Tough Conversations
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Publication Date |
May 06, 2021
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A leader, initially described to his coach as clueless, confronts a hard truth about himself. In the process, he gains a four-step tool to guide him through tough conversations.

Core Concepts in this episode: To convey a tough message and maintain a positive relationship: 1. Start with a full-stop. Act, don’t RE-act. Identify why this conversation is important.

2. Express intention. Say why you’re having the conversation and what your concerns are.

3. Be clear. Be simple. Identify what you wish were different specifically.

4. Attend to the relationship. At every step, even in the conversation, consider the other person.

Related Archive Categories: Communication Skills Management Skills Relationship Skills

Related Tips & Episodes: Combating Emotional Hijacks

The Conflict Conversation

A Difficult Conversation

Short Sounds Confident

Smoothing Harsh Edges

Books to boost your skills in tough conversation:

Difficult Conversations

Crucial Conversations


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