Bar Karate - The Sailing Podcastinactive
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Bar Karate is a weekly discussion of the world of sailing. Our team straddle the globe and bring all the news and inside gossip with a lot of fun thrown in. Bar Karate - you might not learn anything, but you will have fun doing it.

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61 456 266 315
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258 Available Episodes (258 Total)Average duration: 01:26:28
Apr 28 | 01:13:15
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep256 - Bring Back Sailing, with Adrian Finglas and Scott Paton
Apr 21 | 01:40:02
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast Ep255, Graeme Taylor - 2024 Etchells World Champion.
Apr 14 | 00:50:48
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep254 - the so much to talk about episode.
Apr 07 | 01:20:29
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep253 Hugo Picard, (the Sailing Frenchman) from the Dékuple Class 40 sailing team
Mar 31 | 01:53:42
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep252 Taylor Canfield - Driver, USA SailGP team
Mar 17 | 01:44:11
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast Ep251, Annika & Ian 'Thommo' Thomson from Ocean Crusaders and the TP52 J Bird
Mar 10 | 01:39:29
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast Ep250, Christophe Favreau Sailing Photographer
Mar 03 | 01:40:14
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast Ep249, the Merlin Rocket
Feb 25 | 01:25:07
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep248 Stu Bithell Olympic Gold and Silver medallist.
Feb 18 | 01:12:52
Bar Karate - the Sailing Podcast, Ep247 Alice Senior - Skipper Magenta 69F foiling team.
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