We are jazzed to be back because we get to talk about the Raiders of the Lost Ark turning 40, talk about some things not noticed, and even have a spirited debate breaking apart that dumb Big Bang Theory Indiana Jones thing.
And then... spoiler alert for Indiana Jones 5!: We begin at 36.19 and end our segment at 1:06.00. Trent has a good theory about the stuff we have seen so far too. (the very very end of the episode has a slight spoiler too)
We also catch up on some other HFU things.
DOWNLOAD: GetOffMyPodcastRaiders40th.mp3 (Warning: Some cussing)
BONUS!: check out this video from GOMP listener, Nigel L, an Indiana Jones End Credits Compilation that blends the music of all 4 movies.
Thanks for the listen!
Oh and yeah, look at our new GOMP Newsletter.
Email us any Indy 5 info or whatever you want: harrisonfordpodcast@gmail.com
May The Harrison Be With You Thanks for listening!
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