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Submit ReviewBrand success can be as simple as a haircut! Develop your brand to create the most valuable tool for lasting revenue. Learn how to do this and more in this episode featuring Brian Wong. CEO of the mobile app advertising company Kiip, Brian co-founded his business at age 19 and now, 8 years later, has been named as one of the top young entrepreneurs in the world by multiple sources. Listen and you’ll discover how to increase your marketability through your weaknesses. And as the author of Cheat Codes, Brian shares why you don’t have to transform your life to create success. It just takes a few simple cheat codes to fast track your way to massive revenue.
“You maintain that brand consistently and you will always see continued inbound of people who are looking for that type of thing.”
-Brian Wong
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0:58 - Why you need to follow Brian RIGHT NOW to become a young, agile, successful entrepreneur
2:47 - You don’t have to uproot your whole life to make millions! Brian can show you the path out of your own obstacles and into the freedom of agile entrepreneurship
5:03 - Create a business with momentum by discovering the superpower that society and school are hiding from you
10:10 - 2 Cheat Codes to upgrade your brand without breaking the bank
13:58 - Want the phone number of the biggest CEO in your area? It’s simple! Brian shares how.
16:45 - Make your weaknesses your biggest strengths to double your marketability and therefore your profit
18:20 - Are you struggling to make a business or personal decision? Brian warns what is equally as bad for your business as making a wrong decision
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If you’re a parent, then you know how hard it can be to manage your time well. Now imagine running two businesses on top of parenting. Elissa Liu has mastered the art of managing time while being a parent and CEO. As the founder of Spark Growth and the CEO of Influential Executive, Elissa Liu has to maximize every minute of her day. Hear the 2 ways she makes every second count. Elissa has discovered how to value your kids and the time you spend with them while also getting work done. Listen to find out how to become a better parent and a better Entrepreneur at the same time.
“Your experience with your first child is not necessarily going to be replicated with subsequent children.”
-Elissa Liu
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1:07 - The story behind Elissa’s niche: How observation and learning from your field can reveal a special place for profit
2:32 - Parenting is hard, but find out how Elissa parents 2 kids AND run 2 businesses at the same time
6:47 - What the best options are for a CEO or Entrepreneur who has to take a step back from the business because of personal life issues
9:37 - Downtime? What’s that? Why your downtime becomes more and more valuable with each child you have
15:47 - For the busy CEO parents: 2 ways to balance your time between your work and your kids
18:29 - Even if you don’t have kids, you need to learn this principle to maximize time for yourself and your employees
21:00 - There are 2 ways that you can maximize your time, especially during your commute or working from home
23:09 - Don’t let working out fall behind your parenting and work life! What Elissa does to make exercise a convenient and enjoyable time of the day
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On today’s episode, find out how one entrepreneur was able to overcome the roller coaster events in his life. Kevin Hourigan sits down with Jon and shares his company’s struggles, victories, recline, and regrowth. He is the President and CEO of Bayshore Solutions, a leading Digital Advertising Agency. Tune in as Kevin discuss how he handles these transitions and adjusts accordingly when the waves end.
“When you're losing so much, getting to profitability seemed like a huge victory.”
-Kevin Hourigan
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01:17 - How Kevin started his company, the Bayshore Solutions, at the time when websites are not yet known or seen as needed.
04:04 - Their struggles at the beginning and how they grew so fast in 3-4 year mark as companies realize the importance of websites (dot-com bubble boom)
06:19 - The downfall of his company after the dot-com bubble burst, how they bounce back, who among their clients managed to survived the downfall current and why
10:48 - What Kevin thought happened at the dot-com bubble and how he and his employees reacted and handled the changes in the industry
16:30 - Why denial phase could be a silent killer and why it's important to accept what's happening and adjust
18:55 - Why Kevin rebrand his company and hired co-worker and customers that are willing to let go of the past and how they became successful
20:46 - Two lessons that Kevin learned from all the events that happened and where it leads him and his company today
24:10 - The vision, expertise, and values of Bayshore Solutions that will enable them to be ready for any shift or unexpected things to come and help their clients grow their businesses
27:36 - How to be innovative not at the client's expense and why Kevin's company doesn't work with vertical markets
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It is through adaptation that allowed early humans to survive in any environment and evolved to what we are today. And this special trait of man is what Michael Wailes used. By adapting to changes and trends in journalism and technology, he evolved and became a successful entrepreneur. Unlock this special trait in you by listening to today’s episode as Michael shares his journey with Jon. Don't miss this one!
“It's not about being able to predict the future with a high degree of specificity but just having a general sense of that direction that the future is going.”
-Michael Wailes
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01:01 - About Spectrum Interactive Group and how Michael transition from being a writer to entrepreneur
04:29 - How Michael apply his passion as a journalist to marketing and where he got his inspiration and motivation to study more about web development
09:17 - Becoming successful in the web development world, working in a great agency and how he got to thinking of putting his own company
11:29 - His struggles working at his own company and how he still able to see the trends and knew what the clients will need
14:18 - How the stress at building his own company affected his health
18:19 - How his perspective in life and his lifestyle changes after he got sick plus the best exercise gadget he uses today
20:16 - Facebook and Instagram advertising as a trend that will continue to grow and how to see the trend and adapt quickly and accordingly to be successful in the future
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Do you want to know if homeschooling is for you? On today’s episode, Jon and Frank Cianciulli discuss what it takes to homeschool your kids. Homeschooling has its pros and cons, but Frank was able to use homeschooling to his advantage. Frank is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO at The Wish Group. Find out how homeschooling gives him flexibility and its other benefits not just for him but for the kids also. Tune in now and discover all that you need to know about homeschooling.
“Studies show that the only bad association generally for kids is their experience at school. That's where the bullying takes place.”
-Frank Cianciulli
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01:07 - All about Frank's company, The Wish Group plus how and why Frank started homeschooling his kids
04:06 - The time when his kids started homeschooling and how they adjusted into it
05:11 - Advantages of homeschooling and how it gives Frank flexibility
08:59 - Homeschooling for kids at different age and grade level and how to incorporate vacation, summer, and school breaks
10:49 - The decision on when to get the kids back to school, like in high school, and why it’s important
12:43 - Private vs public school - where the homeschooled kids could have a better transition
14:22 - How to start if you want to try homeschooling
16:58 - The problem with the education system today and how homeschooling is more tailored to fit a kid's needs or preference
18:28 - The advantage of putting the child at school first like kindergarten before homeschooling
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Who doesn’t have a problem with stress and sleep? All of us, at some point in our life, have been stressed or have a problem sleeping and that is why today’s episode is critical to our journey to a healthier and more agile life. Jon talks with Nick Elvery, a peak performance coach and a sought-after speaker, to discuss stress and sleep. Together Nick and Jon discuss the source of our stress and how we can cope with it. One big factor for us to become resilient to stress is to have good quality sleep and Nick shares, among other things, some tips on how we can achieve a deep and good night sleep. You don't want to miss this one!
“We live in probably the most stressful time ever designed.”
-Nick Elvery
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01:05 - Nick's background and why he became a peak performance coach
03:38 - Why we are almost always stressed
07:13 - The biggest problem that we're facing in today's modern world of technology and how to address it
12:53 - How technology has become addictive in many people's lives
14:48 - Having good quality sleep to cope with stress and the importance of balancing life activities so you can have that good night sleep
21:40 - Are devices or applications that helps tracks our activity and/or our sleep valuable or harmful to us
25:02 - What we can do to mitigate the problem of device radiation while we're sleeping plus tips to have good quality sleep
31:53 - Doing meditation to fight stress and a great meditation app to use
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How do you balance work and family life? How do you cope with the stress in work and life and do you even have time to take care of yourself? That is why you need to listen to today’s episode as Jon tackles the answers to these questions with Jeremy Choi, an entrepreneur handling three businesses, a husband, and a dad. Jeremy shares how he tries to dedicate time exclusively for his work, family life, and taking care of himself. And what’s more, Jeremy gave one exercise that he does even inside the car that helps him relax and one habit that makes him focus on the most important thing in life.
“I feel like sometimes I'm just the babysitter not really a dad.”
-Jeremy Choi
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00:56 - Jeremy's background as an entrepreneur and business leader01:49 - Is there really a balance between work and family life07:05 - How his wife made him realize that he's spending way more time in work than in his health or their family relationship09:07 - Here's what you can do to dedicate your focused time exclusively on work and family life11:21 - The importance of consistent communication, planning, and agreement between husband and wife to try and maintain balance at work and family life12:49 - Knowing when to say NO to have more time for important things, the mindset of doing more with less, and hiring people to help you18:05 - Relaxation and having time for yourself plus Jeremy's breathing exercise that helps him relax19:16 - Benefits of breathing exercise and one example of breathing technique that Jeremy does to relax and balance himself21:21 - Jeremy's habit every morning that makes him focus more in his wife and kids
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What are two business skills you need as an entrepreneur? Finding a niche and adjusting to customer needs. Listen to today’s show to hear examples of this from Gary Eisenstein. Gary is the CEO and founder of Falcon Software and CMSC Media. Learn from Gary’s stories and experience as he created businesses that met the needs of his clients. Find out how you can use flexibility to your advantage!
“The I.T. world always seems to provide new opportunities for us to capitalize on.”
-Gary Eisenstein
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0:54 - How Gary went from an AV consulting company to a wire and cable consulting firm, eventually developing a catalog for his customers
4:28 - The problem with Gary’s business: How Gary learned to find untapped resources and adjust to the needs of customers
7:50 - Leverage your entrepreneurial spirit! Why Gary decided to sell his already successful business and pursue a more risky route
12:56 - Why the service-based model became Gary’s ideal business model
14:46 - Going from a catalog software service company to a website design company: Why Gary’s adaptability gave him an edge in the niche he entered
18:04 - The key component to business that you need to listen to in order to stay ahead of the competition and maximize your niche
20:48 - Transforming a monthly blog poll to a daily industry news portal site and how CMSC Media has grown to regular record-setting success
24:45 - What you can do to listen to your customers more closely and create a product that caters to their needs
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How do you prepare yourself or your business for the future? With the advancement in technologies today, it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. So how do you keep up? Find out the answers on today’s episode as Jon interviews Nancy Giordano, a strategic futurist, speaker and founder of Play Big Inc. It is a company that helps businesses define and shape their future. They delve into the topics of AQ (Adaptability Quotient), self-awareness and curiosity and how these factors help us adapt to the future and prepares us for success in this dynamic and unpredictable world that we live in.
“When you asked me about the one thing that we need to cultivate in kids, it's curiosity and wonder.”
-Nancy Giordano
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00:59 - Background on Play Big Inc. and how it help companies define and shape their future
03:35 - What is AQ (Adaptability Quotient) and how it can help us in this fast-changing, dynamic world
08:21 - Proper mindset to be productive and innovative and why unlearning is the harder part of adapting
11:58 - The importance of self-awareness and mindfulness to adaptability quotient
16:10 - Collaborating and learning how to learn with others
19:38 - Benefits of having employees with self-awareness plus tips on how to build self-awareness
27:07 - Why it’s important to cultivate curiosity and why some employers are not supportive of it
29:48 - The important role of the environment and the people around us to our curiosity and success
31:40 - Removing the fear of technology and having the ability to manage it
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On today’s episode of the Agile Living Podcast, Jon talks with Bruce Bowser, co-author of “The Focus Effect.” Jon and Bruce discuss how technology controls us. They dive deep on how it makes it hard to focus on our work and our personal lives. Find out how we can free ourselves from the addictions or at least maintain a sense of balance in using technology. That way, we are more focused to live a happy, healthy and productive life.
“With a little bit of focus, you can start to change your behavior.”
-Bruce Bowser
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02:02 - All about the book 'The Focus Effect' and how technology controls us
04:36 - Is technology the only one to blame? Why employees are distracted
07:57 - What you can do to control emails and calls after office hours
11:35 - Why people need occasional breaks from being online and using digital devices
14:09 - Multitasking does not necessarily equate to high-performance
16:25 - How turning the notifications off can give you more focus and be more productive
21:30 - Showing respect and knowing when not to use your phone
22:55 - The effect of technology on our mental health
24:09 - Spending more time with families more than on technologies
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