Batman: The Audio Adventuresinactive
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Comedy Fiction
In partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, this scripted audio original, Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume. Starring Jeffrey Wright as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Catwoman, John Leguizamo as the Riddler, and a who’s who of incredible “Saturday Night Live” alums, the series draws inspiration from the vintage noir atmosphere of the celebrated “Batman: The Animated Series,” the spirited fun of the classic 1960s “Batman”TV series, and the entire 80-plus year history of the BATMAN franchise. This rollicking, over the top Batman adventure is written and directed by Emmy®-winner Dennis McNicholas, features an A-List cast, and devilishly delightful original music.
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23 Available Episodes (23 Total)Average duration: 00:34:16
Sep 23 | 01:14:11
Introducing: The Penguin Official Podcast
Dec 23 | 00:34:49
S2 E10 - "Our Feature Presentation"
Dec 21 | 00:28:16
S2 E9 - "H.A.H.A.H.A."
Dec 19 | 00:26:26
S2 E8 - "A Hero and a Fool"
Dec 16 | 00:33:44
S2 E7 - "Harm…ony?"
Dec 14 | 00:25:40
S2 E6 - "A Lousy Hand"
Dec 12 | 00:25:41
S2 E5 - "The Senior Partner"
Dec 09 | 00:37:44
S2 E4 - "Stabberscotch"
Dec 07 | 00:28:55
S2 E3 - "Scarecrow Wants Brains"
Dec 05 | 00:29:13
S2 E2 - "New Management"
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