What To Do When You’re No Longer Passionate About Your Business
Publisher |
Chris Harder
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Feb 15, 2023
Episode Duration |

What can you do when you’re feeling stuck in a career or business that you're no longer passionate about, but you also can't immediately get out of it? I’ve definitely been there before and the one thing that really got me through it was focusing on the joy and gratitude for what that current job was providing me. 

My business didn’t light me up, but I had financial stability, a roof over my head, and a car in my driveway. I had the foundation I needed to figure out what my next career move should be, and that was enough to keep me going in the meantime. 

If you’re feeling stuck or the in-between, listen in to learn how you can start coming up with a long-term plan and head towards your new passion. 



  • The best piece of advice I ever received about passion and business 

  • The problem with constantly moving on from things when they become monotonous 

  • A strategy to bridge that gap between where you are today and where you want to be in the future 

  • Tips for discovering what you’re truly passionate about 



  • Text me the word ROUNDTABLE to 310-421-0416 if you want to be considered for the very first roundtable VIP business strategy session.  



Follow Me: @chriswharder

Visit My Website: https://chrisharder.me 

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