Young PR Pros: Episode #78 - Julia's Lessons Learned from Making a Big Mistake
Podcast |
Young PR Pros
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Higher Education
Publication Date |
Feb 28, 2014
Episode Duration |

It will happen to the best of us, eventually we will all make mistakes in our career, be it a typo, a misinterpreted quote, etc. But we can all rise up from our mistakes by learning from them.

Host, Julia Kent regales Kristine D'Arbelles with a story of how a typo caused a bit of a crisis in her office. She shares her experience and lessons learned on how she overcame her mistakes.

The important lesson to take away from Julia's story, is that our superiors are very understanding if we own up to our mistakes and promise to fix them.

We want to hear from you, did you ever make a big mistake in your career? What about a typo in a homework assignment? Did you fail? What are your lessons learned?

Share your comments below, or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or in our LinkedIn group, or on Pinterest, or send us an email at, or send us a message on Twitter @youngprpros@kristinedarbell or @kentjulia.

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