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Submit ReviewIn this month's Culture Chaos letters series - I share Hanik's story who is the 3rd generation of his NRI family. Having been away from the homeland for over a century - his family has beautifully preserved and carried forward the heritage and culture. Hanik continues this quest to discover his roots and reconnect with his people back in India. In his letter, he shares some amazing moments from his India trips as an NRI and talks about the his philosophy when it comes to cultural identities.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
How our culture and beliefs came to be embraced by the west an interesting story that has it's roots in the early 1960s. In today's episode, I explore how indian music and musicians like Pt. Ravi Shankar have played an important role in creating a beautiful musical fusion of the eastern sounds with the western sensibilities.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
The argument about gun control has been around for a while now but what is this whole debate about? Why is gun ownership such an important issue for a country like American and why should we care about it? Today's podcast is a little explainer of the whole issue with gun control in this part of the world for the desi perspective.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Moving away from home for your education could be one of the most difficult yet the most rewarding experiences in life. In this episode, I share some stories from my abroad wali student life and talk about why this experiment is one worth giving a shot to.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
In the first letter from the Culture Chaos letters series, we hear from Rohan who talks about his experience with his grand mother's divided attention every-time his NRI cousins visited India. First as a 9 year old child and now as an adult, Rohan explores some factors that are responsible for the increasing cultural divide among Indians living across different continents.
To share your stories about NRI life, dreams of moving abroad or encounters with NRIS in a culture chaos episode, write to me at You can also leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Culture Chaos is just over a year old and in this time, I have opened my heart out with my stories and my chaos. This journey continues being amazing and the most rewarding part has been the emails and messages from you. This episode is dedicated to your letters and a new special segment I am introducing. We all have a story and I want to hear yours.
You can write to me at Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. Thank you for listening!
From capturing your whole life in those point and click cameras, to the joys trapped in the juicy maze of jalebi. From the smell of fresh rains transporting you to the summer holiday evenings to the dizzying comfort of a boiling pot of hot masala chai - Nostalgia can come in the form of thousands of memories that are carried through sensory stimulants.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Most of us hold on to the comforting memories from our childhood days and feed on that nostalgia for the rest of our lives. In this episode I talk about how our five senses hold the key to all these nostalgic memories.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Pressure cookers are an inseparable part of desi households and this humble little gadget carries with it hundreds of years worth of stories which go way beyond just our culinary history. In this week's podcast, I bring some stories from my childhood, woven together through the whistles of the good old pressure cooker.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Before all the conversations about breaking the glass ceiling and fighting for equality even came into the picture - the desi women had learned that taking control of her destiny in her own hands was the only way out. From giving her family the perfect life, to contributing to the household finances - this woman did it all. There could have been no light at the end of the tunnel but she still found her way. This is the common thread in the stories of desi super heroins I saw all around me while growing up in India.
This woman's day - my episode is a tribute to all these women thanking them for making me realize what my true potential can be as a woman of this world.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
While the glamour of a life abroad and a promise of stronger relationships and happier marriages holds true for most of us, there is a another harsh side of this reality for a lot of NRIs too. Contrary to popular belief, NRIs too can be victim to domestic violence and for them -legal protection is a vague concept. This episode is an attempt to bring to light some of the more harsh realities of an immigrant and expatriate life and domestic violence is the topic of conversation.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
For some of us, nothing beats the joy of enjoying a sweet and crisp paan after dinner. The humble little paan could be nothing more than a few sweet condiments wrapped in a green leaf; but for some of us desis, this paan is a little packet of nostalgia and our childhood memories.
In this episode, I reminisce about paan walahs or panwaris back home and share some stories of how more pan shops are opening up in the west.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Background Music Attribution: Khaikey Pan Banaras Wala from the movie Don owned by Shemaroo.
Dessert City by Kevin McLeod via Youtube audio Library
Being a multi-linguist isn't unusual for a lot of us desis. In this episode, I share the story of how I came to speak 4 languages other than english and how my life growing up back in India made it possible. With the UN declaring 2019 as the year of indigenous languages, I reflect upon how regional and local languages all over the globe could be under a threat of extinction and we all could do our bit in preserving these rich cultures before its too late.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Background music attribution: Dharma Fire - Madhar - Sitar Jam by Andrea Mosca (Creative Commons License)
ASMA band via Vijay Agarwal on youtube (Creative commons License)
There is a thing or two our nation knows about finding opportunities in adversity and against all odds. That is what India did with stereotypes built by the western media - whats more ? We not only found an alternate approach to tell our side of the story and break some of those unfair stereotypes, but we also almost bank rolled our way into it. In this episode, I share some of my insights about how we have been extremely creative and rather business savvyin our quest to destroy some of these stereotypes.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
While watching Uri this past weekend at a theater in Toronto, every NRI was in tears and the movie climax was filled with unanimous chants of Jai Hind. While films and cricket mostly dominate the expression of patriotism for those of us living away from India, the boundaries of our sentiments for the homeland are not limited to that.
Whether it is the opposition to NRIs being able to cast their votes this coming election or it is questioning our ability to post a simple tweet about an event back home - the general sentiment about NRIs seems to be getting increasing bitter and restrictive.
So in this podcast, I share a view from the other side and make an appeal about going beyond the differences to recognize the fact that we're all seeds of the same crop and no one must get to call dibbs on the motherland.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
This December, our country witnessed the strangest obsession with with outrageous weddings but if you're thinking that the wedding wave is finally over, think again..because the NRI wedding season is just beginning and it promises to be a bigger and a gaudier circus with every passing year.
In this podcast, I try to look into where the thin line is between extravagance and outrageousness and how NRIs are changing the Indian wedding industry.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
What would our long distance relationships with our family be without video chats? This episode is dedicated to all the apps on our phones and computers that have stayed with us throughout our NRI lives and have magically transported us back home and our parents and them to us with every call, just like that.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
While immigrants and expats are more widely accepted than ever before, they all continue experiencing subtle hints of racism in their daily lives.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
The festival of light is celebrated with the same spirit the world over but Abroad waali Diwali comes with a slight twist and in this podcast, I share how some basic diwali things can be a little convoluted for NRIs.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Twitter: @culture_chaos
Facebook: Isha Soni - Culture Chaos Podcast
Ever wondered why the humble papad is known by the complex and vague name 'papadom' in the west? If you have, than you aren't alone. Check out this week's podcast where I try to find answers about where this word really came from and how it became the new brand name of this humble desi crisp.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Twitter: @culture_chaos
Facebook: Isha Soni - Culture Chaos Podcast
The #MeTooIndia movement in India has opened a whole new set of dialogues which are finally approaching the issue of women's safety in the subcontinent and all over the world, with a progressive point of view. In today's episode, I share my take on this revolution which is storming our nation and on why it is important for our generation to ensure that these dialogues are carried forward responsibly.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Twitter: @culture_chaos
Facebook: Isha Soni - Culture Chaos Podcast
Last week, I was able to visit my home in Mumbai after almost three years and my favorite thing during home visits is revisiting my old memories and giving myself a good dose of nostalgia before I get on the place to return back to my NRI life. This episode is dedicated to nostalgia and all those products that build the foundations of our lives and memories growing up back home.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Twitter: @culture_chaos
Facebook: Isha Soni - Culture Chaos Podcast
A historic judgement was recently passed in India decriminalizing homosexuality. While this judgement was a long awaited step in the forward and progressive direction, I take a minute to question if it is time for us Indians to rejoice at #LoveIsLove just yet?
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
The thing about popular culture and its references is, that it changes faster than the seasons. From being the life of a party with my Bollywood treasure-trove of knowledge ready at the tip of my tongue to being completely clueless in conversations and not getting some of the most basic of jokes, comments and references without depending on urban dictionary. In the west, a FOB's struggle with popular culture is very real. In this episode, I talk about how I still fail to get most western popular culture references and crave for my meet ups with 'apne log' every chance I get!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Contrary to common assumptions, Indian festivals are celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and pomp abroad and us desis don't leave any stone unturned when it comes to making a party out of our festivals. This podcast is a little sneak peak into how the mood is during the long festival season spread over the last 4 months of the year.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Life in the west definitely promises a higher standard of living than back home, but some luxuries that are so readily available in India, are unheard of in this part of the world. The one luxury that I miss the most is having a house-help or a 'Bai' to help around home and that's the topic of today's podcast.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Often for us immigrants and expats, the experience of living in a country abroad varies drastically from the experience of friends and families visiting the same country as a tourist. In this episode, I talk about how living in a country and seeing the same country as a tourist can be two completely different experiences!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
One of the challenges of living in advanced North American countries is understanding how to navigate around the complex health care norms and finding ones way to an actual doctor's clinic. It is especially difficult when you go from extremely convenient and logically sound systems in a country like India to a place where getting an actual appointment to see a real doctor, without being sent home a bill of a couple of thousand dollars is a challenge in itself. In this episode, I talk about health care in first world countries might be umm... a health hazard.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
What is more potent? The concentrated version of something that is really tough to gulp down, or a watered-down milder version of it, which might be better suited especially for the first encounter with this spirit called "culture"? Todays episode looks at how immigrants have succeeded at creating milder, watered down versions of their cultures for the masses, and how this has helped immigrant cultures gain more acceptance after moving into different parts of the world.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
For the longest time, Bhagyashree from Maine Pyar Kiya was the poster child for the ideal woman in India. Over the years that has changed but the expectations from women continue blocking the path for a desi woman to be able to make her own life choices. In such a scenario, with ever evolving standards against which women are evaluated, what is feminism and where exactly do we draw the line in trying to balance the Beyonce and the Bhagyashee within us? That's the topic of this podcast!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
As a desi abroad, if there was one thing you could do for your country today, try doing some very much needed PR and image management for your Country. I seriously feel the need to do it now more than ever before and this podcast talks about why all of us should really give this a thought.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Being really impressed by the small talk and exchanging pleasantries with strangers every morning, I initially thought that making a connection with people in the west would come as naturally as it did with folks back home in India, but it's not quite the same.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
One of the things people either applaud or mock about me is how after having lived in the west for almost a decade, have a not picked up an "American Accent". In this episode, I talk about my appreciation for the Indian english accent and for the way we have learned to speak english in our country and share my philosophy for why I will never really let go off it, as it is a big factor in representing who I really am!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Every desi living abroad develops his own weekend traditions. Traditions that reconnect him to his roots, traditions that bring alive his memories. This episode is an ode to all those weekend traditions and an appeal to all us to continue building them for the future generations to come.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
This father's day, an ode to our dads who play so many roles and transition with us at every stage of our lives with one an only one goal - to make us feel proud of ourselves. The sense of security that a father brings in his child's life stays with the child for their entire lives and thats the topic of my podcast today.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Contrary to the offerings of a superior standard of living and convenience of life, sometimes in the west, getting access to some basics like repairs for the smallest to the most complex of equipments is almost impossible to find. If you have missed the access to cheap repairs in the west and eventually emerged as a jugaadu genuis yourself, than this episode is for you!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Last February, the fatal attack Srinivas Kuchibhotla in Kansas sent shivers up the spine of every desi in the west. This was one of the many racial attacks on brown men in the past few years. Whether it is because we work on volatile temporary visas or it is because we have non violent attitudes, desis for the longest time have not addressed how big an issue racism is in the land of the American dream. We all know it is a problem but we all let it go. Do you think its time we stop letting in go and come together to reclaim our safety?
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Seeing their children fly thousands of miles away from them and moving abroad is probably one of the most difficult things our mothers have to go through when we move out of our homes. This episode is dedicated to all the desi mothers who go above and beyond themselves to help us settle down in our lives abroad and answer every query and question we have , at any hour of the day or night. Even if it is, like in the movie queen - Hing ko english mein kya kehte hai?
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Image courtesy wikimedia commons
"Its not the differences that divide us, but it is the ability to celebrate those differences"
This week's podcast is an ode to the culturally rich and diverse traditions that us desis belong to and how this rich tradition makes us open minded to new experiencing and absorbing new cultures in the world. Being in the west for over 5 years now, it is only us immigrants that put in all the efforts to assimilate and despite all these efforts, we still struggle with resistance from the locals because they are afraid of differences.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Image courtesy of Mirta Toledo via wikimedia commons
It amazes me how some things that are considered quintessentially Indian in the west, are almost impossible to find in India. In the migration that took place over generations and in the slow transition from east to west, somewhere our cuisine transitioned to the concept of "curry in a hurry". In this episode I share some of my musings about what exactly is true Indian cuisine in the west, or is there any?
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Photo courtesy of Thomas Steiner via Wikimedia Commons
If you've heard stories from immigrants who left their home countries a few decades ago, the one thing they all have in common are tales of how they all started with less than 20 dollars when they landed at the airport and how they built their lives from scratch. This podcast is an ode to the immigrants who made it then and the immigrants who are trying to make it today. The struggles might be different but struggles there are! What we all have in common is the fight, the fight to survive and the fight to make it!
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Whether it is the Maaza ad with Katrina having her "moment" with mangoes, or it is frooti being the drink of choice for all kids, we as a country are obsessed with mangoes. Now a days, even though Indian stories abroad have started carrying the Indian variety of mangoes, there is really no experience like the mango season back home. This episode is an ode to my love for this king of fruits.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Picture courtesy of Gnt at English Wikipedia via Wikimedia commons
Whether it is yoga or ayurveda, indian cultural influences in the west have gone way beyond a fad and are starting to become a way of life for people. As the so called flag bearers to our culture, are we prepared to represent all these concepts?
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Image courtesy of Jules via Flickr
For every kid born in the 80s and 90s, somethings formed a quintessential part of our childhood and teenage. Whether it was Tang drink post school or it was Nivea cold cream during the winters. Whats common among them all? They all happened to be imported, just like almost every commercial product that us desis were obsessed with.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Cover image courtesy of Alpha Stock Images - via creative commons
Long courtships between engagements and weddings are becoming more and more common as people are choosing to get married to NRIs and move between countries for after marriage. Even though long distance relationships are a lot easier thanks to technology, they are still cases where the physical distance is thousands of miles. In this episode, I take a slightly humorous and ironical look at long distance NRI relationships.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Cover picture courtesy of “Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” – Thomas Haynes Bayly
Among a lot of things that the world can learn from India other than the rich culture is how we Indians use the scarcely available resources wisely. No, we don't have an abundance of resources and the supply is never high enough for the demand. But we all co-exist. In this episode, I talk about the some common practices followed in our desi households which, if the world adapts, could prove so much more sustainable for our planet. From bathing with just a bucket full of water instead of showers to making use of waste fabrics available at home instead of paper towels, Indians live a life with minimal waste and thats something the world must learn from us.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Going abroad and making a life is difficult on us but it is even more difficult for our loved ones who don't have any control or say on our lives and decisions.
In todays episode I share some stories about how winters are especially harsh on the elders back home and how they can get really consumed by their worry for us.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Finally having the dream realized, one lands abroad - in a new city, probably a whole new country; thousands of miles away from home. We are usually prepared for all the practical aspects of resettling but what about the things that we weren't really prepared for? Moving away from the home country also means moving away from friends, family and all things that we hold close to our heart. How then does one acclimate himself to a new city and embrace the new life? In today's podcast, I share some tips from my experiences of my first weeks of resettling.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
The last week before we are set to leave our home town is unique in many ways. One feels a variety of emotions ranging from excitement to fear and sorrow. It is an interesting time since dreams await us and we leave behind a part of our soul in our home towns. In this episode, I share my experiences with the last week before one is about to move to a new city or a new country.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from India. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Music Courtesy of Chris Haugen via Youtube Audio Library- Creative Commons
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven from Pexels
This episode looks at challenges that a parent and child both face as they immigrate from their home countries to the west. In this episode, Trisha Sakhuja, CEO of Brown Girl Magazine, joins Culture Chaos in a phone interview and shares memories and stories from her childhood. Trisha helps us shed light on how parents and children both need to find a common ground in holding on to their culture and assimilating in the country they now live in.
Check out more episodes from Culture Chaos where I share stories of my experiences trying to navigate life away from my home country. You can write to me at or leave your feedback/review on iTunes. Thank you for listening!
Music Courtesy: Youtube Audio Library
That Kid in Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
"American Dream" and "London Calling" are just some of the phrases we hear in popular culture when someone describes their career goals. Bollywood, TV and some real life success stories tell us that professional life abroad is the ticket one needs to realize ones career goals. But what is professional life in countries like US, UK or Europe really like? In this podcast, I talk about the professional dilemmas of expats who are on a temporary work status in western countries and how being bound to a visa limits their choices and opportunities.
Music Courtesy: Facile by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
The first week of moving out of India and stepping foot in US is one that is often full of strange realizations and rookie mistakes. You realize that from the food to fixtures in your house, from the cars on roads to human interactions with people on streets, everything works in a system which is almost the opposite of what you were used to. In this episode, I discuss my experience of realizing how some systems were completely opposite to what I was used to from my life back in India.
Background music: Italian Morning by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
NRIs or non residential Indians are often hated on in their home countries for several reasons. Getting trolled online or during a conversation, for commenting on an occurrence back home is becoming more common by the day. With this podcast, I question this hostility towards people going and exploring opportunities in different countries and why we cannot be united as a country on basic logical concepts.
Background music- The 49th Street Galleria by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Cover photo courtesy of Clem Onojeghuo via
Those trips back to our home countries are not only a sensory overload but they are an overload for our tastebuds and for our heart and soul. In this episode of culture chaos, I reminisce about those annual trips back home, the feeling of hearing the honking horns and breathing the air of our homes. I share my experiences about times spent with family and the royal treatment given to us by our childhood friends. Trips back home are indeed special.
Background Music:
Clear Air - Somewhere Sunny by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
As immigrants and expats, the experience of spending the first holiday season in a new country, especially in the west can be overwhelming in many ways. In this podcast episode, I describe my journey with the holiday season, with my first Christmas and how it is now one my favorite times of the year. This episode is also a special Thank you to my listeners who have requested to me to share some of my experiences with the holiday season in America.
Cover Picture courtesy of Keith Bacongco via wikipedia
Background music courtesy of xXx Workout Music HOUSE via Youtube (creative commons license)
In countries outside India, english is not really a high browed snobbery as it is at home. I find the obsession of us Indians with english language and accents stupid and in this episode, I am trying to talk about the pointlessness of this obsession. In polishing the spoken language and trying hard to replicate accents, we are slowly losing out on the core of communication and also on the heritage that is in our regional languages. With this podcast, I share my experiences with english language when I left home and the meaning of this language to my cultural identity.
Visa is often a major reason for concern for someone who moves to another country. The nature of this visa stamp is such that we cannot travel as we want. We are often bound to the timelines and the long waiting lists that these visas have. In awaiting these documentations, we are often tied from making trips back to our home countries and these restrictions can get really life altering for some of us. In this episode, I talk about the dilemmas that a lot of us Desis feel when it comes to the reasons for us moving abroad and being bound by these visas.
Background music: Meditation Impromptu 02 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:
Being a foodie, I rediscovered my love for Indian cuisine after I moved out of my home town. Homesickness and confusions associated with adapting to a new culture made me realize how essential those familiar flavours and aromas from my Indian kitchen were, to my sense of being. In this episode, I talk about my journey with food and try to reach out to some misconceptions about immigrants and their culinary habits.
Social Media, some say has made the world smaller, reduced distances and connected people over large geographical locations and timezones. I love it for the access it gives me and and the possibility of keeping in touch with my friends and family who are all living in different parts of the world. But has social media taken up more space in our lives than we can control?
Arranged marriage is often shrugged off as an ancient and backward practice which intimidates a lot of people. In this podcast, I talk about my marriage which started as an arranged marriage and what it means to me. Check out this podcast about why I don't find arranged marriages scary!
Music: Courtesy of Indian Diplomacy Channel video Bismillah and Benaras via Youtube.
Impressions in media is the first podcast from my podcast series called Culture Chaos. In this episode, I talk about my experiences of reality of life in the US vs the impression bollywood had created in my mind. I also question some of the sterotypes hollywood and bollywood both are used to working with.
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