Libby Atwater started out as a journalist, although her childhood was full of memories listening to family stories. She started out as a Personal Historian when asked to record a friend’s life story. Her clients were people who were from all walks of life, and achieved different things through their careers, but all who wanted to tell their stories. For those who did not have a budget to print a book, she recorded audio histories.
Libby encourages people to talk about their life stories through questions, photo albums, pivotal points in their life, favorite music, most exciting experience, lessons learned and memory joggers such as their favorite car, their career, favorite pet or sport, children, home and family.
Libby uses Print on Demand (POD) to self publish. She recognizing the importance of ensuring a book is readable so Libby hires graphic designers and book layout experts. For writing her own memoirs "What Lies Within", Libby talks about her own challenges, including dealing with her feelings.
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