Web Mapping and Active Learning With LIDAR Data - Ep 127
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Science & Medicine
Publication Date |
Apr 30, 2020
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The phrase, “archaeologists aren’t taught to do that” is prevalent in archaeology. What are archaeologist’s taught? Well, this paper attempts to use alternative methods and crowdsourcing to analyze LIDAR data and overcome some of the shortfalls of academic education.


  • 2020 Marion Forest, et. al., “Testing Web Mapping and Active Learning to Approach Lidar Data”. Advances in Archaeological Practice 8(1), 2020, pp 25-39:
  • DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.42
  • PDF of the Article
  • Bose Frames

App of the Day



The phrase, "archaeologists aren't taught to do that" is prevalent in archaeology. What are archaeologist's taught? Well, this paper attempts to use alternative methods and crowdsourcing to analyze LIDAR data and overcome some of the shortfalls of academic education. Links * 2020 Marion Forest, et. al., "Testing Web Mapping and Active Learning to Approach Lidar Data". Advances in Archaeological Practice 8(1), 2020, pp 25-39: * DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.42 [] * PDF of the Article * Bose Frames [https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/frames.html] App of the Day * Webby: Microsoft Soundscape [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/product/soundscape/] Contact * Chris Webster * Twitter: @archeowebby [http://www.twitter.com/archeowebby] * Email: chris@archaeologypodcastnetwork.com * Paul Zimmerman * Twitter: @lugal [http://www.twitter.com/lugal] * Email: paul@lugal.com Affiliates * Wildnote [http://www.wildnoteapp.com/] * TeePublic [https://www.teepublic.com/?ref_id=5724&ref_type=aff] * Timeular [https://timeular.com/ref/chriswebster/]

The phrase, “archaeologists aren’t taught to do that” is prevalent in archaeology. What are archaeologist’s taught? Well, this paper attempts to use alternative methods and crowdsourcing to analyze LIDAR data and overcome some of the shortfalls of academic education.


  • 2020 Marion Forest, et. al., “Testing Web Mapping and Active Learning to Approach Lidar Data”. Advances in Archaeological Practice 8(1), 2020, pp 25-39:
  • DOI: 10.1017/aap.2019.42
  • PDF of the Article
  • Bose Frames

App of the Day



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