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Submit ReviewOn this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds break down the timeline of Brian Shaffer as well as a breakdown of all of the exits at the Ugly Tuna Saloona and the layout. There will also be a Q&A with questions that were asked to us by our Facebook and Websleuths friends.
You can find Comeback on our newly redesigned website at
We have new features such as a blog and a discussion board. You can also listen to all of our episodes and keep up on the latest news. We will be adding a timeline of Brian’s disappearance as well as pictures from the Ugly Tuna Saloona.
Also on the website are links to our newly created Patreon and PayPal accounts. Comeback now has a Patreon Page with reward tiers. If you like our podcast and would like to help us record weekly episodes and upgrade our equipment please join our rewards today. All the money donated will be used to produce weekly episodes, purchase new equipment, and to raise awareness for Missing Persons.
Our Patreon can be found at
We are on Twitter @podcastcomeback
And you can find us on Facebook by searching Comeback or @FindBrianShaffer
Don’t forget to join our Comeback Group Page on Facebook to discuss the case with us.
Please sign our petition at For Central Ohio Crime Stoppers to honor Brian’s privately funded Reward for 1 year.
You can listen to Comeback on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, and many of the listening sites you enjoy. Remember to subscribe to our channel and leave us a review. If you like our podcast and the awareness we are raising please give us 5 Stars.
Show Notes
Episode 4: Details From Private Investigator Don Corbett
On this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds interviews Private Investigator Don Corbett. Don was hired by Brian Shaffer’s father Randy and still investigates to this day! Comeback makes a Special Announcement as well as showcases 2 Missing Persons From Ohio.
You can find Comeback on our newly redesigned website at
We have new features such as a blog and a discussion board. You can also listen to all of our episodes and keep up on the latest news. We will be adding a timeline of Brian’s disappearance as well as pictures from the Ugly Tuna Saloona.
Also on the website are links to our newly created Patreon and PayPal accounts. Comeback now has a Patreon Page with reward tiers. If you like our podcast and would like to help us record weekly episodes and upgrade our equipment please join our rewards today. All the money donated will be used to produce weekly episodes, purchase new equipment, and to raise awareness for Missing Persons.
Our Patreon can be found at
We are on Twitter @podcastcomeback
And you can find us on Facebook by searching Comeback or @FindBrianShaffer
Don’t forget to join our Comeback Group Page on Facebook to discuss the case with us.
Please sign our petition at For Central Ohio Crime Stoppers to honor Brian’s privately funded Reward for 1 year.
You can listen to Comeback on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, and many of the listening sites you enjoy. Remember to subscribe to our channel and leave us a review. If you like our podcast and the awareness we are raising please give us 5 Stars.
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Show Notes
On this Episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds will have a Memorial to Kevin Miles, with Tony Luzio and Lori Davis. During the call we had a slight technical issue with our recorder that could not be corrected. Instead of doing a new interview we decided to use it anyways due to the genuineness of the phone call.
Kelly and Nick will also discuss the previous episode of Comeback and what they have learned so far. We also have some news update on details in the Brian Shaffer case as well as a spoiler segment for upcoming episodes.
You can find Comeback on our newly redesigned website at
We have new features such as a blog and a discussion board. You can also listen to all of our episodes and keep up on the latest news. We will be adding a timeline of Brian’s disappearance as well as pictures from the Ugly Tuna Saloona.
Also on the website are links to our newly created Patreon and PayPal accounts. Comeback now has a Patreon Page with reward tiers. If you like our podcast and would like to help us record weekly episodes and upgrade our equipment please join our rewards today. All the money donated will be used to produce weekly episodes, purchase new equipment, and to raise awareness for Missing Persons.
Our Patreon can be found at
We are on Twitter @podcastcomeback
And you can find us on Facebook
Don’t forget to join our Comeback Group Page on Facebook to discuss the case with us.
Please sign our petition at For Central Ohio Crime Stoppers to honor Brian’s privately funded Reward for 1 year.
You can listen to Comeback on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, and many of the listening sites you enjoy. Remember to subscribe to our channel and leave us a review. If you like our podcast and the awareness we are raising please give us 5 Stars.
Show Notes
On this episode of Comeback hosts Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds speak with Brian Shaffer’s uncle Tim Shaffer as well as Brian’s cousin Dan Shaffer. Through email Nick and Kelly were able to ask questions to Derek and Maurin Shaffer. There will be stand ins for the voices of Derek and Maurin, as they have chose not to speak on our podcast. Thank you to my husband Mike and Lori Davis for being stand in voices. Nick and Kelly announce an exciting new adventure they are about to embark on to continue raising awareness for Missing Persons. You can find Comeback on our newly redesigned website at We have new features such as a blog and a discussion board. You can also listen to all of our episodes and keep up on the latest news. We will be adding a timeline of Brian’s disappearance as well as pictures from the Ugly Tuna Saloona. Also on the website are links to our newly created Patreon and PayPal accounts. Comeback now has a Patreon Page with reward tiers. If you like our podcast and would like to help us record weekly episodes and upgrade our equipment please join our rewards today. All the money donated will be used to produce weekly episodes, purchase new equipment, and to raise awareness for Missing Persons.
Our Patreon can be found at We are on Twitter @podcastcomeback
And you can find us on Facebook by searching Comeback or @FindBrianShaffer Don’t forget to join our Comeback Group Page on Facebook to discuss the case with us.
Please sign our petition at For Central Ohio Crime Stoppers to honor Brian’s privately funded Reward for 1 year. You can listen to Comeback on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, and many of the listening sites you enjoy.
Remember to subscribe to our channel and leave us a review. If you like our podcast and the awareness we are raising please give us 5 Stars.
Show Notes
On this Special Edition Of Comeback we are discussing The Brian Shaffer March For The Missing which was planned by co-host Kelly Hammonds & Lori Davis with the help of many others. Hosts Nicholas West & Kelly Hammonds will also discuss what they have learned so far in their investigation in Episode 1 & 2, as well as their journey to answer the question every sleuther has wanted to know since the day we learned of Brian’s disappearance. Who was the band Brian was allegedly going to speak to? After 12 years tonight we all finally get that answer. We announce Comeback Episode 3 Details From P.I. Don Corbett which will be out within the next week. Our Missing Persons this weeks are.
You can find Comeback on our website at Twitter: @podcastcomeback Facebook: @findbrianshaffer or by searching Comeback Join in the discussion on our Comeback Group Page on Facebook about the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. Email us at You can listen to Comeback on iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, Google Play and many other podcast sites you enjoy. Don’t forget to sign our petition for Central Ohio Crime Stoppers to honor Brian’s privately funded Reward Money for One Year! Please share Comeback on Social Media with all your friends and family. If you like our podcast please give us 5 Stars and leave us a review. Remember doing these 2 things enters you into our contest. The winner will be announced on Episode 4, and the winner will read Brian’s description on a future episode. Comeback is a privately funded podcast, and we can’t think of a better way to spend our money then helping raise awareness for Missing Persons. With that being said the costs to do the Podcast hinders us from a guaranteed weekly episode. If you like our podcast and would like to hear us more now you can help. We have created a Patreon page with a tiered reward system. Our listeners have the choice of many different tiers. The money donated will be used to help with our investigation, to produce weekly episodes, and upgrade our equipment. You can find our Patreon Page at
Show Notes: In this episode of Comeback we speak to sergeant John Hurst of The Columbus Police Department and lead Detective in the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. Not only does he give us many details about Brian’s case, but he also answers several questions that could discredit several theories. Comeback is on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, Podbean, and Stitcher. Join our Facebook discussion group and join in the conversation on the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. The website for Comeback is Don’t forget to sign our petition at BRIAN’S Privately Funded Reward Money should be honored!!! Please Mention Comeback to all your friends on Social Media.... also contact us at 740-564-2259 to leave a voicemail also email at
This debut episode of Comeback. In this episode host Nicholas West and Kelly Hammonds begin Thier investigation on the disappearence of Brian Shaffer by speaking with people closet to the case. We begin with close friend to Randy Shaffer and missing person advocate Lori Davis. Tim Shaffer, Brian's uncle and Randy's brother. Kevin Miles, Ex President of central Ohio Crime Stoppers and another close friend to Brian's father. Tune in all season while we attempt to speak to everyone close to this case and dig in deep to answer the questions that remain out there that puzzle's all of us. Join our discussion on FB by searching comeback, Twitter @PodcastComback. Also please sign the petition to have CrimeStoppers honor Brian's reward.
Comeback is investigating the disappearance of Ohio State University student Brian Shaffer.
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