Welcome back to We Wonder: Lent. One of the first things Jesus said to his friends was "Follow me." Throughout this season, we have been following Jesus through the gospel of Mark. Today we are in the very middle of Lent, and we are right in the middle of Mark's gospel. It is a very important moment in the book: will the disciples finally understand who Jesus is? And what will happen when he tells them what he has come to do?
Mark 8:27 - 9:1
Now Jesus has taken his friends away from the seaside and away from the crowds, far up north on the side of a mountain near Caesarea Philippi. I wonder why he wanted to go away to a quieter place to have this conversation?
Can I imagine the scene, as they walk along? Jesus asks his friends what people are saying about him, and they share some of the things we've been hearing. Now he stops, and turns directly to them. I wonder how it felt, when Jesus looked right at his friends and asked them, "Who do *you* say that I am"?
The word "Messiah" means God's anointed, or chosen, king. I wonder what has helped Peter and the disciples to finally be able to see who Jesus really is? Can I believe, with them, that Jesus is the king God has sent into the world?
Israel already had a king: King Herod. And in Caesarea Philippi, there was a brand-new temple to the Roman Emperor, who ruled over Herod. I wonder if it was dangerous for Jesus to announce that he was the true king of Israel?
The Jews in Jesus's time believed that when Messiah came, he would finally rule over Israel and make everything right. The Messiah would fight God's enemies and win! I wonder what it was like for the disciples to hear Jesus say that instead, he would lose: he would be rejected and killed?
I wonder why Peter felt like he needed to scold Jesus? Did he think Jesus was wrong about God's kingdom and God's ways? I wonder what he said to Jesus?
When the Romans arrested criminals and sentenced them to death, they made the criminals carry the bar of the cross to the place where they would be nailed to it and die. I wonder what it was like for Jesus's friends to hear him say that following him means following along to the place where he will die? What is it like for me to hear that today?
Jesus tells his friends that the only way to save their lives is to lose them. I wonder what Jesus wants us to see about who God is, and how God works to save people? Can I ask Jesus to help me understand?
Jesus also says to his friends that some of them will live to see God's kingdom coming in all its power. It sounds like this kingdom might be different from what they're expecting, just like Jesus is a different kind of king. I wonder what they will see?
These are hard words today. Jesus's disciples have finally seen that he is God's king, but he is not doing or saying the kinds of things we expect a king to do. Is there anything I want to say to Jesus about the words I have heard today?
🙏🏾 PRAY:
Jesus of Nazareth, son of God: thank you that we have a book filled with your words and deeds. Give us the wisdom and understanding that comes from your Holy Spirit, so that we can know you better and follow you all the days of our lives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
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sarah@wewonderpod.com Thanks so much for listening, and I'll see you tomorrow!