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Submit ReviewMadi Davis started using pornography when she was 13 after coming across images on social media. In this interview, Madi shares her journey of recovery, repentance and accessing the infinite power of Jesus Christ’s atonement.
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Join Brooke Snow's The Creation Coach School
Use THIS LINK and get two free bonuses:
Bonus #1 - 5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Did The Creation Coach School
I’ve gone through The Creation Coach School twice and I’ve learned some great things along the way. These five things will help you stay organized, save you time and get the most out of your participation in The Creation Coach School.
Bonus #2 - Be Part of My Accountability Group
This year Brooke Snow is not offering accountability groups as part of her program, but if you use my link to sign up, you and your buddy can be part of my accountability group for free. I worked for Brooke last year as an accountability coach and meeting with an accountability group is a great way for you to ask questions, connect with other participants and learn how to apply the lessons you are learning from Brooke. My accountability group will meet at least once a month over Zoom and sessions will be recorded and shared with you if you can’t make it live.
In this follow-up episode to the series on the doctrine of Christ, I share why I made a discussion guide for the series, how you can get it and why it is important to gather with others to discuss doctrine.
Listen to the Doctrine of Christ Podcast Series
Hear thoughts, scriptures and quotes about the fifth element of the doctrine of Christ, enduring to the end, and learn why enduring will allow Christ to be the "author and finisher" of our faith.
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Talks, Podcasts and Other Resources
Hear how the gift of the Holy Ghost equips each of us with the exact spiritual gifts we need in our individual mortal journeys. I also discuss how mental health affects the gift of the Holy Ghost and how we can help those who experience this by truly mourning with them.
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Talks, Podcasts and Other Resources
This is the third episode in a five part series about the doctrine of Christ. Listen to hear why continuing on from faith in Jesus Christ and repentance to baptism and partaking of the sacrament will give you even more power in your life to change.
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Talks and Other Resources
This is the second episode in a five part series about the doctrine of Christ. In this episode I’m sharing about repentance. Listen to hear how repentance is turning and how you can go beyond being like Christ to allowing Him to live in you.
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Talks, Podcasts and Books
Learn about the relationship between doctrine, principles and applications and how understanding doctrine will help you change anything in your life.
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Talks, Articles and Books
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Talks, Articles and Books
In early 2020, Lynnette Sheppard was called to be a Relief Society president. She was already feeling inadequate and then the pandemic hit along with many personal trials including family challenges and business struggles. By January 2021, Lynnette felt she was drowning but received a clear message from God, “Lynnette, it’s not about what you do.” In this interview, Lynnette shares what the prompting meant to her and how it led her to start helping other women of faith. Overall, Lynnette discusses how she came to know that God carries the weight of His work and it doesn’t have to feel heavy to us.
Journal Questions
How can you say “yes” to God? Lynnette shared she has learned she can do more when she involves God in the things she is doing. How have you seen your reliance on your Heavenly Parents increase your capacity to do something you didn’t think you could do? Record how that experience helped you.
I’ve noticed a pattern in my life. The pattern is this: when I feel overwhelmed by anything, it is usually because I am relying on myself instead of God. I have learned to be aware of this and to course correct when overwhelm creeps in. Where are you feeling overwhelmed in your life? How can you look up and allow Him to carry the burden?
What do you need when you feel yourself in a downward spiral? Lynnette shared the practical things she does to help her regain momentum. Her list included taking things one day at a time, writing in her journal, moving her body, sleeping, opening a window and sharing with a friend. What are the things that help you when you feel low? Write your own list of things to do for yourself when you need to remember to look up.
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Ceri Payne was very content raising three teen daughters and working from home as a special education teacher, but everything changed when she and her husband were asked to facilitate a self-reliance class. During the class, Ceri realized she had desires for her life she had never uncovered before. In this interview, Ceri shares how a series of promptings helped her make major shifts in her career and learn how paying attention to her desires was a way to co-create with God and see blessings for things she wasn't even aware she needed.Journal QuestionsWhat do you desire? As Ceri shared, all you have to do is desire. You don't need to know the outcome. What is the next step in pursuing something you desire? Write your next step down.
President Dallin H. Oaks has said, “Revelation to the children of God comes when they are on the move.” What can you do to take action on the next step of your desire? Remember, you don't have to know everything, you just have to know the next step and then listen for the personal revelation for the step after that.
Ceri pointed out that when we listen to our desires and move forward we will not only help ourselves but others. Write down all the people you could potentially help if you pay attention to and act on your desires and develop your talents.
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