What Yinz Talkin' Bout is the conversation about the Steelers social media conversation, exposing the week's hottest and most toxic takes. Today, we have a special presentation: Steelers March Sadness Play-In week. In March, we'll showcase the 64 saddest moments in Steelers history, but there are more moments than there are spots in the dance. Comedian Earl Skakel (Netflix, Comedy Central, The Ric Flair Roast) will help us determine which 10 moments will make it to the tournament of 64. WARNING: only for hardcore fans of Steelers history. This conversation will include triggering references that include, but are not limited to, George Atkinson, CJ Anderson and Dorian Thompson-Robinson. Hosted by Kyle Chrise and Greg Benevent. Follow Earl Skakel on twitter @EarlSkakel.
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