Embrace The Voidinactive
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Embrace The Void
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Welcome friends, to a podcast for a darker timeline. Maybe the darkest of all timelines. Definitely not one of the good timelines. Maybe it’s always been a dark timeline, maybe the Hadron collider screwed us over. Science may never know. What we do know is that we live in the void. The void, a place where a chittering mass of void crabs can infest a person suit and win the presidency. The void, a place where we''re just clever enough to know that climate change is happening, but not quite clever enough to do anything about it. The void seems terrible and cruel, but it loves you, in its own ironic way.
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2 Reviews
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275 Available Episodes (275 Total)Average duration: 01:04:36
Apr 14 | 01:02:04
Ancient Aliens with Fredrik Trusohamn
Mar 31 | 01:04:42
Spiritual Emergence with Leah Prime
Mar 19 | 01:05:32
High Weirdness with Erik Davis
Mar 03 | 01:08:17
Conspiracism Leadership with Ben Dow
Feb 19 | 01:10:13
Conceptually Engineering Luck with Matthew Cull
Feb 03 | 01:09:31
Antisemitic Conspiracism with Joshua Stein
Jan 20 | 01:12:58
Defending the Public with Yassine Meskout
Jan 06 | 01:15:36
Stoic Social Justice with Jonathan Church
Dec 23 | 01:30:39
Feminism, Woke Religiosity, and Trans Rights with Helen Lewis
Dec 09 | 01:09:02
EV - 257 Atheist Experiences with Matt Dillahunty
Depressing but in a fun way
Mar 10, 2019 by Hardcore Skeptic

I had to write this review because I'm part of the void cult. Aaron and GW are some of the best guys around and they actively do their best to be fair to every side of an argument even if they disagree with it. I particularly like the Better Know a Philosopher series, where it turns out every philosopher ever has a very "voidy" past. In times like these it's good to hear folks talking about important topics without spending the whole time ranting angrily. I blame this show for my now fairly firm belief in determinism and moral objectivity

When you are living in the darkest timeline, there is only one thing you can do: Embrace the Void!
Feb 11, 2018 by Holy_Goat

Aaron and GW are thoughtful, humorous, and dark af, but in times like these, that is precisely what the doctor has ordered! When the disturbing turns of this dumpster-fire get you down, the best thing you can do is stare into it and embrace it. With equal parts wit and intellectual rigor, Embrace the Void delves deep into the darkest parts of politics, media, technology, social issues, and, most importantly, philosophy, to make sense of the world around us and help us navigate towards our best selves amidst the ever clutching tendrils of Azathoth.

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