Now that 2018 is soon to expire, what is your NEXT move? What is your NEXT decision? When will your NEXT be NOW? Will it be January 2019? Will it be in six months? Will it be when you get your tax refund check in the mail? When??? You may not have everything in order, your marriage maybe at risk or your job is cutting your pay, whatever is going on, don’t allow those issues to distract you from your NEXT assignment, opportunity, goal, or level in your life! I know it can get frustrating when you don’t know what your NEXT is! Yes it’s embarrassing to admit. But it’s okay, because God knows what you’re NEXT is! He already knows what your life will be like. He can direct you to the path where you need to go. All you have to do is let your NEXT lead you to Him so He can guide you to Your Next ( season, harvest, destiny).
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