This week on Ship It! Gerhard talks with Lars Wikman (independent Elixir/BEAM software consultant) why sometimes a monolith running on a single host with continuous backups and a built-in self-restore capability is everything that a small team of developers needs. That's right, no Kubernetes or microservices. After 2 years of running, a Phoenix monolith, on Kubernetes, what do I think? Join our discuss and find out!
This week on Ship It! Gerhard talks with Lars Wikman (independent Elixir/BEAM software consultant) why sometimes a monolith running on a single host with continuous backups and a built-in self-restore capability is everything that a small team of developers needs. That’s right, no Kubernetes or microservices. After 2 years of running, a Phoenix monolith, on Kubernetes, what do I think? Join our discuss and find out!
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Show Notes:
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