Meet your president's Cabinet! Who was appointed, by what margin, and a look at the backgrounds of the people filling these critical roles.
In other words, who is running our country? Let's find out.
This is the second part of a two-part episode.
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- To see Civics 101 in book form, check out gV4ZTnupzh9kEv4AEpX7jHVhvqqXVSZmOAryjrgo.MKpOMk22W8ZBn4vph5XOhdkQKfDGhDHp_JT2GsIHBws&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+user%27s+guide+to+democracy&qid=1730151470&s=audible&sr=1-1-catcorr">A User's Guide to Democracy: How America Works by Hannah McCarthy and Nick Capodice, featuring illustrations by Tom Toro.
- Check out our other weekly NHPR podcast, Outside/In - we think you'll love it!
Meet your president's Cabinet! Who was appointed, by what margin, and a look at the backgrounds of the people filling these critical roles.
In other words, who is running our country? Let's find out.
This is the second part of a two-part episode.
Want our new "Civics is my cup of tea" mug? CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND GET YOURS!
CLICK HERE: Visit our website to see all of our episodes, donate to the podcast, sign up for our newsletter, get free educational materials, and more!
- To see Civics 101 in book form, check out gV4ZTnupzh9kEv4AEpX7jHVhvqqXVSZmOAryjrgo.MKpOMk22W8ZBn4vph5XOhdkQKfDGhDHp_JT2GsIHBws&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+user%27s+guide+to+democracy&qid=1730151470&s=audible&sr=1-1-catcorr">A User's Guide to Democracy: How America Works by Hannah McCarthy and Nick Capodice, featuring illustrations by Tom Toro.
- Check out our other weekly NHPR podcast, Outside/In - we think you'll love it!