6 God raised us up with Christ. He has seated us with him in his heavenly kingdom. That’s because we belong to Christ Jesus. 7 He has done it to show the riches of his grace for all time to come. His grace can’t be compared with anything else. He has shown it by being kind to us. He was kind to us because of what Christ Jesus has done. 8 God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift. 9 It is not based on anything you have done. No one can brag about earning it. 10 We are God’s creation. Now we can do good works. Long ago, God prepared these works for us to do.
Jesus Christ, you are our peace. Because of your death and resurrection, God gives us life even when we are dead in sin. Now we are called to follow you. Help us sing your praise in all that we do and say.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We Wonder is written and hosted by Sarah Dahl, and produced by Richard Clark. You can connect with us at
sarah@wewonderpod.com, or on Instagram and Twitter @wewonderpod.
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