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Submit ReviewConnie wants to help bring her squabbling school year group back together by preparing the most fantastic performance that will make the School’s Spring Song Contest an enormous success!
“Good Evening Everybody! Let the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 commence!”
Luckily, her Uncle Chris and troupe of trusty customers are super fans of The Eurovision Song Contest, the world’s biggest music competition, so know exactly how to help. Together, they set off to European countries in a magical tour bus to pick up hot hints of how to help make their performance a hit with her school friends and bring everybody back together again.
Come and help Connie and her customers get this show on the road and score top marks at the contest!
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You can download the transcript for the episode here.
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made ByMortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon, Chris Brett, Francesca Waite, Catherine Cowdrey and Paul Hine
Writer – Francesca Waite
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 16th of May! 😀
Mentioned in this episode:
Who Smarted?
Who Smarted? Is the three times weekly 15 minute hilarious educational podcast for kids and families. From space to the ocean to the human body to famous people, on Who Smarted? You will laugh and learn together. Perfect for car rides, breaks, and bedtime - with more than 350 episodes to choose from! Listen here: Check them out on socials:
Uncle Chris and his community theatre company are on the run from some vicious guards in Elizabethan England!
‘What on earth do you think you’re doing here? How dare you interrupt my play…’
In their quest to find out the facts about Shakespeare for Connie, and the queens guards hot on their heels, the gang crash head first into a performance of one of his plays…and come face to face with Queen Elizabeth the 1st!
Will she cut off their heads? Or will they get a chance to change her mind? 😱
Come back to ye old England with us adventurers and find out! Just make sure you hold on to your heads!
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
You can download the transcript for this episodeShakespeare-Adventure-Part-2-Transcript.pdf"> here.
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Chris Brett, Hannah Donelon, Catherine Cowdrey, Paul Hine, Francesca Waite, Andy Smith and Tess Keeble.
Writer – Chris Brett
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 2nd of May! 😀
Mentioned in this episode:
Fun Kids Science Weekly
Exploring the coolest and most incredible stuff in science, from way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth to a future where humans live in space! The Fun Kids Science Weekly is hosted by Dan and is the perfect science podcast for kids and families everywhere. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Connie needs help with her Shakespeare essay, so she asks Uncle Chris and his community theatre company to lend her a hand!
‘It feels quite royal in here, almost like we are at the Tudor court…’
A bit rusty on their Shakespearean knowledge, Uncle Chris takes his theatre company back in time to Tudor, England, to gather the facts as they happen. But when he accidentally offends Queen Elizabeth the 1st, the gang must run from her guards - who are trying to cut off their heads!
Come with us and visit the sights, sounds and people of ye ole England- but don’t forget your nose pegs adventurers. It’s a bit whiffy…
Download the transcript for this episode Shakespeare-Adventure-Part-1-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Chris Brett, Hannah Donelon Catherine Cowdrey, Paul Hine, Francesca Waite, Andy Smith and Tess Keeble.
Writer – Chris
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 18th of April! 😀
Mentioned in this episode:
The Fun Kids Science Weekly Podcast
Exploring the coolest and most incredible stuff in science, from way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth to a future where humans live in space! The Fun Kids Science Weekly is hosted by Dan and is the perfect science podcast for kids and families everywhere. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Welcome to the prestigious Armchair Adventures Grammy Awards, or AAGA's for short, where Uncle Chris picks out his favourite musical moments from the episodes so far! 🎶🏆👩🎤
"First up is the AAGA for 'Best Use Of A Musical Instrument To Represent An Animal!"
While Connie makes her way back from Mrs Maestro's 'Musical Extravaganza Adventure', she's asked her Uncle Chris to pick out his favourite musical moments from previous Armchair Adventures Episodes.
Listen now to find out who will come out on top in categories like 'Best Lyrics', 'Best Ivory Tinkling' and not forgetting our 'Extra Super Special Lifetime Achievement Armchair Adventure Grammy Award!'
Don't forget to tell us what your favourite Armchair Adventure musical moments are adventurer. Ask a grown up to let us now by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts and we'll give you a shout out next time!
Download the transcript for this episode Armchair-Adventure-Grammy-Awards-Adventure-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Chris Brett
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - AJS Music
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 4th April! 😀
“Strap yourself in, everybody; this last bit of the journey will be quite the ride.”
In the third part of this musical trio, Mrs Maestro’s rickety old bus has to go through some tricky and slightly bonkers terrain, including a long dark tunnel, a sticky and slimy swamp, and a wiggly windy road. With the whole orchestra safely onboard the bus, this final leg of the journey does some very peculiar things to the music. And after all a very important member of the orchestra doesn’t turn up as planned, who will step in to keep everyone on time with their beautiful and imaginative hand movements?
“Do you know what adventurers, maybe I could do it? Do you think I can?”
Download the transcript for this episode Musical-Extravaganza-Adventure-Part-3-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Kerry Willison-Parry and Hannah Donelon
Writer – Paul Hine
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Musicians - Hannah McCabe, Caroline Pether, Aine Molines
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 21st of March! 😀
The next stop is the string family from the ice cream parlour! Mrs Maestro's journey to get the musicians in the orchestra to the super-duper concert on time continues. Mrs Maestro gets confused when it's time to pay for all those delicious ice creams, and Connie and her customers come to her aid.
“Don’t worry Mrs Maestro, let’s do it together. We’ll help you. Isn’t that right gang?”
The next pickup is the brass family from the Great Grand Palace- a royal but somewhat overwhelming experience. And then it’s the percussion family from the disco, and it’s time to dance, dance, dance! In this episode, we continue honing our conducting skills using hand gestures to control the music. But don’t worry, the professional conductor is meeting us at the concert hall to conduct the orchestra in the super-duper concert. But only if we can get the musicians there on time! And now we are running super late!
Download the transcript for this episode Musical-Extravaganza-Adventure-Part-2-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon and Kerry Willison-Parry
Writer – Paul Hine
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Musicians - Hannah McCabe, Caroline Pether, Aine Molines
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 7th of March! 😀
Meet Mrs Maestro- a local bus company owner and music super-fan. Join her, Connie, and Connie’s customers en route to pick up the musicians in an orchestra and get them to the super-duper concert on time.
“We love music. It sets our imaginations wild and free”.
In this episode (the first of three musical specials), Mrs Maestro’s ancient steam-powered patented route planner blows up, and she is forced to try to remember her route and the order of her pickups. Poor Mrs Maestro’s memory is ‘on the blink’ and believes she’ll never remember. Her grumpy bus driver, Darren, doesn’t help. So it’s up to Connie, the adventurers (you) and her customers to come to the rescue with the power of music. First stop…the park to pick up the woodwind family.
These next three episodes contain original music played by some incredible orchestra musicians. Hold on to your hats; it’s gonna be a musical blast!
Download the transcript for this episode Musical-Extravaganza-Adventure-Part-1-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon and Kerry Willison-Parry
Writer – Paul Hine
Music -AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Musicians - Hannah McCabe, Caroline Pether, Aine Molines
Our next episode will be out Thursday 22nd of February!😀
Welcome back to Part 2 of our 'Girl Power Scrapbook Adventure', where Connie and her customers learn more about local inspirational women and their positive affirmations.
"‘Walk in my shoes, run in my wake"
Connie and her customers are stuck in cyberspace!! But Connie has been asked by the Mayor to sing at a special event, celebrating local inspirational women.
How will she make it to the stage in time? Maybe the girl power magic stored in the collected affirmations will help them out!
Listen now to find out more...
Download the transcript for this episode Girl-Power-Scrapbook-Adventure-Part-2-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon
Writer – Chris Brett
Music -AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Funded by- Historic England’s ‘Know Your Neighbourhood’ fund
With extra special thanks to our guest adventurers, Mayor of Tameside Cllr Sharif and Stacey Copeland.
Our next episode will be out on Thursday 8th of February! 😀
"Girls are strong, and girls are clever, look out world 'cos here we come!"
Connie is asked to sing at the local mayor's inspirational women's event but needs a little self-belief. So, her lovely customers take her on an adventure inside Ada's Girl Power scrapbook!
All the amazing women come to life in the scrapbook pictures and teach Connie and the gang how important it is to celebrate women and their achievements. Girls can do anything! 💪
We meet Ada Summers, the first justice of the peace in England, not to mention professional boxer, footballer and broadcaster Stacey Copeland.⚽
But, oh no....Connie's Uncle Chris arrives early to scan the book ready for the event! Will the adventurers make it out of Ada's scrapbook in time? Or will they be scanned into cyberspace and forced to live on the internet forever? 😱
Listen now to find out!
Download the transcript for this episode Girl-Power-Scrapbook-Adventure-Part-1-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformoms
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon
Writer – Chris Brett
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
Funded by- Historic England’s ‘Know Your Neighbourhood’ fund
With extra special thanks to our guest adventurers, Mayor of Tameside Cllr Sharif and Stacey Copeland.
Part 2 of this episode will be out Thursday 18th of January!😀
Uncle Chris is hosting Christmas this year, so he and his community theatre company set out to make it the best Christmas day EVER!
"For the tastiest, tinselliest Christmas, Uncle Chris. You need Brussel sprouts!"
Disaster has struck at Connie's house! The oven has broken, and it's days before Christmas! How will they make Christmas dinner? 🍗
Uncle Chris to the rescue! Uncle Chris usually watches box sets on Christmas day; he has no idea how to host! He decides to enlist the help of his community theatre company to make the day EXTRA special.🎁
What are the TOP 10 things that make the BEST Christmas Day? Christmas Crackers? Or even Brussel Sprouts? You'll have to listen to find out!✨
Download the transcript for this episode Now-Thats-What-I-Call-An-Uncle-Chris-Christmas-Adventure-Transcript.pdf">here.
Say hello adventurer!
Facebook: @armchairadventuresuk"> @armchairadventuresuk
TikTok: @armchairadventures
Patreon: @armchairadventures
#armchairadventures #podcast #childrensstories #podcastforkids #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #podcastformums
Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Hannah Donelon
Writer – Francesca Waite
Music -AJS Music
Sound Design - Blueprint Studios
The next episode will be out Thursday 4th January! 😀
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