Why kindness is our best hope to save the world - Publication Date |
- Jun 26, 2019
- Episode Duration |
- 00:21:14
If you watch, or read, or listen to the news...you’re probably afraid at least some of the time. And angry the rest of it. So how do we react to that? A lot of us shut down. But that won’t fix anything.
What might fix things though, is all of us caring more, and letting that empathy lead us towards action. And that is not a naive optimist's dream of a better world—it's a fact backed by both reams of research and a growing political movement that spans the globe. There's a bottom-line case for choosing compassion over cruelty, and the challenge of our time is convincing the people in power that empathy is in their best interests.
GUEST: Anne Kingston, Maclean's