We have the answers to the current issues we are dealing with daily. We fail to realize that our true calling/purpose can be the solution to our problems. We look to find that “get rich scheme” business, programs or jobs that falsely advertise ways as to how to make a certain amount of money within a day or days. Thinking and believing that this is our “ticket” of success. Not realizing that you were already broke once you invested hundreds if not thousands of dollars in a company that doesn’t care about your worth or your gifts. You have it in you to be the solution to your problems and a blessing in your success as well in others. It’s already in you! Stop using your gifts as hobby! Stop overlooking and ignoring it. Embrace your power! Utilize your calling. Use what only you can give. Be unique! Be one of a kind! Be a blessing! Your goldmine will reward you 100 fold!
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