When Harry Met Sally (1989) and Gemini Man (2019)
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jan 24, 2022
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I'll have what she's having, etc. etc. In this episode we tackle what Bob and Mike think is the greatest rom com ever made - When Harry Met Sally (natch) - and compare it to a pretty bad special effects showcase starring two (!) Will Smiths: Gemini Man! As you all know, Bob loves romcoms so this is a very exciting episode for him. 

We also talk about the romcom queen Meg Ryan (where is she now?), reading books for a change, special effects, and of course, Harry Connick Jr., as we always do!

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email us at fromjustintokane@gmail.com

Artwork by Josh Holinaty:  http://www.holinaty.com

Music by Doug Hoyer:  http://www.doughoyer.com 

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