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Submit ReviewIn this monumental episode join Brian, Dr.Chris, and the real-life Moneyball stars as they discuss how the advanced strategy used in professional sports can also be applied in the courtroom. Learn how to optimize your case for maximum value by using analytics to identify the strongest arguments, evidence, and even team members. So if you’re looking to take your courtroom strategy to the next level, don’t miss this episode! Tune in now to get an inside look at how the "teams" use data-driven litigation strategies. Hear stories of success and failures, tips and tricks to help you succeed, and gain insight into how analytics are critical tools for today's practitioners.
Support the showBrian Beckcom is a trial lawyer with years of experience under his belt. Specializing in Maritime law, he made headlines for representing the interests of Richard Phillips in Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse - the trial made famous by Tom Hanks' portrayal of 'Captain Phillips'. As a result, companies began to employ independent security contractors to protect their vessels and crews and saw their safety & profit margins improve. In our exclusive interview, trial lawyer Brian Beckcom will share his insights into Maritime law and discuss the implications of applying data science to trial preparation.
Support the showWhen it comes to trials, the stories you tell can make or break your case. Whether it's the story of a BP/Deepwater Horizon explosion, a George Floyd Civil Rights Case, or even two back-to-back Bakersfield record verdicts, we've seen the power of storytelling in courtrooms time and time again.
It's not just about what you say—it's about how you say it. When you're crafting your argument during trial, you need to think about more than just facts: You need to consider how those facts will affect jurors' opinions and judgments of your client. In order to do this effectively, you need to be able to craft compelling narratives that connect with people on an emotional level—and that's where our team comes in to measure that impact before your actual delivery!
Panel:Jeffery Breit @ Breit Biniazan Daniel Rodriguez @ Rodriguez & AssociatesAntonio Romanucci @ Romanucci & Blandin
Support the showBonus Track - [Office Hours] Russell Nicolet and I take a look at what makes a good case summary and how this fits into an overall strategy for a mock jury or big data research focus groups.
About the speakers here:
Russell Nicolet is the founder and managing partner at his family's law practice with over a dozen offices throughout MN & WI dedicated to helping his clients and other plaintiff lawyers through innovative industry collaborations.
Dr. Christopher Brydges is an accomplished Behavioral Scientist at Jury Analyst with experience in market research, data analytics, and survey design.
Christopher holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Western Australia and is an internationally recognized expert in the field of behavioral statistics and research design.
With over ten years of experience in academia and working as a statistician internationally, he has published 39 peer-reviewed papers to date.
Support the showKenneth Foard McCallion a Former DOJ/NY State Prosecutor and still top civil litigation attorney discusses his newest book with another world-class attorney John Uustal, our show host. Listen to some of the behind-the-scenes landmark legal cases of our time. John and Ken compare their sovereign immunity breakdowns.
We caught up with our “superhero” as his colleagues refer to him in a rural venue, where any high verdicts chances are slim but we all did the proper math on a premises liability case and Jason didn't back down! (prediction was ~8% diff)
A self-reported old dog with “new tricks” finds some buried treasure. Jason is Morgan & Morgan’s go-to last-minute specialist talks tech and his role in the giant.
What does improv have to do with trial advocacy? Everything. In fact, you could argue that the two are one in the same. They both rely on stories and how you tell those stories.Brian Breiter & Joseph Limbaugh sit down with this week's host Moze Cowper
Support the showPunitive damages are awarded to a plaintiff in addition to compensatory damages.
Punitive damages are awarded when the defendant's conduct is especially egregious. In addition to compensatory damages, punitive damages are intended to punish the defendant for his or her actions and discourage similar conduct in the future. Punitive damages may be available when the defendant is particularly malicious or when the defendant’s actions are intentional.
Punitive damages are awarded at the discretion of the jury and are based on their opinion of what amount is necessary to deter similar conduct in the future. In some states, punitive damages are limited by statute or case law.
The amount awarded by the jury is usually based on several factors:
the maliciousness or willfulness of the defendant's acts
the degree of aggravation or harm caused by those acts
the financial resources of the defendant
In most cases, punitive damages are only available in civil cases where compensatory damages are available.
The Anti-Asian sentiment has been steadily increasing for a few years now, and with it so have hate crimes against Asians.The alarming trend has reached an unprecedented level this year as there have been more than 20 reported anti-Asian incidents this year alone.Join us for this podcast and learn how implicit and explicit bias affects jury selection with the SJQ process.
Two Brian's better than one! Brian Dunn (Civil Rights Atty & OJ Simpson trial team) joins Brian Panish for a civil justice discussion around the George Floyd jury selection starting with the question, 'what do you think about the justice system today' Find out more.
From the DA's office to Insurance to finally a Plaintiff’s career path, Mr. Paboojian has litigated over 55 jury trials to verdict and continues to advocate the best for his clients. He also encourages all lawyers to get in the game, no matter how scary it seems at times. Plus, we'll discuss what we’ve learned from employment litigation in conservative areas.
Trial Lawyers join the science group discussion and the post podcast results speak for themselves. As Brendan's case here resolved at $4.7m out of our predicted max of $4.3m!
That’s right ladies and gentlemen we’re turning the corner into a new age. This space requires a whole different approach. Are you ready to take on this challenge? I think you might feel the pain, as I have, stretching beyond my normal routines but I gotta tell you once you reach the other side you’ll see things much clearer and wake up with a refreshed view of your profession. And who knows, maybe it’s the positive silver lining you've been waiting for!
New Show Sponsors, New Opportunities
We’re also allowing some sponsors this year that may align with our plans to keep you all on “in the game” and one of those is Priority Responsible Funding, LLC. You can learn more about these non-recourse funding companies and how they can assist you on the cash flow challenges until you get that verdict or settlement. It appears super easy to get into the approval process so you can get access to those experts, focus groups, investigators, or other expenses handled.
This set up a model of experience, critique, and post-critique to help student lawyers become better. With video (streaming), Guy states "a two-week trial could be done in 3 days!".In this episode you’ll learn:
Learn more about live focus groups.
Rex discusses his legal team including Robert Kennedy,Jr, John Morgan, and Brian Panish for the amazing challenges and corruptive affairs of Oil & Gas or other similar mass torts targeted industries. "I have never seen anything this scandalous".
For lawyers that are gonna get involved with the oil industry, you have to be prepared when there are "no rules." You look no further than Exxon whose own reports 50 years ago said climate change is caused by what we're doing, let's keep it a secret and let's get ready to drill when the ice melts on the North Pole!
Further Inspirations:
Mr. Parris takes another deep dive science approach to his voir dire and lets you know what's about to happen in the future.Now is a good time to learn from someone who has invested years of cutting-edge research into his practice as well as other plaintiff trial law firms.
To kick-start the new year and decade, the team at Jury Analyst sat down with Brian Panish to answer some listener questions. Brian is one of the country’s leading trial attorneys, so we’re grateful for his time and hope you find his tips as interesting as we do.
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In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
In this episode we cover:
Dale Galipo covers the following:
John Gomez covers the following
-How to manage over 400 lawyers. -Using the "Send/Delete Test" to filter employees. -Grading employees to identify weaknesses. -Using software in the practice of a personal injury lawyer. -Tips about marketing your law firm. -Using wine to get referrals.
-How Arash uses a lot of technology, what he likes to use and what works. -How to take a premise that occurred and shows it visually to the jury. -Creative ways to use animations in a trial. -How focus groups help you identify the wacky, unpredictable, important or prejudicial issues that jurors hold on to. -Using questionnaires to get the jurors’ process of negative thoughts, opinions, and issues out so you can get through a quicker jury selection.
I interview Mayor Rex Parris from Lancaster, CA who is recognized as one of the most successful and innovative trial lawyers alive today. Rex handles a wide variety of cases, ranging from severe personal injury to class actions, products liability, and business torts.
Rex has obtained numerous multi-million dollar verdicts, settlements, and judgments on his clients’ behalf, including 2009’s highest jury verdict in the United States ($370 million). In 2013, PARRIS law firm reached the impressive milestone of over $1 billion in verdicts and settlements.
3 top questions to ask a jury during voir dire.
How to identify a "strong juror".
How to identify if a potential juror has had the life experiences necessary to make a decision in your favor.
How to match stereotypes case.
What do you do when someone from the insurance industry is a potential juror?
Mr. Giradi our nation's top legendary trial lawyer was formerly the President of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers, the President of the American Board of Trial Advocates, and has been a stellar trial attorney for the last 50 years.
In this episode we cover:
Why are trial lawyers important?
The number 1 thing to being a successful plaintiff lawyer.
What are the key aspects of voir dire to help a plaintiff lawyer be successful?
Questions to ask jurors to get insight into their philosophical views.
How to ask questions that elicit an essay response versus a yes or no response.
Whether or not to use a jury consultant.Defining the components of your opening statement and what to present
Danny Abir -
-How he grew the firm from 1 lawyer to 17 lawyers and over 350 cases. -The rules you must follow when starting your own contingency practice. -3 key areas to starting a firm and growing it into a successful plaintiff personal injury practice. -How to decide what risky cases to take and the factors weighted in making the decision to move forward. -Procedures for setting the budgets for cases. -The least expensive most effective way to market your firm.
In this episode with Chris Spagnoli we cover:
If your goal is to be successful in personal injury then this podcast could change the trajectory of your practice.
My guest speaker and renowned trial lawyer, John Romano of the Romano Law Group in West Palm Beach FL, shares insights from over 40 years of practicing law and his approach to becoming a great trial lawyer.
On the podcast John reveals...
Ben fights for the everyday people who are often marginalized and disenfranchised in America. Some of his high profile cases include representing: Trayvon Martin’s family in FL, Michael Brown’s family in MO, and currently Stephon Clark’s family in CA.
Ben shares how he identifies and combats racism not only in pre-trial but also in trial matters with jurors that have preconceived notions or bias against a man or woman of color.
In the interview he explains:
Brian Panish, award-winning Trial Lawyer, interviews another top plaintiff lawyer Ben Cloward in this invaluable podcast about trial strategies. Cloward will discuss how the smallest perceived cases can actually be quite large after this process. Also a keen focus on local virtual and live focus groups.
Brian Panish, an award-winning Trial Lawyer, interviews another top plaintiff lawyer John C. Taylor who is one of the most respected personal injury trial lawyers in California. With more than 100 jury trials in diverse fields, his success in the courtroom is underscored by his multi-million dollar verdicts. Discussing novice to pro trial law experience including supplement jury questionnaires. Clergy Abuse Crisis Has Cost The Catholic Church $3 Billion.
Brian Panish, award-winning Trial Lawyer, interviews another top plaintiff lawyer Keith Mitnik in this invaluable podcast about trial strategies. Mitnik explains how your Voir Dire questions are the most important part of a trial. Equally, you must make sure the jury understand the power of bias. “Even subtle bias can have a profound impact on your case,” says Mitnik.
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