In this first episode of Capote’s Coterie, we explore Truman Capote’s early years – from his tiny hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, and the cast of characters there – including the very first members of his coterie: Lillie Mae Faulk, and her family – Aunts Jenny, Sook, and Callie. Add into all of this an uncle, a cousin, and a neighborhood kid with just as much imagination and curiosity, Harper Lee.
Truman Capote makes his way in the world from birth to second grade aided by the help and grace of his mother’s relatives and neighbors – truly, Truman’s first coterie.
Further reading
Truman Capote’s Southern Years: Stories from a Monroeville Cousin, by Marianne M. Moates (Amazon link)
Party of the Century: The Fabulous Story of Truman Capote and His Black and White Ball, by Deborah Davis (Amazon link)
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