260 Available Episodes (260 Total)Average duration: 01:00:26
Apr 24, 2023
562: Podcast Apps, Zaraz, Future CSS Thoughts, and Arc
What if Taylor Swift lyrics hold the answers to web dev questions? Podcast app thoughts, using Cloudflare Zaraz, what we're excited about with CSS, Arc browser updates, and are we even developers or are we specialized systems whisperers?
Apr 17, 2023
561: Web Perf News, Web Sommelier, Data Analytics, and Passkeys
Topics for this one include how do you learn about web performance news? Do you need a web components sommelier? Our thoughts on Syntax going to Sentry, and being able to focus on the things you want to focus on. Passkeys, Arc split screen, and vibe driven development.
Apr 10, 2023
560: Oh Biscuits! Cascade Layers, Block Links, Emoji Lists, and more CSS!
After a brief visit from Hip Hop Dad Dave, we're talking cascade layers updates, block link practices, search element getting dropped, how to use cite, emoji list accessibility, scrollbar state, and trigonometric functions in CSS.
Apr 03, 2023
559: Fidget Apps, Coding with AI, Dialog Element Navs, Getting Rid of CSS
Is there still any value in specializing in front-of-the-frontend dev? Would you ever use the dialog element for a mobile navigation? Why did CodePen decide to use Go for its GraphQL server?
Mar 27, 2023
558: Esoteric Weird Content Editable Problems with Kristin Valentine
Kristin Valentine from Vox joins the show to talk about text editor CMS fun across multiple sites, Vox's Chorus, The Verge redesign, sharing Design Systems, theming articles, and a fun new game called "Can Your Text Editor Do This??"
Mar 20, 2023
557: ChatGPT, Conferences, Fidgets on the Web, and Modern CSS in Real Life
When will AI be able to tell you the risk / reward of cleaning up trees? Are conferences back? Bringing fidgets to the web, internet as an anxiety machine, and Chris is working on talk on modern CSS in real life.
Mar 13, 2023
556: Andrey Sitnik and Using OKLCH for Color
Andrey Sitnik from Evil Martians talks with us about why OKCLH is the best way forward for color on the web, how to incorporate it into design systems, getting your designers to use OKCLH, and what kind of fallback support is needed.
Mar 06, 2023
555: React Documentary, Front of the Front End, Fast Fallacy, and Best Practices
Reacting to the React.js documentary, is there still jobs for front of the front end anymore? The fast fallacy in frameworks, best practices, dealing with too much or too little isolation, and AI test generation.
Feb 27, 2023
554: Jamstack Thoughts with Brian Rinaldi
Brian Rinaldi joins us to talk about the state of Jamstack in 2023, acronym confusion, SPA confusion, developing common tools of understanding, why Netlify bought Gatsby, and the state of developer conferences.
Feb 20, 2023
553: TypeScript, DX, GripeScript, and Astro v2 with Fred Schott
Fred Schott stops by to talk about TypeScript, what DX means in 2023, a bit of GripeScript, and being transparent about what Astro is good at, and what it's not.
Feb 13, 2023
552: Do You Want to Build a JS Framework? ☃️ CSS Wishlist for 2023
Austin power updates, what do you need if you want to build a new JavaScript framework, and what do we hope CSS brings in 2023?
Feb 06, 2023
551: PlanetScale with Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh
Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh talk about PlanetScale, what Vitess is, if PlanetScale is for both side and big projects, what read only regions are, what schema changes are, and how PlanetScale compares to other projects.
Jan 30, 2023
550: Sanity with Simen Svale Skogsrud and Espen Hovlandsdal
Simen and Espen from Sanity stop by to talk about the origins of Sanity, how Sanity Studio works, good use cases for Sanity, how Sanity does real time updates, what Groq is, and where to start with Sanity.
Jan 23, 2023
549: Ben Ubois of Feedbin
Ben Ubois is the founder of Feedbin, the RSS reader of choice for Dave and Chris. What influenced the creation of Feedbin, the state of RSS in 2023, curating your RSS feed, and subscribing to newsletters in Feedbin.
Jan 16, 2023
548: Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling
What's going to happen to homework with AI? Thoughts on infinite canvas which leads into Luro and Sigma integration, and Chris gets nerdsniped and tries to scrap (or should he crawl?) websites for data.
Jan 09, 2023
547: WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl
Jason Bahl joins the show to talk about the GraphQL and WordPress connection, his work on WP GraphQL plugin, Faust and Atlas from WP Engine, Jamstack and Wordpress, and more.
Dec 19, 2022
546: Ryan Dahl and Deno
Ryan Dahl stops by to talk about Node, Deno, JavaScript, testing, V8, and thoughts around getting started with Deno.
Dec 12, 2022
545: Arc Browser with Nate Parrott
Nate Parrott from The Browser Company of New York stops by to talk about Arc - including the history of Arc, how boosts work, building out dev features, how they deciding on what features to build, and feedback from Dave and Chris on Arc.
Dec 05, 2022
544: Feedback, RSS Talk, Arc Brower, and Product Talk
Getting feedback for what you're building or writing, RSS feed reminiscing, Arc browser thoughts, products that didn't make that should have.
Nov 29, 2022
543: Zach Leatherman on Eleventy, Mastodon, Twitter, and is-land
Zach Leatherman talks with us about what's new with Eleventy, setting up on Mastodon, what's happened with Twitter, and is-land.
Nov 21, 2022
542: Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS, Mastodon, and Stories on the Web
We're talking CSS-in-JS, Token CSS, Matuzo being suspended from Twitter, trying out Mastodon, testing out stable diffusion, stories on the web, and Jake Albaugh's new social network.
Nov 14, 2022
541: Una Kravets on What’s New With CSS
Una Kravets stops by to talk about making CSS your job, @ Property, Cascade layers, color spaces updates, shared element transitions, animation on the web, nesting, focus visible, and what people should learn about CSS.
Nov 07, 2022
540: Next 13, WP vs FB, Figma Thoughts, and a TypeScript Journey
Our thoughts on Next 13, incremental adoption, server components, WordPress vs Facebook, CodePen updates, Figma features we dig, Chris' TypeScript journey, and Dave's a hypocrite?
Oct 31, 2022
539: Sameera Kapila and Inclusive Design Communities
Sameera Kapila talks with us about her new book, Inclusive Design Communities, and why you should read the book, learning about group think, how we can all help improve hiring and retention, and dealing with workplace culture issues.
Oct 24, 2022
538: Patching the Web
Catching up on work after being away at a conference, import maps coming to Safari, and your secret web patching tips including buying Disney tickets, saving Instagram photos, spell checking blog posts, taking funky screenshots, forms, cleaning up Jira, and pesky greyed out buttons.
Oct 17, 2022
537: ShopTalk Live from An Event Apart 2022
Chris and Dave live from An Event Apart in Denver talking awkward break points, the npm web, Scott Jehl web criminal, web components, what is the purpose of a website, Svelte, and how does Figma do it?
Oct 10, 2022
536: Functional Programming, npm Dependency Hell, and the Patchability of the Web
Should you care about functional programming? What if cloud functions weren't node or deno, but built into the browser? Why do we accept npm dependency hell? Follow up on design matching the web question. And Dave blogged about the patchability of the open web.
Oct 03, 2022
535: Improving Developer Productivity with Rebecca Murphey
Rebecca Murphey from Stripe talks with us about finding problems - the paper cuts - in your code or team and developing the best solution for them.
Sep 26, 2022
534: Web Talks, AI Images, and Redesigning an API
Building websites is cool again, but what threat is there to all of us from AI created images? And how would you design an API in 2022?
Sep 19, 2022
533: Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS
Bastian Allgeier, creator of the popular CMS Kirby, talks with us about what Kirby is, why Kirby uses flat files, the whole SSG vs flat debate, the $20B Sigma shaped elephant in the room, running Kirby on the edge, how Kirby handles support and licensing, and what kinds of sites use Kirby?
Sep 12, 2022
532: Mobile Browser Injections, CascadiaJS + Enhance, CSS Methodologies
An update on the spoon theory talked about in the previous episode, thoughts on the mobile browser injection going on in apps, Chris spoke at CascadiaJS, Enhance.dev released, 4 new CSS methodologies, and quantity vs quality in your work output.
Sep 05, 2022
531: Mobile Database, GDPR Fun, and Heroku Shuts Down Free Plan
What database should a mobile app use? Is there any help for GDPR processes? Is there a way to get developers to better match design? How to implement accessibility in a web app environment? Heroku shuts down their free plan, and pricing is hard.
Aug 29, 2022
530: Keaton Taylor on Product Design, Career Paths, and DadTalk Show
Keaton Taylor is a product designer at Discord and stopped by the show to talk about getting distracted by new dev toys, spoons as the best worst analogy, Wichita as the new Portland, working at Discord, and the interesting career paths for developers and designers in 2022.
Aug 22, 2022
529: What’s new in Safari with Jen Simmons
Jen Simmons walks through a ton of the new CSS and HTML features out now or coming soon - including container queries, cascade layers, .has selector, and more!
Aug 15, 2022
528: Alex and Andrew on Working in an Agency
Alex and Andrew join us from the Discord to talk about working on client sites and branding at Traina. How do they set up WordPress for development? What's the incentive to invest in tooling? And the benefits of using CodePen as a knowledge library for your brain.
Aug 08, 2022
527: Shaky Foundations, Tricky A11y Topics, & Dependency Follow Up
A quick Luro update, working in a coffee shop, when do you know it's time to leave a working but shakey system behind and start fresh, teaching tricky A11y tips, dependency follow up, how big are the node modules, and we dream up a media service app.
Aug 01, 2022
526: Web Components, Testing, and Database Seeding
Dave's working on his speaker bod, how well does Find My work for a lost iPhone and Air Tags, what do you let kids have access to online, design systems for teams using different JS frameworks, web components, and testing web components.
Jul 25, 2022
525: Cache Bustin, Twitter Embeds, and Analytics Weirdness
Questions from the D-d-d-d-discord and listeners about tacos or burritos, cleaning up CSS methodology, getting previews from a CMS, comparing Google Analytics to other stats, sharing page views with advertisers, and what happened to CSS Houdini?
Jul 18, 2022
524: Package Security with Feross Aboukhadijeh from Socket
Feross Aboukhadijeh talks with us about web security, what Socket aims to help with, how Socket compares to Depandabot or Sync, how they analyze all the data for Socket, and what things developers should be thinking about with regards to security in their apps.
How much polish do you put into internal apps? Can you create custom Gutenberg blocks for Shopify? How difficult is it to publishing a VS Code plugin? Thoughts on GitHub Copilot, notification options with GitHub Actions, and thoughts on static site builders such as Statimic.
Jul 04, 2022
522: Jay Hoffman and The History of the Web
Jay Hoffman talks with us about his History of the Web project and takes us through some of the important markers of the web's past including when ad money started, Web 2.0, Facebookification, RSS, CSS, and fads that have come and gone.
Jun 27, 2022
521: GitHub Actions with Rizèl Scarlett and Brian Douglas
Rizèl Scarlett & Brian Douglas chat with us about GitHub Actions and help us understand how to use Actions on your next project. We also dive into GitHub Copilot and GitHub apps.
Jun 20, 2022
520: Conferences, Search Engines, Anonymity, CSS, :Has, and the Future with Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman
Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman join Chris and Dave to talk about building the web in 2022, micro formats and search engines, looking back on their work in building the web, anonymity and branding, the new possibilities with :has, performance gains in CSS, and the future of the web.
Jun 13, 2022
519: SSG vs WordPress, Customize Menus, JavaScript Testing, and CMS Tools in JavaScript
Dave is pondering Ariana Grande's voice, should you use a SSG for custom landing pages or WordPress, Chris digs apps that allow menu customization, thoughts on companies getting acquired, where should you start with JavaScript testing, is there CMS tools in JavaScript land, and why choose Remix over Rails / Laravel today?
Jun 06, 2022
518: WebPageTest Improvements, Shopify Hydrogen, and is .CSS a Bad Idea?
WebPageTest adds Opportunities and Experiments, but is it worth it? Shopify announces Hydrogen, a framework for dynamic commerce, is .CSS a bad idea? And using the new INP metric.
May 30, 2022
517: Big Backend Energy
Where have all the backend podcasts gone? Databases are so hot right now, so we're talking about them. What is the state of just using native web components? Are they a viable solution for a production app today? What if there was a type syntax in JavaScript?
May 23, 2022
516: Building a Technology, Twitter Driven Development, Deciding on a Blog Topic
How do you add features to a web app while the web app is running? Should you add features to your app based on whatever Twitter tells you? And if Chris or Dave were starting a new blog today, what niche would they start writing about?
May 16, 2022
515: Gaming Fridge, Dave Goes Nuxt 3, Resizing Images, Hiring Devs, Design Systems, and Redesigning Blogs
Dave's got a new fridge, questions about whether we'll see a big podcast again, #DaveGoesNuxt3, mouthblogging Netlify ideas, resizing and cropping images, should you hire a newb dev or senior dev, what is a design system, and redesigning personal websites.
May 09, 2022
514: Front End vs Back End Work, Teams Built Like a Video Game, API Keys, Twitter, and VanTalk
Dave's got a theory that we could build dev teams like video game teams, Chris has an API edge rant, Dave tests Nuxt 3, billionaires buying apps, camper talk, and the search for the perfect webcam.
May 02, 2022
513: Live at AEA 2022
Chris and Dave are answering questions live from An Event Apart, spring 2022 edition. What new CSS features are exciting? What would you add to CSS? What do you think creates the designer developer gap? Web components and two screens! And more!
Apr 25, 2022
512: Web Whiskey Crossover with Chuck Carpenter & Robbie Wagner
Chuck Carpenter & Robbie Wagner from Web Whiskey and Whatnot stop by to talk about podcasting, hiring and firing, imposter syndrome, web3, Ember, and working with clients.
Apr 18, 2022
511: Dave Talks Web Components, AMP Follow Up, Core Web Vitals, Building a New CMS, and GitHub Copilot
Dave taught on web components and has thoughts. A follow up on AMP and a question about how core web vitals compare? What you want if you were building a blog CMS in 2022? And some thoughts on GitHub copilot.
Apr 11, 2022
510: Fred Schott on the Past, Present, and Future of Astro
Regular listeners will know Chris has been big on Astro for a while now, so it was a treat to have one of the co-creators of Astro, Fred Schott, on to answer all our questions about Astro.
Apr 04, 2022
509: No Coffee, Inert Follow-up, Dialog Element, JSX in the Browser, and Mexican Travel Tips with Chris
Dave might try no coffee, Safari inert follow-up, Dialog element, Safari Tech preview with subgrid, can we put JSX in the browser? React 18 has dropped. What about font streaming? Smashing Conf is coming to Austin, and Mexican travel tips with Chris.
Mar 28, 2022
508: Sold Any Blogs Lately?
Dave has questions about CSS Tricks sale to Digital Ocean, what's involved in selling a blog in 2022, the tech behind CSS Tricks, liberal coding to accept more than you anticipate, hidden attributes in HTML, and Inert in Safari 15.4.
Mar 21, 2022
507: To Do Tree, TypeScript and JavaScript, RSS Favs, PWA-holes, and Sound Notifications
Do you even metaverse? Dave's got GitHub issues, building in 3D for the web, and should you always write in plain text files?
Mar 14, 2022
506: 15m vs 30 Day Fix, Using Prisma, Infrastructure as Code, and Kirby CMS
We're talking Dave's 15m fix vs 30 day fix article, experiences with Prisma and Terraform, Edge becoming more popular than Safari, microbetting, and Kirby CMS.
Mar 07, 2022
505: Passing Props, Node Shipped Fetch, Digital Rot, and Making CodePen a PWA?
A bit of follow up from last episode on passing props, Node shipped fetch, intentional digital rot on the web, and how hard could it be to make CodePen a PWA?
Feb 28, 2022
504: Jim Nielsen Blogging, App Icons, Color, and Images
Jim Nielsen stops by to talk about blogging, writing a book on app icons, how he archives his part of the web, whether browsers are evergreen, future vs backwards proofing, color, and images on the web.
Feb 21, 2022
503: Pull Request Issues, Checking in Node Dependencies, Nuxt and PropTypes, and Less Decomposing
We check in with Pull Request Issues guy, should you check in Node dependencies, how to pick technology to learn, and what does Nuxt or Vue do for PropTypes?
Feb 14, 2022
502: Text Select in Notion, Safari Hot Drama, Writing in VS Code, and Other Browsers on Mobile Safari
We're talking Safari drama, wondering why Apple won't support other browsers on mobile, some solutions to writing in VS Code, and solving problems in isolation.
Feb 07, 2022
501: Cyber Pink, Configuration Based UIs, Deleting Twitter for Time, and Lurking in Discords
We're comparing our 'fits, deleting Twitter, and lurking in Discords. And wondering about how much customization you should have over an app's UI? Do you expect it? Is taking ownership of Babel transform a smart thing to do? What are design tokens really? And how do we get to cyber pink?
Jan 31, 2022
500: Front-End Web Professionals Excited to Talk Front-End Web Design And All It’s High Dramatic Fashions
We're celebrating episode 500 by looking back at the previous eras of ShopTalk Show including why we started the show, how it's changed over the years, and how the tech and our lives have changed as well.
Jan 24, 2022
499: Melanie Sumner on Ember, Accessibility, and the Web
Long time listener, first time guest Melanie Sumner joins us to chat about her work on Ember, enterprise work, the importance of accessibility, and the web.
Jan 17, 2022
498: Prepping for 500, Git Journey, Git Hooks, Parcel CSS, and some Healthy Picks
Chris and Dave are speaking at An Event Apart Seattle - you should come! We've got some COVID updates, Chris' Git journey, issues with Git Hooks, Commit Lint, take a look at Parcel CSS, and pick some fav things.
Jan 10, 2022
497: The State of Native Apps and Web Apps in 2022 with Thomas Steiner
We're talking with Thomas Steiner of Google's Project Fugu about native apps or web apps. What is Project Fugu? Hardware limitations or requirements for using game controllers on the web. Working with new hardware API's. Reasons to choose a native app. As well as Thomas' SVG web app he's built.
Jan 03, 2022
496: 2022 Predictions
We're talking about our predictions for web tech in 2022: Container queries, web3, React, HTML elements, CSS compatibility, utility frameworks, designer and developer tooling, multiple frameworks, and more episodes of ShopTalk Show!
Dec 27, 2021
495: Snow Blower Won’t Start, CSS Resets, Nuking Margin, Making Your Website Better, Testing on a Craptop
Chris can't remember how to get his snow blower working, and Dave can't remember how to use Docker. We're also talking CSS Reset, nuking margin, one thing you can do to make your website better, getting rid of 3rd party Javascript, testing your product on a craptop, and defensive CSS.
Dec 20, 2021
494: WYSIWYG Follow Up, Open Source Maintenance, Micro-Frontends, and Fleet vs GitHub Copilot vs VS Code
Dave's got some WYSIWYG follow up, thoughts on maintaining open source projects, what role do you assign clients in WordPress, what are micro-frontends, using HTML to author web components, an update on Coil, and Fleet vs GitHub Copilot vs VS Code.
Dec 13, 2021
493: TikTok, Accessibility Follow Up, Dave’s WYSIWYG Journey, Scaffolding Components, and All Unset
Chris has questions about TikTok (bing bong!), a bit of FU on why accessibility isn't treated as a first class citizen, Dave tries to find a good WYSIWYG editor, why does a repo get so many stars, and should you use all: unset on individual entities to clean things up?
Dec 06, 2021
492: Paravel’s Building an App – What’s the Tech Stack? Also: Bun.sh, Vue, Slinkity, and Quantity Leading to Quality
What's the tech stack Paravel's using to build their app? A conversation on AdonisJS, NuxtJS on Vite, side projects in Vue, checking out Bun.sh, Slinkity and Eleventy, and working on quantity to get to quality.
Nov 29, 2021
491: YouTube Benders, CSS Performance, Learning New CSS in 2022, Building a Great Embed, and Creating Slides
Dave and Chris are on podcast and YouTube benders, talking CSS performance, CSS contain: Strict, what's new in CSS, how to build a great embed, one thing to make websites better in 2022, dealing with dogma in community, creating great slide decks, and #juicegate.
Nov 22, 2021
490: Web3, Cryptobucks, HTML is Ok, Tailwind Tokens, and Getting Excited About CSS
How good is web3 really? And is there money to be made without destroying the environment? Is HTML good enough for the future? And what are we excited about in new stuff for CSS?
Nov 15, 2021
489: Landing Web Clients, Native App vs Web App, and Dave Wants LinkedIn Friends
What's needed to start a tech business in 2021? Is VS Code on the web usable? Why would you choose a native app over a web app in 2021? And be sure to follow Dave on LinkedIn.
Nov 08, 2021
488: Sportsball Moments, WordPress Block Editor, WYSIWYG Editors, Cloning Notion, and How to Focus on Accessibility
Show DescriptionSupporting local sports teams, thoughts on WordPress' full site block editor, advice on convincing clients to move away from WordPress, modern WYSIWYG editors, Microsoft and cloning Notion, an update on Chris' hacker, and what will it take for devs to “focus” on accessibility? Listen on Website →Links Notion Obsidian Advanced Custom Fields Pell TinyMCE […]
Nov 01, 2021
487: Chaos Monkeys, Images Missing at ISP Level, Modern Image Handling, The Manager’s Path
Parenting life update, redundancy for leaves, using a chaos monkey, images not showing up based on ISP, modern image handling workflow options, and discussing The Manager's Path.
Oct 25, 2021
486: Keeping Up the New Web Things, Dealing with Spicy Sections, a Cloudinary Follow-Up, and some Apple Problems Persist
It's difficult enough to keep up with new web things, even when it's your job. How do Chris & Dave do it? Dave's blogging on spicy sections, Chris' Cloudinary issues are resolved, and there's some Apple problems to deal with.
Oct 18, 2021
485: Building Websites Now vs 1996, Vue 3, Picking a CMS, and Writing a Book with URLs
Is it harder to make a website in 2021 than in 1996? Are site building tools making life easier? Does Dave use scoped styles in Vue? How could Vue help with design systems? And Chris tries making a CSS Tricks book on the web, while Dave is workshopping a web components talk.
Oct 11, 2021
484: Cloudflare, Lying to the Browser, Cloudinary Issues, Vue 2 to Vue 3, and Font Icons
We're talking about Cloudflare product updates, whether you should lie to the browser about image size, Chris is having Cloudinary issues, Dave's answering questions about upgrading from Vue 2 to Vue 3, a question about Font Awesome icons, and what's the deal with Webhint?
Oct 04, 2021
483: Q&A on XState, Getting Comfortable with JavaScript, Managing WordPress Sites, and Background Images in CSS
As Chris says, we're back to the meat 'n potatoes of ShopTalk with a Q&A episode including: XState thoughts, getting comfortable with JavaScript, tips on managing several WordPress sites, the best method to schedule high latency tasks with Node.js, a strategy for background images in CSS, and dealing with landing pages and subpages.
Sep 27, 2021
482: Asset Pipeline Issues, Google ZX, Crazy CSS, and a New CSS Reset
Join us on YouTube 3x a week for more ShopTalk fun. This episode: How would you build with maximum user growth in mind? Asset pipeline issues, self provisioning runtime, Google ZX, and crazy new CSS.
Sep 20, 2021
481: Frontend Feud: ShopTalk vs Syntax
Crossover! Your favorite web dev podcasts join forces for a super collab that’ll knock you frontend off! Amelia joins Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert from ShopTalk Show while Divya teams up with Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski from Syntax. Let the FEUDing begin!
Sep 13, 2021
480: Pushing Users to the App, Browser Feature List, Notion Fun, and The Surprise Chain
Does forcing users from the website to the app make the web devs feel sad? How do browser devs decide what to add? Having fun with Notion, custom media queries, and Dave's epic Surprise Chain blog post.
Sep 06, 2021
479: Using VS Code, Import Ordering, Chrome API Eye Dropper, and YouTube Tease?
A bit of follow up from the last episode, getting your team on to the same tooling - and cool things in VS Code, import ordering, the new Chrome API eye dropper, and some YouTube thoughts and ideas.
Aug 30, 2021
478: Google Changing Titles, jQuery + Chris’ Birthday, Kissing Content, and Word Break Break Word
Google is changing page title in search results, celebrating jQuery + Chris' birthday, content that gets too close and kisses, dealing with website sandwiches, using word break break word, and abuse of alerts on the web.
We're talking about CSS Module scripts, container query issues, wondering about writing scoped CSS, Tailwind, and custom property gotcha's.
Aug 16, 2021
476: #HotDrama Mug, #HotDrama Safari, #HotDrama Chrome, and the WordPress Build Process
We've got a new ShopTalk Show mug you can order, Safari and Chrome #HotDrama to discuss, what is the modern WordPress build process like, and what's the state of your local bowling alley or pickleball website?
Aug 09, 2021
475: Ben Hong’s Views on Vue, VuePress, Nuxt, Petite Vue, Shopify + Netlify, and Static Hosting
Ben Hong talks with us about Vue 2 vs Vue 3, Nuxt, VuePress, GridSome, Petite Vue, Headless Shopify + Netlify, is static hosting the right term these days, and what's up with Nuxt 3?
Aug 02, 2021
474: Tech Conferences, Dev on Windows, and CSS for Displaying Random Images
The D-d-d-d-discord's got threads! Are conferences a thing we're ready for? How was Dave's experience working on a Windows PC? Help Dave figure out his monitor issue on Mac. Are people writing websites without a build step? And what is a good CSS technique for displaying images that could be either horizontal or vertical?
Jul 26, 2021
473: Brad and Ian Frost – From Meteorologist to Web Developer
We're chatting with Ian Frost who swapped out his meteorologist career to become a web developer alongside his brother Brad Frost. We talk about getting started learning HTML / CSS, and then Javscript, writing code as a team, navigating the front and back end in 2021, dictating tech stacks to clients, and dealing with turnover and tech changes with clients.
Jul 19, 2021
472: Good Meetings. Is This Data? Front End vs Back End.
Sarah Drasner's got a new book and we talk about her article on good meetings. Are front end problems more difficult than back end problems? GitHub's got an upgrade issues feature. How would you design a database for a new project? And where and what is data in 2021?
Jul 12, 2021
471: Perf as a Job, Riverside vs Streamyard, Frontend Being Consumed, and How Much to Bill Clients
Can doing performance audits be a career in 2021? Comparing streaming and recording with Riverside and Streamyard. Is the front of the frontend being consumed by automation? Struggles in hiring and putting together resumes. And how much should freelancers bill clients for their own education and learning?
Jul 05, 2021
470: Slap a WAAPI, Explaining the Shadow DOM, LayoutNG, iFrames, the Web Animation API
Do you drive or fly in 2021? How do you explain the Shadow DOM? What's LayoutNG? How do iFrames and Accessibility work out? Should we be using CSS Prefers Reduced Motion? And what's up with the Web Animation API?
Jun 28, 2021
469: Syntax Crossover with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski
We're joined by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski from Syntax.fm and chat about the fun of developing, SvelteKit, what tools Scott and Wes reach for when building a website, the WordPress developer experience, and some sick picks!
Jun 21, 2021
468: Is Sass Still Cool? Animation vs Transition, Animated Tables, and Dark Mode in Email
Let's talk Sass, nesting, animation vs transition, animated tables, scroll snap points, progress meters, viewing emails in dark mode, and coded prototypes.
Jun 14, 2021
467: New Frameworks, Astro, New React, and WWDC 21 Thoughts
Where are my paaaants? What to do with new frameworks? What to do with new React? Building in Astro. And WWDC 2021 reactions.
Jun 07, 2021
466: Tabs In Component Libraries, Grouping @media Queries, and When is Software Finished?
What's the best way to include tabs as part of a component library? D-d-d-discord update on Alex's CSS-Trickz clone. Do you group your @media query items together or spread them around? And is software ever truly finished?
May 31, 2021
465: Linters, Delivering HTML in a Single File, Specialist or Generalist, and Social Image Previews
We're talking about linters, should we deliver single file HTML? Should you focus on a specific tool or be more general? And we revisit social image previews.
May 24, 2021
464: Jamstack & New Netlify Features with Jason Lengstorf & Phil Hawksworth
Jason Lengstorf and Phil Hawksworth chat about the current state of the Jamstack including React + Jamstack, Distributed Persistent Rendering, building for ease of use, dealing with minor changes and caching, whether Jamstack needs to do all things, and a big new Netlify features announced!
May 17, 2021
463: Choose Build Tools, Social Media Images, Border Radius Clipping, and Debugging Safari in Windows
Camera and gear for your desk talk, and answering your questions about build tools, programatically creating social media images, border radius clipping of parents, debugging Safari on Windows, the state of Drupal in 2021, and using code blocks in WordPress.
Apr 24 | 01:00:31
562: Podcast Apps, Zaraz, Future CSS Thoughts, and Arc
Apr 17 | 01:02:22
561: Web Perf News, Web Sommelier, Data Analytics, and Passkeys
Apr 10 | 00:58:15
560: Oh Biscuits! Cascade Layers, Block Links, Emoji Lists, and more CSS!
Apr 03 | 01:00:16
559: Fidget Apps, Coding with AI, Dialog Element Navs, Getting Rid of CSS
Mar 27 | 00:55:49
558: Esoteric Weird Content Editable Problems with Kristin Valentine
Mar 20 | 00:59:25
557: ChatGPT, Conferences, Fidgets on the Web, and Modern CSS in Real Life
Mar 13 | 00:59:55
556: Andrey Sitnik and Using OKLCH for Color
Mar 06 | 00:49:06
555: React Documentary, Front of the Front End, Fast Fallacy, and Best Practices
Feb 27 | 01:01:52
554: Jamstack Thoughts with Brian Rinaldi
Feb 20 | 01:02:30
553: TypeScript, DX, GripeScript, and Astro v2 with Fred Schott
Feb 13 | 01:00:58
552: Do You Want to Build a JS Framework? ☃️ CSS Wishlist for 2023
Feb 06 | 00:55:40
551: PlanetScale with Iheanyi Ekechukwu and Mike Coutermarsh
Jan 30 | 01:02:24
550: Sanity with Simen Svale Skogsrud and Espen Hovlandsdal
Jan 23 | 01:01:55
549: Ben Ubois of Feedbin
Jan 16 | 00:54:36
548: Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling
Jan 09 | 01:04:35
547: WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl
Dec 19 | 00:59:45
546: Ryan Dahl and Deno
Dec 12 | 01:05:13
545: Arc Browser with Nate Parrott
Dec 05 | 00:41:36
544: Feedback, RSS Talk, Arc Brower, and Product Talk
Nov 29 | 00:58:41
543: Zach Leatherman on Eleventy, Mastodon, Twitter, and is-land
Nov 21 | 00:49:32
542: Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS, Mastodon, and Stories on the Web
Nov 14 | 00:55:14
541: Una Kravets on What’s New With CSS
Nov 07 | 00:43:11
540: Next 13, WP vs FB, Figma Thoughts, and a TypeScript Journey
Oct 31 | 00:59:29
539: Sameera Kapila and Inclusive Design Communities
Oct 24 | 00:40:19
538: Patching the Web
Oct 17 | 00:55:19
537: ShopTalk Live from An Event Apart 2022
Oct 10 | 00:50:40
536: Functional Programming, npm Dependency Hell, and the Patchability of the Web
Oct 03 | 00:52:49
535: Improving Developer Productivity with Rebecca Murphey
Sep 26 | 01:00:07
534: Web Talks, AI Images, and Redesigning an API
Sep 19 | 00:59:52
533: Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS
Sep 12 | 00:57:44
532: Mobile Browser Injections, CascadiaJS + Enhance, CSS Methodologies
Sep 05 | 00:55:15
531: Mobile Database, GDPR Fun, and Heroku Shuts Down Free Plan
Aug 29 | 01:00:59
530: Keaton Taylor on Product Design, Career Paths, and DadTalk Show
Aug 22 | 01:16:08
529: What’s new in Safari with Jen Simmons
Aug 15 | 00:56:41
528: Alex and Andrew on Working in an Agency
Aug 08 | 00:54:44
527: Shaky Foundations, Tricky A11y Topics, & Dependency Follow Up
Aug 01 | 01:01:19
526: Web Components, Testing, and Database Seeding
Jul 25 | 00:58:42
525: Cache Bustin, Twitter Embeds, and Analytics Weirdness
Jul 18 | 01:00:39
524: Package Security with Feross Aboukhadijeh from Socket