Why archaeology will be the next harbor for technology - ArchaeoTech 166
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Publication Date |
Oct 28, 2021
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Paul and Chris talk about a Heritage Daily article that seems a bit starry-eyed about the role of archaeology in current and future technological innovations and use. The article linked below broadly discusses a number of technologies and we take a few of them and break them down.





Paul and Chris talk about a Heritage Daily article that seems a bit starry-eyed about the role of archaeology in current and future technological innovations and use. The article linked below broadly discusses a number of technologies and we take a few of them and break them down. Links * Why archaeology will be the next harbour for technology [https://www.heritagedaily.com/2021/10/why-archaeology-will-be-the-next-harbour-for-technology/141637?amp] * Drone Archaeology [https://dronearchaeology.com/] * Agent Based Modeling for Archaeology [https://santafeinstitute.github.io/ABMA/] Contact * Chris Webster * Twitter: @archeowebby [http://www.twitter.com/archeowebby] * Email: chris@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com * Paul Zimmerman * Twitter: @lugal [http://www.twitter.com/lugal] * Email: paul@lugal.com ArchPodNet * APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com [https://www.archpodnet.com/] * APN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archpodnet * APN on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/archpodnet * APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet * Tee Public Store [https://www.teepublic.com/stores/archaeology-podcast-network?ref_id=5724] Affiliates * Wildnote [http://www.wildnoteapp.com/] * TeePublic [https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=5724&ref_type=aff] * Timeular [https://timeular.com/ref/chriswebster/]

Paul and Chris talk about a Heritage Daily article that seems a bit starry-eyed about the role of archaeology in current and future technological innovations and use. The article linked below broadly discusses a number of technologies and we take a few of them and break them down.





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