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Submit ReviewEP94: Don’t Boo, Don’t Vote
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes. The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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Hot Take News (00:02:07)
Should society be taking a breather regarding its news vigilance?
The GOP is passing laws all over the country that make it harder to vote. They are also making it harder and less safe to protest too. What does a society with its voice stifled do?
Pop Culture (00:13:10)
• Johnny’s favorite movie of 2021 so far is Zack Snyder’s Justice League • Lance says the best show out right now is Invincible • Beau read the wrong Alchemist, on purpose
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EP93: Red Dawn of the Chinese Super Soldier
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes. The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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Hot Take News (00:03:42)
The Chinese government is working on a biologically enhanced super soldier program.
Russia and china both are implementing new facial recognition tech. China is "allegedly" committing war crimes against the Uighur muslim population.
Captain’s Ready Room (00:12:42) The gang reviews their 2020 New Years Resolutions and how close we came to meeting them.
Pop Culture (00:27:44) The Expanse Mandolorian Season 2 Review The Boys Season 2 Review My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea Train to Busan: Peninsula
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EP92: The Pandemic Reveals the Real You
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes. The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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Hot Take News (00:05:12)
As tensions in society built to a boil, we discuss the likelihood of a second civil war occurring.
Captain’s Ready Room (00:13:22)
How has your behavior changed due to quarantine/pandemic?
Pop Culture (00:24:44)
• Johnny gives his overview of the #HBOMax NOT HBO Series, Raised By Wolves • Lance reviews Borat Subsequent Moviefilm • Beau gives his overview of Amazon Prime’s The Boys
Useful Links: •This Scary Statistic Predicts Growing US Political Violence — Whatever Happens On Election Day
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EP91P: Scrutiny On the Bounty (Teaser)
Reports have come out that Russia has put bounties on the heads of American and Coalition troops in Afghanistan.
The administration seems to be downplaying the threat, we discuss.
EP91: Empathy for Enemies
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes. The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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The placebo effect even works on surgery.
Hot Take News (00:07:12)
We talk about the best kinds of masks to use to fight COVID19. We talk about the protests that are taking place to fight police brutality, and how those protests are being met with even more police brutality.
Captain’s Ready Room (00:20:24) We discuss the difficulties in having empathy for those we perceive as our opponents or even as our enemies.
Pop Culture (00:48:24)
• The 7500 - Recommend • Bad Education - Recommend • Lance Played The Last Of Us Part 1 and loved it • The Hunt - Recommend • Rodham - Recommend
Useful Links: • Studies show how long it takes to change someone’s mind over time How to talk someone out of bigotry
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EP90: Police Disunion
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes.
The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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I scoured the archives for Junto show segments we’re we talked about pandemics, and ways to deal with troubling times.
Hot Take News (00:09:36) ⁃ We talk about the protests that are taking place in the streets all over the world in the wake of the Murder of George Floyd ⁃ Police Union Contracts is the most tangible problem that can be addressed to improve police behavior. • What did the S. in Ulysses S. Grant Stand For? • Should we reopen schools for in-person classes this fall? • Should the USA be “The global leader”? • SpaceX successfully launched American Astronauts to the Space Station
Pop Culture (00:48:24) • The half of it - Recommend • Bad Education - Recommend • The Love Birds - Worth watching on Netflix • I am Not Your Negro - Lance’s inspiration for being a “public intellectual” • Final Fantasy VII Remake • Greta Gerwig’s Little Women - Lance thought it was boring and Johnny loved it • Lucy in the Sky - great story well made movie • Mob Psycho 100 • Just Mercy is a great movie and is available to watch for free (check local listings)
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EP89: Classic Segment - The Pandemic Minute
Thanks for listening to the Junto Show!
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes.
The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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I scoured the archives for Junto show segments we’re we talked about pandemics, and ways to deal with troubling times.
The Pandemic Minute ⁃ Do you think we are more likely, or less likely to have a mass plague or pandemic come to the modern world? ⁃ Does it even matter, because Elon Musk will save us. Useful Links: Lawsuit Alleges University of Pittsburgh Covered Up Escaped Lab Monkey Infected With 'Select Agent' ⁃
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EP88: Tiger King is Pure Madness
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes.
The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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The guys talk about how we are maintaining fitness during the quarantine.
Hot Take News (00:05:26)
• The government has drafted a plan for how to implement a draft of medical personnel in the event of an emergency. How do we feel about implementing mandatory service of medical professionals? • Be weary of the new video chatting platforms, they might not be protecting your privacy data. • Is calling COVID-19 the “Chinese Flu” racist?. • Do Other countries have “Florida Man?”
Captain’s Ready Room (00:18:30) • In today’s captain’s ready room we talk about how the three ways that people’s ethical behavior becomes compromised. • Is morality something you are born with or are you taught it?
Pop Culture (00:43:18) • Portrait of a Lady On Fire Review • Charlie’s Angels (The one with Kristin Stewart) • Picard (CBS All Access) - Not as good as Star Trek the Next Generation • Beau reviews The Lighthouse (with Robert Pattinson) • Tiger King #TigerKing • Avenue 5 • Plot Against America is too Slow • Netflix’s Last Kingdom is magicless Game of Thrones • God of War is Overrated
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EP87: Quarantine Cast 1
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes.
The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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We’re back and healthy and hunkered down in our respective homes. So excuse us if the audio is as good as it normally is.
We talk about what we are doing while in quarantine.
We also talk about the general state of the new corona world
We talk about our thoughts on what the right way to do a stimulus bill should be.
Beau comes up with an elegant solution to the stimulus planning problem.
Johnny relays his experience hiking up pike’s peak and the treatment for his frostbite…
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EP86: The FIRST Impeachment of Donald J. Trump
The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy. Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes.
The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind. We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out.
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We discuss Lance’s new dietary restrictions.
Hot Take News (00:06:30)
• We wrap up our discussions on the first impeachment of President Trump • We talk the Iowa caucus mss • Is coronavirus going to kill us all?
Captain’s Ready Room (00:30:00) • We talk about planning out a life in decade milestones. Where should you be in your twenties, thirties, or forties?
Pop Culture (00:40:51) • Oscars 2020 • Lance loved the movie “Long Shot” • Beau watched “Midsommer” • HBO’s “Avenue 5” is a promising new Show • Living with Yourself is mini- review • Lance talks Ezra Klein’s newest book “ Why We’re Polarized” • Jojo Rabbit
Useful Links: Sign falls off podium as Iowa party leader explains latest on › homenews › campaign › 482405-sign-falls-off-podium-...
Joe Biden gets hands with a voter
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