What a fun show! On this episode, we have a riot with Jessica, Tracy, and Heather from Vaginamyte! We talk about girl power, bags of dicks, saying 'I Love you' or NOT, football, and more... We have jokes, news, elephant brothels, music, top 10s, and we play the Dice of Destiny!Vaginamyte is a brand formed by members of all-girl bands (currently Faded Grace, Cruella, and Wild natives) and they produce videos, music, and other online content that is really fun! They just wrapped up season 1 of "She Wants The D", a web series that follows some very passionate Dallas Cowboys Fans through the last weeks of the 2018-2019 Season!We have music from Cruella and Faded Grace and the entire show is a laugh a minute good time!Enjoy the show... see the girls LIVE at one of their upcoming shows... I suggest Feb 22nd at the Curtain Club!WANT TO START YOUR OWN PODCAST?? Head over to
SPREAKER.COM to signup and use the Promo code WHISKEY to get 1 month free when you get any Pro package! (
https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=whiskey)Thank you for listening to WhiskeyBoy Radio, I appreciate each and every one of you!Be sure to check out and support other independent podcasters, YouTubers, and local bands!Go visit our website at
WhiskeyBoyRadio.com - Be sure to follow the show on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @WhiskeyBoyRadio - Call our shows' studio and comment line at 972-853-1359, Subscribe via Spreaker, iTunes, iHeart, Stitcher, TuneIn, and Follow us on Spotify!Guest Links:Vaginamyte ({}) -
https://vaginamyte.com/Sponsor Links:Texas Podcast Massacre -
http://texaspodcastmassacre.com/Physical Attraction -