Rebootleggers is a comedy podcast where we come up with reboots for things that absolutely don't need rebooted. Hosted by Scott Owen, Frank Serra, and Rebecca Frost (most of the time).
It's 2021 and we're trying to get back into a regular episode cadence! This week we reboot Condorman, a movie about a condor-themed superhero! We had some audio issues on this one, so we're sorry if it's less listenable than usual. Thanks for listening though!
In this episode, we reboot Indiana Jones with a time-traveling romp through prehistoric dinosaur times, as he tangles with his most nefarious foe of all time: Chester Cheetah
In honor of the late Wilford Brimley, we reboot The Thing! Frank was sick this week, so it's just Scott and Rebecca so welcome to our most ADHD episode ever.
This week we reboot The Last Dance! Not the Michael Jordan documentary, but the made-for-TV movie of the same name that Rebecca was given after she asked a guy to download The Last Dance (the Michael Jordan documentary) for her. We'll do better next time.