across a range of genres, from around the world and is delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with such great creative people. If you would like to be included, please contact the team on Discord; via email through our website; r/hailandwellmet on reddit; or @hailpodcast on twitter.
Special thanks to our wonderful patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan; Evvie - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you can support the show. You can also support us by telling your friends about us!
Thanks to everyone else involved in this episode of the SHORTS podcast, including:
Music and Sound Effects:
Thank you for listening! ❤️
This episode of the SHORTS podcast contains themes, content, language, and the uncanny ability to make you burst into uncontrollable tears, all of which may not be suitable for some listeners - listener discretion is advised.
Some stories are designed to entertain, others to teach or impart knowledge. Still others, like this one, aim to make an emotional connection and share life experiences through the written (or in this case verbal) word. In this story we meet Robert, suffering from a terminal illness, seeks to understand the journey that his illness sets him on. After meeting a surprising, yet welcomed figure from Robert's past, we begin to understand what facing death might be like as Robert slips away.
Thanks to the author: Seth Merlo
the SHORTS podcast is dedicated to showcasing varied authors across a range of genres, from around the world and is delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with such great creative people. If you would like to be included, please contact the team on Discord; via email through our website; r/hailandwellmet on reddit; or @hailpodcast on twitter.
Special thanks to our wonderful patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan; Evvie - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you can support the show.
Thanks to everyone else involved in this episode of the SHORTS podcast, including:
The following music licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License (
SFX used under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (
SFX used under the Creative Commons Attribution License (
SFX used under the Creative Commons 0 License (but we wanted to name them anyway to say thanks):
Thank you for listening! ❤️
From all of us here at Hail and Well Met, be it the Guild of Adventurers, the SHORTS podcast, Unlucky Charm, or Danson - Happy Mothers' Day to some of the most amazing, caring, loving and brilliant people in our collective lives.
Thanks to the following people for lending their voices and pouring out their heartfelt messages:
"Windswept" by Kevin MacLeod (, licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License (
This episode of the SHORTS podcast contains themes, content and language that may not be suitable for some listeners - listener discretion is advised.
From the writer, creator, and producer of Ostium - Alex C Telander:
When you made the decision to become a patron of the Ostium Podcast, you were assigned a number, a door unique to you. There was a reason for that. It is possible that Ostium has not always been abandoned, not always population zero. Perhaps at one time there were people - from the future? The past? - who traveled through the doors of Ostium to different places in time and space to learn and educate and record their experiences. Perhaps these recordings are still in existence . . .
Welcome to . . . The Ostium Files.
Thanks to the author: Alex C Telander.
To learn more about Ostium, please visit
the SHORTS podcast is dedicated to showcasing varied authors across a range of genres, from around the world and is delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with such great creative people. If you would like to be included, please contact the team on Discord; via email through our website; r/hailandwellmet on reddit; or @hailpodcast on twitter.
Special thanks to our wonderful patrons: Gio; Andrew; Ryan - and everyone else. Without you, we would not have the ability to have created this podcast. Check out our Patreon page where you can support the show.
Thanks to everyone else involved in this episode of the SHORTS podcast, including:
SFX used under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (
SFX used under the Creative Commons Attribution License (
Thank you for listening! ❤️
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