There is no magic bullet, no silver bullet; there is no one size fits all to creating an inclusive workplace
Find out why promoting a “One Size Fits All” approach to Diversity is huge mistake.
Here are some key messages from this episode
* The Strategic Error of a “One Size Fits All” approach to Diversity
* Two Perspectives to consider for your inclusion activities
* Why copying best practices may be bad news for you and much much more:
Play the episode for more.
Here are some key takeaways from this episode
Copying and pasting from other companies leads to poor strategies
“The problem of one size fits all approach is it means that organisations will attempt to duplicate initiatives or programs that they have seen in other organisations without tailoring it to the needs of their specific organisation”
Duplicating what works in one aspect of diversity may not work with others
“What I’m saying is the approach you use for gender, may not travel well when you apply it to other areas. But so many people still try to do exactly that!”
Treating employees as a homogenous group is ineffective
“These groups have different experiences in the workplace, all face potential disadvantage but it shows up in different ways; they’re subject to different stereotypes”
Here are some resources so you can go deeper
Dr Richard Norrie: Understanding the Two Sides of Diversity
My LSE Video about Ethnic Penalty
Check out these related episodes of the show
Why Using the Term “Minority Groups” is a Problem
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