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Submit ReviewIt's over. Finished. Finito. End of the road. Goodnight. Goodbye. Thank you.
Happy New Year y'all! While we planned to talk about our resolutions and moving forward into the next year, what we actually talked about were strip clubs, uncomfortable medical exams, puberty and other stuff. And our friends JP and Lyndey joined us for the fun! Enjoy!
Find us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us an email with your new year's resolutions at Join our Patreon over at Appreciate you!
The holiday season is here and times are tough. Between being overloaded at work and overburdened personally the month of December is shaping up to be insane. We break down the madness of December and touch on some other topics, like Adina's ghost tooth.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us a holiday greeting at
Our Patreon is over at Check it out! Appreciate you!
YouTube is filled with crazy nonsense these days. We chat about the things we love to watch and the things we love to hate watch. And for some reason, we also made each other cry.
Hit up our social media @honestycheckpod. Email us at Join our Patreon over at Appreciate you!
We're back! Sorry we missed a week, but life has been hectic. We spend this week catching up with each other on our life's current events. It's just as interesting as it sounds.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. If you're into email we have one of those - Head over to our Patreon and become a Patron of the Farts at Appreciate you!
It's our favorite time of year - Halloween is right around the corner! This week we pay homage to one of our favorite podcasts (How Did This Get Made?) by reviewing the 2003 horror movie Freddy vs. Jason. And joining us for the fun is our best buddy and horror expert Matt! Listen to us break down this mess of a movie. We also give a Luo Dong update.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Reach out via email at
Join our Patreon at and see what the happenings are over there! Appreciate you!
What do you do when you are feeling uninspired and unmotivated? No, really - it's not a rhetorical question, we need help! The ladies of Honesty Check are in a slump personally and creatively. It happens to the best of us. So what do you do? Well, we complained about it on this podcast for 45 minutes.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us an email to inspire us and get our heads back in the game at
Check out our Patreon! Become a Patron of the Farts over at Appreciate you!
Making new friends is never easy, especially if you're two socially awkward weirdos like us. This week we share about putting our foot in our mouth and oversharing when meeting potential new friends. Also, Sonya reads some poetry she wrote in high school and Adina is still confused and losing time.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Beginning this week we are switching to a bi-weekly schedule, so every other Tuesday you'll get a new dose of Honesty Check. You can follow us on social media @honestycheckpod to keep up with all the happenings. And if you miss us, then join our Patreon! Hit it up over at Appreciate you!
Social media is ever present in most people's lives these days. It can be a great way to stay in touch and keep connections with friends and family. And it can also be a place where dishonest folks can take advantage of you. It's also a place where people can struggle with boundaries and disclose a little too much. Nothing is sacred and nothing is actually private. This week we break down what we think is the danger of oversharing on social media.
Ironically enough, if you want to follow us on social media you can find us @honestycheckpod. Send us an email with your rules of engagement for social media at
Join our Patreon community over at We appreciate you!
Would you fly halfway across the world to marry a stranger you met on the internet? What about washing your clothes in the swimming pool to save money? Yep, there are people out there that do these things and you can find them on TLC's shows 90 Day Fiancee and Extreme Cheapskates. We discuss how people are absolutely wild and do insane things that they willingly let a tv network record and show to the world.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Hit us up by email at
Become a Patron of the Farts over on our Patreon at We don't talk about gross people over there, I promise.
Do you bite your nails? Leave your laundry on the floor? Pick at scabs? No judgment from us! We're full of bad habits, and we share a few of them with you this week.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Tell us your worst bad habit over at
If you need more Honesty Check in your life, you know where to find it! Head over to and become a Patron of the Farts for only $5 a month and have access to exclusive content. Appreciate you!
Do you feel like you have your finances in order? Well, we thought we did too until we realized we didn't. So we decided to get on a budget! This week we walk though the new budgeting program we are both trying, discuss where we bleed money, and come up with a new workout program. We are business minded and jacks of all trades.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us your budgeting tips to
If you've got $5 to spare you should treat yourself to more Honesty Check! Head over to our Patreon and join the community! Check it out at Appreciate you!
Happy anniversary to us! We launched Honesty Check a year ago and this week we are celebrating! Join us in our stroll down memory lane as we share our favorite bits from prior episodes, as well as the lessons learned and meaningful experiences we've had in a year of podcasting.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send an anniversary greeting to us at
A great anniversary present would be to join our Patreon! Head over to and get down to business! Appreciate you!
Guest host extraordinaire JP (professionally known as Nasty Pants) joins us for another episode as we tackle the trickiness and stickiness of group dynamics. Navigating friendships can often be fraught with obstacles, but it seems especially so in a group where you have to deal with a multitude of attitudes and behaviors. We share some of our experiences dealing with difficult people in group friendships. Also, we were about two champagne bottles of mimosas deep while recording so this one is fast and loose in places. Enjoy!
If you're not following us on social media you are missing out! Find us on all platforms @honestycheckpod. Long form correspondence can be sent to Hit up our website to get your own Spike who will maintain uncomfortable eye contact with you - links are on our recommendations page on
Patreon is where we have the best group dynamic! Head over there and join in the fun at Appreciate you!
We have our first return guest! Our amazing friend JP (a/k/a Nasty Pants) joins us for this episode to discuss all things gay. We hit on more serious topics like coming out, dating in today's social media obsessed culture, and addressing hurtful gay stereotypes. And then we talk a lot about the Jonas Brothers (Nick Jonas in particular, hey how you doin'?) and which gay celebrities would make our top five lists.
Follow the podcast on social media platforms @honestycheckpod. If you have any follow up questions for JP or us, send 'em to Drop by our website over at and check out our Recommendations page if you want to buy your own Spike or Pinker Dinker to keep you company.
Our Patreon is lonely and needs you to keep it company. Head over to and sign up! Appreciate you!
The ladies of Honesty Check have had their fill of summertime. It's been three months of being too busy, too hot, too frustrated and too tired. The joke is on us though since we live in the South; it'll be summer until November probably.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us an email about why your summer has been blah at You can find our website over at
Join our Patreon! Head over to and cool off with more of our nonsense! Appreciate you!
Moving houses is a wild and unpredictable ride. Adina has been busy the last couple weeks packing up and moving out. She shares some of the misadventures that have kept her busy recently. In other news, paying bills is a pain and Sonya may need sensitivity training.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Throw us a line over at
Get up in that Patreon! Head over to and join our community and help support the podcast. Appreciate you!
Y'all, we've had a rough couple of weeks so we haven't recorded a new episode. But fear not! We've repurposed a couple of clips from our Patreon for your enjoyment while we get our lives together. Enjoy some knock knock jokes and our review of Skyscraper to tide you over till next week.
If you'd like to join our Patreon head over to and treat yo'self. Follow our social medias @honestycheckpod. Send us an email at Appreciate you!
You know what's hot? Treating people with respect, courtesy and kindness. We've encountered some folks recently who need a reminder about manners, so this week class is in session for Common Decency 101. Basically, don't be a jerk, be thoughtful to those around you, and don't litter. Littering is a big one for us.
Give us some tips on being decent people at Follow us on the social medias @honestycheckpod. Hit up that website at
What's on our Patreon, you ask? Only one way to find out! Head over to and become a Patron of the Farts today! Appreciate you!
As it sometimes happens, this week's topic chose us as we began venting about all the things that currently agitate us. Topics include: strange and uncomfortable YouTube videos, aggressive hammock swinging, mismatched barstools, the barefoot neighborhood wanderer, making yourself sick by laughing too hard, and bangs on dudes. None of it makes any sense, but it doesn't mean we're not wrong either.
Tell us what has got you all worked up lately at Or hit up our website at Follow all the social media @honestycheckpod
Patreon is a safe space where we don't talk about aggressive hammock swinging. Join our community there and help support the podcast at Appreciate you!
We had the distinct pleasure of attending the PodX Conference in Nashville, TN earlier this month. We met people. We learned things. We got drunk on the first day. And we recorded ourselves being drunk. Don't worry about it! Stay tuned after the end of the episode and you'll get to experience a slice of that madness.
If after listening to this episode if you still think it would be fun to have a drink with us, let us know at Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod.
Are there more drunken recordings on Patreon? Only one way to find out! Head over to and become a Patron today! Appreciate you!
In our quest to become more physically active, we recently took a delightful stroll through the woods one sunny afternoon. And we brought the mobile recorder so you could be a fly on the wall during the experience. You'll hear us fart, be accosted by a Spanish ghost, complain about litterbugs, worry about troll attacks, fantasize about meeting Jason Bateman, and talk about our deceased pets. It's a journey in more ways than one.
Follow us on the social medias @honestycheckpod. Throw us a line at Stop by our website and see what's happening over there!
Join our Patreon! I promise we don't record ourselves farting over there.
A rant about Trading Spaces led to a rant about the Property Brothers which turned into a whole episode of trash talking about HGTV. We had a different topic planned for the episode, but sometimes you just gotta sail where the wind takes you. Adina and Sonya also come up with several new wacky business ventures they'd love to pursue if time, talent and finances weren't a hindrance.
Get social with us on the social medias @honestycheckpod. Slip by our website and get into the business over there. Write us some long form correspondence care of
Patreon is waiting! You better head on over there to sign up! All kinds of mysteries and treats await you!
Adina and Sonya have many talents between them; however, acting may not be one of them. This week your hosts embrace their inner thespians to perform a series of short plays for your listening pleasure (or torture). Special thanks to Monologue Blogger for providing us with the material.
Critique our performance on social media on Twitter or Instagram @honestycheckpod. Send us a long form review by email at I promise there is no material on our website where we butcher Irish accents so check it out.
Our Patreon is hot fire so you need to check it out! Head on over to and treat yo'self today! Appreciate you!
Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge. We didn't make that up, but wiser words were never found on an unattributed pin from Pinterest. This week, per listener request, we are discussing the ways in which we feel judged and how we handle judgment in our lives. In summary - let's just be nice to each other, y'all.
Follow us on all the social medias @honestycheckpod. You can slide over to our website at Judge this episode by sending us an email at
There's no judgment over on Patreon! Head on over there now to become a patron and get more Honesty Check in your lives at Appreciate you!
Y'all, this one is a mixed bag! We'd been feeling uninspired lately, so Adina thought she'd warm us up with some games of FMK and Would You Rather? A random mish-mash of conversation followed, including subjects such as SEC football, carousel injuries, country farm memories, and Sonya's cat hoarder neighbor. You never know where the journey is headed, friends.
Tell us something random about yourself by dropping us a note to Or you can pop by our social media @honestycheckpod. Stop by our website over at
If you want more random hilariousness in your life, then you need to join our Patreon! Head on over to to make all your dreams come true. Appreciate you!
Summer is almost here! It's time for vacations, backyard cookouts, and hanging out at the pool. We talk about our plans for the summer, and reminisce about some of our favorite vacations. And we also say a silent prayer for all you folks that are about to have your kids at home for the next couple of months.
Do you have any big summer plans? We'd love to hear about them. Send us an email at You can also hit us up on all the social medias @honestycheckpod. Swing by our website over at
Fill your lazy summer days with more Honesty Check goodness! Subscribe to our Patreon and get exclusive content weekly. Head over to and get into it!
This week we have an attitude of gratitude! We discuss having a mindset of thankfulness and appreciating life's blessings. In other happenings, an unusual birthday gift takes on a life of its own and becomes an official podcast mascot. Long Live Pinker Dinker!
Hit us up on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us an email and tell us what you are grateful for over at
Become a Patron! We have cool stuff over there for you too. Just hit up and treat yo'self. Appreciate you!
Life is filled with needs and obligations. Trying to find stability and feeling overwhelmed is a constant struggle. So this week we discuss the challenge of finding balance in our busy lives. In other news, Adina is still confused and losing time and Sonya made an Ambien-induced sleep snack. You know, the usual hijinks, snort laughing and ridiculousness.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us any suggestions you have for finding balance (or curing Sonya's insomnia) at
You know you want it! To be one of our Patreon subscribers, that is. Head over to and treat yo'self! Appreciate you!
Fundamentally, the ladies of Honesty Check are good and moral people, but we still have some hatefulness we need to vent from time to time. And this week our dear friend JP (who you know from the podcast as Nasty Pants) joins us to hate on all the things getting on our nerves lately. People who can't park their car? Check. People who don't walk their dogs on a leash? Check. And much, much more!
Has something been working your last nerve lately? Tell me all about it in an email to Hit us up on the social media @honestycheckpod.
We'll have a special clip with JP on our Patreon this week! You should become a subscriber so you can check it out! Head over to and get into it! Appreciate you!
Step on a crack break your momma's back! Breaking a mirror brings seven years bad luck! Don't walk under a ladder! This week we are going in hot on superstitions. Do we think most of these are silly? Yes. Do we practice most of them anyway? Why not! Better safe than sorry.
Do you have any superstitions you believe in or practice? Why don't send us a note over at Or hit us up on social media on the Twitter and the Instagram @honestycheckpod.
Find all the good stuff over on Patreon! Head over to and get into it! Appreciate you!
The human body is a wondrous and terrifying thing. This week, we share some of our weird health issues and Adina educates Sonya on some of the more bizarre health issues out there in the world. Did you know there is a medical condition where a person believes their friends and family have been replaced by actors or impostors? If not, you're about to learn today.
Hit us up on social media on Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Regale us with tales of your strange medical problems (words only, no pictures please) with an email to
We don't talk about nearly as much gross stuff on our Patreon so you should do yourself a favor and become a Patron. Head over to and you won't have to hear about our weird rashes or eczema over there. Appreciate you!
Prepare yourselves for a journey! There is no official topic this week, just your two favorite ladies catching you up on their lives, and sharing the usual wild stories and nonsense. Some highlights include poop stories, how you should never trust a fart, Adina's memory fog, Sonya's newfound healing powers, and sex robots turned deadly assassins for hire.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. You got something to say? Send us an email at
Make your wildest dreams come true! Become a Patron of the Farts and have access to weekly exclusive content for subscriber eyes and ears only! Head over to and treat yo'self! Appreciate you!
The internet is full of wild and wondrous things. We happened upon some of the weirdest products available on Amazon and elsewhere and decided to share these treasures with our listeners. You need a vinyl decal of half of an Asian man? Or what about a placenta cookbook? And that's only the tip of the iceberg...
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us a link to your favorite weird product over at
Become a Patron of the Farts and help support the podcast! Head on over to and make your dreams come true! Appreciate you!
Are you a slow driver in the fast lane? Do you use your hazard lights when you're not actually having a hazardous situation? Then you're a bad driver and we have some honesty checks for you this week. Also, Adina had a run-in with some rude movie theater patrons and is just generally unwell this week. Hilarity ensues.
Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Tell us what driving habits really frost your donuts over at
Become a Patron of the Farts and support our podcast! Head on over to and join in the fun! Appreciate you!
You can't pour from an empty glass. That's why making time for yourself to fulfill your passions and care for your needs is important. This week we discuss the various ways we incorporate self care into our lives. In other happenings, Sonya made an ordering mistake at brunch and ended up with a belly full of sausage regret, while Adina is trapped in a fit of the giggles.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @honestycheckpod. Tell us what you do to practice self care by sending us a note at
If you'd like to support the podcast, please consider becoming a Patron of the Farts over at Patreon! Head over to to check it out. Appreciate you!
Do you like to get down and get sexy with someone special (or someone random)? If so, you need to stay safe out there! This week we break down the reality of birth control. Wrap it up before you get it on! Also, Adina and Sonya both had simultaneous nightmares about each other and woke up with hurt feelings.
Give us a shout on social media @honestycheckpod. Hit up our website at Send us an email and let's become pen pals at
If you love us become a Patron of the Farts! Head on over to and subscribe!
This week we have a special guest! Our friend and newly adopted brother, Stephen, is the host and creator of The Story of Sandra Marie, a podcast that we think is a must listen for everyone. He joins us to discuss our shared experience of surviving abuse. Stephen was so charming and fun we just couldn't shut up, so this episode is almost 2 hours long. In typical Honesty Check fashion, the first hour is a thoughtful and vulnerable discussion on topic, and then the second hour is a wild and raunchy ride of off topic nonsense.
Trigger Warning! This episode covers some sensitive material, such as descriptions of abuse, self harm, drug use and other topics some might find triggering. Please practice self care and caution when listening.
Follow The Story of Sandra Marie! Find them on Twitter @storyofsandra and on Instagram @sandramariepodcast. You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
While you're at it, follow us too! We are on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @honestycheckpod. If you want to hear some of our insane ramblings, head on over to Patreon and sign up to be a Patron of the Farts! There's some behind the scenes tidbits, reviews and other exclusive content only for our Patrons. Check it out - Appreciate you!
Who likes tattoos? We like tattoos! This week we reveal just how inked up we are, as well as discuss the secret meanings behind some of our tatts. Well, at least we talk tattoos for about 20 minutes of an hour long episode. The rest of the running time is a hot mess of baloney pony madness, missing jawbones, a review of this season's True Detective, and a bunch of other crazy talk. Our inability to stay on topic is truly unprecedented. Enjoy!
Want to see more weird stuff? Follow us on social media @honestycheckpod. Send us a story by ye olde electronic mail at Show support for the podcast by becoming a Patron of the Farts on our Patreon at Appreciate you!
This week our wonderful friend Jessica joins us to honesty check being in a blended family. Do you have step-parents, step-siblings, or step-children? Then you know that these relationships present their own unique challenges and obstacles, and that navigating these relationships can sometimes be tricky. Join us as we have a vulnerable and honest discussion of our experiences. Appreciate you!
What have you got to say about this episode? We'd sure love to hear it so drop us a line at You can hit up that website at Please follow us on social media @honestycheckpod on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
But wait! There's more! Join us over at our Patreon community at to get exclusive content.
There's not much in this world we love more than a movie date! However, the rude behavior of other movie patrons can often put a damper on the experience. We honesty check all the things you shouldn't do in a movie theater if you don't want to get the snot beat out of you by an angry stranger. Tangents include bingo adventures and the story of a lady who could drive with one foot out the window while shooting a bird with her toes. Enjoy!
Is there any movie theater misbehavior that really gets on your nerves? Tell us all about it at or hit us up on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @honestycheckpod. Browse our website over at
Become a Patron of the Farts! All the cool kids are doing it, we swear. Head over to and treat yo'self!
Or treat yourself to some merch! That's right! You can find cool t-shirts with our best catchphrases (such as Emotionally Constipated, Latent Medium, and Husky T2B) and a bunch of other cool stuff over at
Appreciate you!
Have you ever pondered the best way to dispose of a dead body? Well, we sure have and this week's episode starts out with a hot debate on the subject. We eventually make our way to this week's topic of diet fads and talk about what we've tried and what we think is nonsense.
You have a diet fad you've tried that we should know about? Shoot us an email over at or hit us up on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod.
Treat yo'self! Join our Patreon and become a Patron of the Farts over at All the cool kids are doing it and you don't want to be left out!
Happy New Year! 2018 is DISMISSED! It's a new year and time to wipe the slate clean so you can have a fresh start at boozing, binge eating, not exercising and haphazard spending. Yes, it's time to make your New Year's Resolutions! While we do have some honest and heartfelt resolutions and goals for ourselves in 2019, you can count on us to continue being the same sarcastic, awkward and foul-mouthed delights we've always been. New Year, Same Us!
Tell us all about your resolutions on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Or send us an email at New year, same website over at
Here's one resolution that is easy - get more Honesty Check in your life! Head on over to Patreon and get all the goods at
Appreciate you! Be safe and happy in 2019!
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Blessed Kwanzaa! The holidays are here and we hope you are safe and spending time with loved ones. One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to have a little party with our best girlfriends, and somehow during this party we convinced them to be on the podcast. That's right! This week our dear friends Sarah and Liz join the fun as we share our favorite memories of each other, and also talk a bunch of mess and madness as usual.
Reach out with your holiday blessings on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Or you can send us an email at Hit up that website of ours at
Take your holiday money and treat yourself to the gift of Honesty Check! You can join our Patreon over at
Appreciate you! Happy Holidays!
If you were expecting a topic this week...well, we had one but we never got around to it. So this episode is an hour of us talking mess about a bunch of different stuff, including but not limited to: daydrinking, Sonya reading encyclopedias, other podcasts, watching R-rated movies as kids, that time Adina's husband thought Alaska was an island, and that time Adina's dad pretended to be Toni Braxton's songwriter on AOL Online to impress the ladies.
Follow us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. You can hit up our website at If you feel so inclined, send us an email at
Take your Christmas or Hanukkah money and treat yourself! Become a Patron of the Farts over at Start 2019 off with the gift of Honesty Check! Appreciate you!!
Do you have a song in your heart that you just gotta let out? Then you're in luck! This week we share our knowledge as masters of karaoke, including our playlist of the best karaoke songs to keep your party on fire. We also regale each other with our various celebrity sightings over the years, and one or both of us might be having mini strokes.
What's your favorite karaoke jam? Let us know at or hit us up on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @honestycheckpod.
We've got some sweet, sweet jams for you over on our Patreon. Head on over there at and become a Patron of the Farts! We appreciate you!
If hell exists, it's probably similar to the checkout line at an Old Navy or Wal-Mart. That's right, this week we tackle the places that are retail hell for us. Plus, in peppermint news, we explain to you why Red Bird Mints are vastly superior to Bob's Mints.
Follow us on social media on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @honestycheckpod. We have an unloved website over at If you have something you need to get off your chest send us an email at
If you want to give yourself a little treat for the holidays, why not the gift of us? Head on over to and become a Patron of the Farts! You won't regret it!
Appreciate you!
Our bodies may be old and decrepit, but we're young at heart. Do you like something that could be deemed childish, like face painting, stickers, coloring books or bounce houses? Well hot dang, so do we! Tangents in this episode include a debate about the best of all the Muppets (spoiler alert: if you're a Kermit or Miss Piggy fan you're going to be disappointed).
Tell us who your favorite Muppet is via email at Or hit us up on social media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod.
We talk about all kinds of mess over on Patreon so head over there to become a patron and check it out at
Appreciate you!
Do you have a list of all the things you want to experience before you shuffle off this mortal coil? We do too...well, sort of. This week we discuss our bucket lists, as well as how bizarre and macabre the whole concept is of making a to-do list of all the outlandish things you want to accomplish before you forever expire. Plus, one of us has gotten busy in a bunk bed and lived to tell the tale.
Have you had a bunk bed tryst before? Tell us about it at Or hit up our social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @honestycheckpod. Give our website a gander at
We've got even crazier talk over on Patreon! So stroll on over there and subscribe at
Appreciate you!
This week the ladies engage in a game of would you rather...with some psychologically revealing results. There's also a lot of talk about Steve Guttenberg for some reason. Why? You'll just have to listen to find out!
Follow us on social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @honestycheckpod. Send us an email about your Steve Guttenberg fantasies at Or hit up our website at
There's more where this came from! Become a Patron of the Farts over at Patreon at
Appreciate you!
We're true crime fans and also love a good documentary. So we both binged Netflix's Making a Murderer series, including the recent Part 2. We have a discussion of the new evidence revealed in Part 2 as well as some of our thoughts and feelings about the criminal justice system and appeals process.
Tell us what you think about it by dropping us a note at
Follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod
Subscribe to our Patreon and get all kinds of goodies over at
Happy Halloween! This week our dear friend and horror movie expert Matt joins us to honesty check the scary movies from our childhood. Does what scare you as a child still scare you as an adult? Take a listen and find out!
Trigger Warning: We discuss a few movies that depict scenes of sexual violence. Listener discretion is advised.
Tell us what movies scared the pants off of you when you were a kid by dropping us an email at Give us a follow on social media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Show our website some love at
Treat yo'self to more Honesty Check goodness by subscribing to our Patreon! Check us out at
Call the police because this week we are tackling crimes of fashion! And some people deserve life without parole for these heinous assaults against style. A heated debate from last week's episode rages on and threatens our friendship (and possibly the future of this podcast).
Are you ready to confess to your fashion crimes? Consider us the judge and jury and send your confession to us a Give us a shout on social media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Head on over and give our website a gander at
Are you addicted to Honesty Check? Subscribe and get your next fix over on Patreon at
Thanks for listening! Appreciate you!
Do you find it hard to express what's in your heart? As usual, the internet holds the answer. We discuss the habit of creating passive aggressive Pinterest boards to spew your hateful garbage into the world. The ladies also discuss the best technique to address a particular chafing issue.
Send us your best passive aggressive pins at Follow us on social media on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Check out our website at
You don't have to wait a week for more Honesty Check. You can become a patron and get goodies every Friday! Subscribe to our Patreon at Appreciate you!
Reality television is a vast landscape filled with both trash and treasure. We discuss the hits and misses of this wild and crazy genre. We also determine our pen names with some unique results.
Follow us on social media on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Pitch us your idea for a reality show via email at Hit up our website at
Just can't get enough of us? Become a patron! Subscribe to our Patreon at
We love traveling but flying the unfriendly skies isn't always our favorite. We break down why air travel kinda sucks, including some nefarious behavior to keep your eyes open for on airplanes.
Have you caught a stranger in the middle of some questionable behavior on an airplane? If so tell us all about it at Interact with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Show our website some love at
We have more of our garbage people tales and adventures for you on Patreon! Subscribe over at
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself...well, that and clowns, spiders, drowning, accidental murder, child trafficking and a bunch of other stuff. Adina has a proactive plan ready just in case Sonya falls prey to demonic possession.
Share your greatest fears with us on social media via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Send us an email to tell us we're scaredy cats at Hit up our website at
If you want more Honesty Check, we can give it to ya! Subscribe to our Patreon at There's good stuff over there, we promise!
Excessive consumption of alcohol brings out a different side of people, and we are no exception. Here's a few of the best stories of us at our worst. In other news, an online psychology assessment leads to a revelation for Sonya.
Give us a shout on social media (Twitter, Insta, FB) @honestycheckpod. Send us one of your best drunk stories at Give our website a gander at
Subscribe to our Patreon page and get more of us than you can handle! Check it out at
Appreciate you!
Weird things keep happening to us on vacation, like Sonya getting smacked in the face or Adina being accosted by street performers. We share some of the best of our worst vacation stories, as well as come up with a brilliant idea for a new luxury planned community.
Give us a shout on social media on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @honestycheckpod. Give our website a peep at Send us an email with your craziest vacation encounter at
Are you still thirsty for more after this episode? Join our Patreon community! Check it our at
Our theme song is by the amazing MIC, who you can find as burtonm6 on Fiverr. Hit him up!
Hi there! At least half a dozen of you loyal listeners have asked for more Honesty Check, and we aim to please. So we have launched a Patreon community for Honesty Check! You can go to to become a patron and get more details. Patreon content will drop on Fridays to tide you over through the weekend until your new regular episode drops on Tuesdays.
We appreciate all of our listeners and your continued support of the podcast! Give us a follow on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Give our website some love at We appreciate you! Bye!
Do smart devices make you dumb and ruin your empathy? Probably. Spoiler Alert! This episode is Husky T2B with references to a whole bunch of tv shows and movies, most of which are off topic.
Use your smart devices to give us a shout on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @honestycheckpod. Use the interwebs to find our website at
If you just can't get enough of your favorite podcast, we have more for you on Patreon! Become a Patron of the Farts at
Our amazing theme song is by MIC. Find him as burtonm6 on Fiverr!
Your hosts discuss all the various fitness trends they have tried and failed. A brunch date with a dear friend provides a retro gift that keeps on giving.
You can find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Send us an email about your favorite jazzercise class at Hit up our website at
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Intro music by MIC - find him as burtonm6 on Fiverr!
Do you believe in ghosts? Sonya sure does and thinks antique malls are the most haunted places on earth. Adina threatens to bring a medium into the situation and is met with aggressive resistance. We also ponder the survival skills needed to survive a shipwreck, including the consumption of your own bodily fluids.
Holler at us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @honestycheckpod. Send us an inspiring tale of survival at You can find our website at
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Do you like our theme song? If that's a yes then check out the hyper-talented MIC, who you can find as burtonm6 on Fiverr!
Adina puts her cybersleuthing skills to work to determine if she was catfished by her long lost AOL Online boyfriend. Sonya has not seen The Shape of Water but has a lot of questions about the interspecies romance central to the film.
Shout at us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Send us an email about your forbidden interspecies romance (words only, no pictures please) at Hit up our website at
Subscribe to our Patreon!
Intro music by MIC - find him as burtonm6 on Fiverr!
Your hosts tackle the unspoken secrets of what happens to a woman's body as she nears or passes 40 years old. We might pee a little now when we sneeze, but at least we don't have a fruit fly infested forklift foot like Mama June.
You can find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Send us an email to let us know your middle-aged body woes at Hit up our website at
Subscribe to our Patreon!
Intro music by MIC - find him as burtonm6 on Fiverr!
Hi there! Welcome to Honesty Check! Please listen to this short introductory episode to learn a little about our podcast and to meet your hosts. Each week we will honesty check a different subject, and then veer wildly off-topic on a few different tangents.
Please be warned this podcast contains explicit language and will cover sensitive subjects. You might not want to listen out loud at work or in front of children. Sometimes we get a little gross, so if you are easily offended this might not be your taste.
Find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @honestycheckpod. Send us a message at Thanks for listening!
PS - We have a Patreon too!
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