Zero To Location Independent Challenge (Day 4)
Publisher |
Jason Moore
Media Type |
Publication Date |
May 19, 2017
Episode Duration |

Do you want to learn the truth behind what it takes to go from Zero to Location Independent so you can do it too?

Get our free guide at to learn from 10 different location independent travelers. You'll get their best tips, advice, and resources, saving you time and money on your path towards Location Independence.

You made it to Day 4 of the Zero to Location Independent Challenge.

Keep up the good work my friend, you are on your way towards creating a location independent business.  Only 1 more day to go!

Focus in on who exactly you are going to be reaching out to that is going to give you money (for what you have to offer).

You'll Learn:
  • What makes the decision making process a whole lot easier
  • How to get the confidence to put yourself out there
  • What you must do to get business
  • The first place to start when reaching out to your network
  • How to create a target list
  • The best way to find new clients quickly (and grow your business quickly)
  • Why it's important to develop relationships
  • The unsexy part of building a location independent business

Be sure to start with Day 1 and go in order: (Day 1) Zero To Location Independent Challenge (Day 2) Zero To Location Independent Challenge (Day 3) Zero To Location Independent Challenge


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