- Publication Date |
- Jan 11, 2019
- Episode Duration |
- 00:41:46
Peter Gibbs hosts the horticultural panel programme from the Bishop's Palace in Wells. Bob Flowerdew, Anne Swithinbank and Matt Biggs answer the questions.
This week, the panellists offer their top three pieces of advice for a novice gardener, advise on how best to level out an uneven lawn, and compare notes on their favourite winter shrubs.
Also, they help a questioner battling with greedy house sparrows, try to coax an old Begonia into flowering, and offer tips on how to make heavy clay soil more manageable to garden on.
Claire Ratinon takes a different view of weeds. Should we just learn to love them?
Produced by Hannah Newton
Assistant Producer: Laurence Bassett
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4