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Submit ReviewWe explain basic Minecraft mod installation and then list off a bunch of great mods to start with - mods that aren’t that complex or intensive but great ways to experiment with mods in your Minecraft gameplay.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Tutorials/Minecraft help FAQ - Minecraft Wiki
WinZip for Windows, Mac and Mobile - Zip Files, Unzip Files
Mods/Installing mods - Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Forge API 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2 and 1.6.4">WIP-1.7.10 FastCraft 1.12 - Off-Topic - IC² Forum[WIP-1.7.10]
FastCraft is a small mod which improves the client and server performance significantly without any game play changes.
Not enough items.">Inventory Tweaks official website – Inventory Tweaks 1.58 documentation
Vein Miner - Quickly mine veins of ore - Minecraft Mods
Shaders Mod (updated by karyonix)
Chisel - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
This mod adds slopes and a custom variety of vanilla-inspired blocks to Minecraft. The custom nature of these blocks allows players to cover them using most solid blocks in the game. Once covered, they look and act just like the block they’re mimicking, but in entirely new shapes!
DrZhark’s Official MoCreatures
Ruins - AtomicStryker’s Mods for Minecraft
Ruins is a mod that spawns Structures in your Minecraft worlds upon generation, similar to Villages or Strongholds. Every Structure is defines by a template and configured to spawn under specific conditions, and all of that can be changed by you!
The MadPack 2 is a combination of survival and tech. The pack’s difficulty adapts and is completely unforgiving. Attempt to complete quests and challenges while just about everything including the pack wants you dead! See how far you can make it in The MadPack 2 (playable in any mode, BUT The Mad Pack 2 is designed for hardcore!)
▶ How to Buy and Install Minecraft - iChris Plays Minecraft Ep 001 - YouTube
This first video shows how to buy and install Minecraft and get Minecraft running for the first time.
Tutorials/Saved data Dropbox guide - Minecraft Wiki
This tutorial explains how to migrate your saved games to Dropbox so you can play your levels on multiple computers. BE WARNED that you can only play on one computer at a time, and you must allow Dropbox to completely finish syncing before starting to play on a different computer. If you do not, you risk losing your progress or possibly corrupting your save.
We’re off to kill the dragon, the wonderful dragon of Minecraft. Join Tim and Chris as they talk killing the dragon and winning the game and becoming the most powerful Minecraft player in your entire house?
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Minecraft 1.8.1 - Minecraft 1.8.1 - Minecraft Update News
Acixs - $2 Minecraft Server Hosting
Ender Crystal - Minecraft Wiki
Jack o’Lantern - Minecraft Wiki
Danish government releases geographic data by way of 1:1 Minecraft map - Ars Technica
Danish government releases geographic data by way of 1:1 Minecraft map
Finding a stronghold so you can find the End Portal is our goal for this episode. We talk about a new book on Minecraft, answer a listener question about underwater temples and build a computer inside Minecraft.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
The Visual Guide to Minecraft « John Moltz’s Very Nice Web Site
They say to write what you know, so I wrote a book about Minecraft. Well, part of a book about Minecraft. Saying you know all of Minecraft is pretty presumptuous.
The Visual Guide to Minecraft: Dig into Minecraft with this (parent-approved) guide full of tips, hints, and projects!(parent-approved)
Minecraft Handbook 1: The Beginner’s Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 2: The Redstone Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 3: The Combat Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 4: The Construction Handbook
Adventure mode is a game mode intended for player-created maps by limiting some of the gameplay in Minecraft, in which the player cannot directly destroy most blocks to avoid spoiling adventure maps or griefing servers. Most blocks cannot be destroyed without the proper items. However, players can still craft items and interact with mobs, item frames, and paintings.
I left the mojang office for the last time, and didn’t properly say bye because everything is strange.
An Eye of Ender (or Ender Eye) is a craftable item used to locate and activate End portals within Strongholds.
An Ender Pearl is an item which is used to teleport.
Endermen are unique neutral mobs that can teleport.
Strongholds are structures that occur naturally underground, and are primarily important because they house End Portals. Strongholds can be located using Eyes of Ender.
An End Portal (sometimes called Ender Portal) is a naturally occurring structure that is used to travel into The End. It can only be found in strongholds, and consists of 12 End Portal blocks, organized into a horizontal ring shape five blocks square. Each frame block requires an Eye of Ender to activate the portal.
The End is a dimension with a stark, empty plane containing a single floating planet-like island made of a unique material known as end stone, dotted with obsidian pillars. These islands float in the Void.
Silverfish are small, bug-like hostile mobs.
Ocean monument - Minecraft Wiki
Ocean Monuments are naturally generated underwater structures that appear in deep oceans, sometimes intruding into nearby regular oceans. Monuments are inhabited by guardians and up to three elder guardians.
Increases underwater movement speed
Prevents the oxygen bar from decreasing and slightly increases visibility while underwater.
Computer Built in Minecraft Has RAM, Performs Division - The Escapist
The CPU built with redstone circuitry can load code into its RAM and even print results on a screen.
▶ Minecraft CPU brief overview - YouTube
a CPU i made inside Minecraft.
▶ Minecraft CPU performing DIVISION - YouTube
in this video, my minecraft CPU runs a program i wrote for it that divides two numbers given by the user.
The Diamond Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer is a postcyberpunk novel by Neal Stephenson. It is to some extent a science fiction bildungsroman or coming-of-age story, focused on a young girl named Nell, and set in a future world in which nanotechnology affects all aspects of life.
We take a break from our scheduled routine of surviving in Minecraft to talk about some of the more mundane tasks like farming, fishing, apples, and crafting rails and mine carts.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
The MadPack 2 is a combination of survival and tech. The pack’s difficulty adapts and is completely unforgiving. Attempt to complete quests and challenges while just about everything including the pack wants you dead! See how far you can make it in The MadPack 2 (playable in any mode, BUT The Mad Pack 2 is designed for hardcore!)
Carrot on a Stick - Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft: The Complete Handbook Collection
Minecraft Handbook 1: The Beginner’s Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 2: The Redstone Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 3: The Combat Handbook
Minecraft Handbook 4: The Construction Handbook
Minecraft Player Spent Two Years Building This Incredible City - GameSpot
▶ How to Play a Custom Map in Minecraft - Cupertino Apple 1 Infite Loop Edition - YouTube
We talk enchanting and potions for this episode. It’s a bit technical but hopefully you’ll be inspired to try out crafting potions and enchanting your swords, pick axes and other tools. We also answer a listener question about golems and getting off a horse.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Photos of new Lego Minecraft sets leaked
Never Dig Down (@neverdigdown_fm) - Twitter(@neverdigdown_fm)
Splash Potions - Minecraft Wiki
Brewing Stand - Minecraft Wiki">MinecraftPotionsSimple
Enchantment Table - Minecraft Wiki
Never Dig Down #4: What To Do On Day Two in Minecraft? - Goodstuff FM
Talk about what’s new in Minecraft 1.8
v1.6.4+ Ritual Enchanting Mod Version 1.2 - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum[v1.6.4+][Mod Version 1.2]
Enchanted Book - Minecraft Wiki
Irongolemflower.png">File:Irongolemflower.png - Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Hits the PS Vita in North America Tomorrow - TechnoBuffalo
We’re on day 4 of our journey into Minecraft and we talk about the Nether - what to bring, how to get there, what not to bring and how to get out alive.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Despite Microsoft Purchase, Minecraft Edges Closer to Release on PS Vita - GameSpot
Scotland-based developer 4J Studios, which is handling the port of Markus Persson’s breakthrough indie game, has now submitted the game’s code to Sony and is awaiting approval.
‘Minecraft 2’ Runs On—What Else—Microsoft Excel
‘Doctor Who’ skins for ‘Minecraft’ hit Xbox 360 this Friday
Nether Portal - Minecraft Wiki
Mojang gets bought by Microsoft, Twitch gets bought by Amazon and we’re only on day 3! Strip mining, walkabouts and books and enchantments are covered on this episode - plus we need your help naming things!
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
The Official Twitch Blog A Letter from the CEO - August 25, 2014 » The Official Twitch Blog
Yes, we’re being bought by Microsoft - Mojang
Mojang (Minecraft) Bought by Microsoft - Faraway, So Close(Minecraft)
Minecraft Skin Creator for iOS
Acixs - $2 Minecraft Server Hosting
Minecraft Maps - Adventure Maps - Temple of Nox">iFunBox for Windows - File Manager, Browser, Explorer, Transferer for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Never Dig Down #5: $2.5 Billion Gets You Slimmer Arms - Goodstuff FM
We talk about Minecraft v1.8 being released and what we find interesting about the update. For our main topic we chat about what to do now that you’ve survived day one and how achievements can help guide your way. And some awesome big builds to check out for some inspiration.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Captive Minecraft II — The Farlanders
Tim’s Captive Minecraft 2 Github Repository
Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release 3 – The Bountiful Update
Minecraft 1.8 – The Bountiful Update
In Minecraft news we talk about Twitch vs Youtube and how to build a Minecraft streaming PC. For our main topic we walk through surviving your first night in Minecraft. And some great listener questions lead us to some interesting mods.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor
Mediagloss - game audio studio
Captive Minecraft — The Farlanders
Captive Minecraft II — The Farlanders
Captive Minecraft III — The Farlanders
MC1.6.2/SSP/LAN The Hunger Games Mod 2.5.0 - Textures fixed! - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum[MC1.6.2/SSP/LAN]
Build Ready Sub-$800 Twitch-Streaming Gaming PC [for upcoming Tekzilla episode] : buildapc[Build Ready][for upcoming Tekzilla episode]
Intel Core i5-4570, Zotac GeForce GTX 770, Rosewill FBM-01 - System Build - PCPartPicker
Twitch cracks down on unlicensed music ahead of rumored $1 billion YouTube buyout - The Verge
Never Dig Down Newsletter - Goodstuff FM
Subscribe to the newsletter, and get the latest from Never Dig Down straight to your inbox.
Official Minecraft Wiki - The ultimate resource for all things Minecraft
▶ How to Survive Your First Day in Minecraft - iChris Plays Minecraft Ep 002 - YouTube
SSP/SMP 1.3.2Fossil / Archeology v6.9 P-4 - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum[SSP/SMP][1.3.2][v6.9 P-4]
We cover the basics of Minecraft - why, how much, what do you need and why is it so popular? We open up the listener mail and answer a couple questions. We also talk Minecraft world news - Star Wars, Captive Minecraft and Herobrine.
This episode of Never Dig Down is sponsored by:Campaign Monitor">Chunk Loader - Feed The Beast Wiki
Minecraft Signs (MinecraftSigns) on Twitter
Twitter / MinecraftSigns: everyone treats me like a …
everyone treatsme like a idiot and I justHATE it. So now
✖ Minecraft - Star Wars - ‘A New Hope’ - OFFICIAL TRAILER 1 - YouTube
Minecraft – Star Wars – A New Hope - Precisely Recreating ‘Star Wars – A New Hope’ in Minecraft.
Captive Minecraft — The Farlanders
Captive Minecraft II — The Farlanders
Captive Minecraft II is the successor to the original Captive Minecraft, released in May 2014. This new vanilla game type traps you in a 1x1 box using 1.8’s World Border feature. For each Minecraft Achievement you get, the World Border widens by half a block in each direction. As your captive world slowly expands, you gain access to more and more resources and hidden secrets.
Achievements are a way to gradually guide new players into Minecraft and give them challenges to complete. There are currently 33 achievements in the PC edition, 20 achievements in the Xbox 360 Edition and 29 trophies in PlayStation 3 Edition.
Buy Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Minecraft - Pocket Edition - Android Apps on Google Play
Buy Minecraft for iPhone or iPad
List of best-selling PC games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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